With Armsmaster's death, Miss Militia is promoted to team captain. Even with the losses, however, the Protectorate ENE doesn't get new capes—all teams got hit hard by the last Endbringer attack, and even though it was by all accounts a major victory, it did not cause capes to start lining up to join.
Days pass, and winter hits Brockton Bay. It's pretty mild, as winters go, but it's enough to drastically reduce criminal activity. The heroes have an altercation with white supremacists the following week, but nothing much comes of it, as cape muscle seems to prefer to remain comfortable inside. Capes nationwide are somewhat subdued, perhaps as the aftermath of the victory against Behemoth. Nothing much seems to change, however—the Simurgh continues to fly around in her unpredictable pattern, Leviathan continues to be impossible to locate, lurking in the depths of the ocean. The public gets hopelessly contradictory information about what really happened during the fight from unofficial sources, secretly fed from official ones to make sure people don't jump to the right conclusions, and the topic loses its momentum.
And all of this completely fails to distract Sadde, who seems to not be getting better from the post-battle funk. Or, at least, not straightforwardly better. The depression and fatalism turn—maybe not completely, but at least a bit—into unease and anxiety, or perhaps stir craziness. It is, after all, true that, other than for class, Sadde doesn't really leave HQ a whole lot, not since they reached the comfortable position of being able to patrol from the comfort of the console—of, in fact, being more effective when doing that, for the average uneventful patrol.
Fatalism, depression, anxiety, and unease, all combined into a Sadde-shaped ball, are currently floating upside down in Lorica's workshop, failing to read a book while she fugues.
(Although he usually does that by reading and he seems not-quite-able to focus...)
Well, the Boardwalk is a nice place to walk, isn't it?
...it occurs to him he hasn't really been spending a lot of his allowance, and that he actually has enough money to shop in some of these shops. Even the ones with the "enforcers"! That's a change. His conjured clothes aren't very fancy, but they're not shabby either—he's very much a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of guy, even if it's tight-jeans-and-t-shirt-that-make-him-lo
He starts idly window-shopping, looking at the various goods available for sale at prices much higher than can be found elsewhere in the city, if you know where to look.
On the other hand, he does buy this kind of stuff—books, electronics—when he feels he needs them. Which is "not often," libraries exist and he has a PRT-issued computer which suits all his needs, he's not much of an electronics guy. But, hmm, he was just thinking about his clothes, wasn't he? Perhaps he could browse this nice store for something, even if only for inspiration for more imaginary clothing.
He walks in, confidently, drawing only the most casual side-eye from the enforcer at the door.
While his attention is on the clothes he bumps right into a young woman. Gosh, that's embarrassing, she fell right over. She needs help up.
"It's all right, I'm fine!" she assures him. She has such a nice smile. Is it really all right? Maybe he should make it up to her.
(She has such a nice everything. He doesn't stare, though. That'd be impolite.)
"Oh, thank you. I should have been watching where I was going." It's totally his fault though.
(Holy cow, though, is she pretty.)
(Not prettier than Bella.)
(...maybe a bit prettier than Bella. Come on, even Bella would say she's not indisputably the hottest person alive, there are bound to be people he'll find more physically attractive than his girlfriend.)
"So, uh, tourist or local?" he asks, out of politeness. She's clearly a tourist.
"Tourist. Why, is everything overpriced here?" Oh the poor thing she needs somebody to show her around.
"Overpriced's an understatement, they require you to promise your firstborn child." He shouldn't show her around. She'll think he's creepy, they've just met after he so rudely bumped into her, she probably doesn't want to see him ever again. But still, it can't hurt, can it...? And he's probably a better guide than she'll ever find. "I know several places that sell the same stuff or better for finite amounts of money, I could show you if you want...?" Good, make it clear he's not threatening and will totally take no for an answer and is not being a pushy creep, that's good.
"Wouldn't you know it, I only brought finite amounts of money." Hey, looks like success! She does not think he is a creep, lookit her smile. "Where are we going?"
"Downtown, it's a ways south, there are buses that way all the time. I think there are also tour buses," he adds dubiously.
"Oh, I decided not to do a formal tour," she says. "You don't get to meet anyone that way." Smile.
...bad. Do not kiss the stranger. That is creepy and also you have a girlfriend.
"Well then I guess I can be your impromptu guide!"
"You weren't busy trying to get rid of a firstborn child?" she asks, glancing around at the merchandise.