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Deskyl and DZ in Valdemar
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"I expect so, yes, but she's not well enough to learn new techniques right now."


"...Right. Er, on the assumption that she doesn't want to be leaking everywhere, ought I arrange for the two of you to stay in a shielded room?"  


"Yes please."


Nod. "Ought to be feasible. The rooms in the guest wing aren't shielded by default but I'll, hmm," she doesn't actually want to leave to go prepare it, "I'll ask my friend to do it." Herald-Mage Justen won't mind. "Good?" 


"Yes, ma'am, thank you. And please make sure that she won't be disturbed; she wakes up disoriented sometimes and can be violent if she feels threatened."


"...That's extremely good to know. Thank you. And, er, are there any other things like that, or customs from your world, that I should know about? Van seemed to think that was relevant. I don't want to accidentally offend her. Or you." 


"I should explain Sith, yes, ma'am." She pauses to consider how to do it. "The most important thing to know is that Sith culture is very violent; rank is important to them, and is gained by defeating other Sith in combat - any Sith outranks any non-Sith, and the only laws that apply to them are ones imposed by stronger Sith. Xaari Deskyl in particular is very calm for a Sith, and I don't expect her to attack anyone if she's not provoked, but you shouldn't expect her to tolerate being challenged or opposed; she'll take it as a threat."


"That does seem important to know. Thank you for telling me." She's wondering if Vanyel knew that, or was just vaguely guessing that he was missing context. "I think that answers my questions for now. Er, do you have any?" 


"Can you tell me about what will be expected of us, while Xaari Deskyl is recovering and afterward, please?"


"Hmm. I'm not sure I know the answer to that yet, definitely not the 'afterward' part. We deeply appreciate your help up north, and with healing my nephew – and we'd house and feed you anyway until you're settled and Deskyl is recovered. Afterward will be up to you and Deskyl. You don't even have to stay in Haven unless you want to. Van made it sound like the Force sort of tugs you around to where you're needed...?"

She stops. Frowns. "Deskyl mustn't murder anyone. Or seriously harm them. That's against the law here. Even if they challenged her first, though I'll do my very best to make sure that doesn't happen and I don't see why it would." 


"I can't guarantee that she won't, ma'am."


Sigh. "Well, just so you know. I would try my best but I can't guarantee her safety here if she does. Though I imagine she's all right at defending herself. Just, my nephew seems to like the two of you, it would upset him if she ended up in trouble with the law here." 


She nods. "It might help for me to tell her that; I will if it seems like a good idea when I've talked to her about it. And - Sith don't usually take guidance from the Force that way; I don't expect her to start."


"Right. Well, that's all I had to say." Savil will just keep pacing until that door opens again, unless DZ speaks to her again. 


She doesn't.

She does seek Savil out again after lunch, with two lists of items Deskyl can use to make a power generator - one list for if there's a waterwheel available to use, or one can be made; the other more complicated one for if there isn't and the generator has to use sunlight instead.


Does she need a dedicated waterwheel or only part of the time? There’s one about a half-mile down the river, just before it leaves the Palace grounds, but as well as being slightly inconveniently located, at it’s hooked up to a grain-mill and in use part of the day. If that’s fine, then Savil will check out the relevant list to give an estimate of how long it’ll take her to gather up the materials in question.


It will probably be good enough; they won't know how much power it generates until they have everything set up. In the worst case DZ will have to be careful with her power use until Deskyl can get a second generator set up, which is fine.


Savil reads over the list. 

"This should be doable," she says finally. "It'll take a couple of days to assemble it all, though. I'll swing by when I have, or come find me again if you need something sooner than that." 


"Yes ma'am, thank you."


The next couple of days are uneventful; Deskyl spends most of her time asleep, and DZ stays in the room with her. The morning of the third day, though, she goes looking for Van.


It's not going to be that easy finding him, unless she thinks to ask one of the Companions out and about in the grounds, in which case it'll be trivial to find out that he's teaching a lesson in one of the sealed Work Rooms but will be out very soon. 


She does think to ask Yfandes; she goes to wait for him.


Vanyel slips out from behind the powerful magical shields when he opens the door, and several younger teenagers dart out ahead of him and run off, chattering to each other. He stops, remembering to use Mindspeech with her this time. :Deskyl?: 


:Mmhmm.: She walks over and gestures for him to keep going in the direction he was headed in. :My droid says she suggested we take a carriage; I want to know why you chose to Gate instead.: Her tone is much calmer, today; she seems genuinely curious.


:Oh: He tenses, but follows her. :I, um, already got yelled at kind of a lot. For that. But... There's a few reasons. I know DZ wasn't going to actually die if she ran out of energy, but it still seemed worse for that to happen weeks before we could get back.'re injured: he winces as though expecting her to snap at him for mentioning it, :and she said she could tell me what to do but I was worried about messing it up. Um, and I wasn't actually expected to be away that long, for the mission – Companions are really fast, Yfandes and I could've made it in five days alone. So that could've been an issue if they were counting on having me back sooner:

He scuffs at the grass with his foot. :And then I tried to find us a carriage anyway, and the only merchant I could find who was leaving within the week seemed really sketchy, Yfandes didn't like him either. Trying to catch multiple rides from different people might've worked but it would've been complicated and we could have gotten stranded halfway for a while: 

He shrugs. :And...I don't like traveling very much. Gating is miserable but another fortnight or more on the road would have been miserable too: 

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