Sadde and Bell in Worm
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Robots zoom the monkey to HQ for Max to vivisect or whatever it is he'll wind up doing.

Glam continues aiding in the various fights, containing monkeys with Siberian-binds so they won't escape and so Windflower will be able to kill them. they need to? Maybe if they squeeze a bit... nope, bad idea, tree sprouting, be on fire.

The bots reach HQ without further trouble—apparently whichever mechanism the monkeys use to kill themselves or become trees cannot be activated if they're bound and gagged. That, or this particular specimen lacks that ability.

The specimen is handed off to Max, who does horrific things to it as fast as he can.


And after about half an hour, during which the heroes slowly but surely continue taking down those trees and chasing monkeys and reducing their numbers, he'll have something to show for his work: while it's not possible to reproduce pheromones themselves, it's possible to manufacture something that mimics the monkeys' receptors and indicates the presence of said pheromones in even pretty small quantities in the air.


"Glam, can you get me pheromone-detectors that interface with bots?"


"Sure, what are they like?"


The shoulderbot transmits what Max came up with.


It is, apparently, a chemical substance that reacts to the monkeys' pheromones. Glam invents a bullshit detector that uses the chemical, and starts outfitting bots with it.


And bots - those that can be spared from the gradually shrinking fight with the trees - go on a Blasto hunt.


There seem to be a few pockets of faint pheromones in some localized spots, including a few that are other hives similar to the giant tree they just found. These hives seem to be mostly content in just existing, at least for now.


Bots monitor them and notify the others so Windflower can be sent in to kill them. That all?


Yyyy—no. There's a trail, more recent and concentrated, leading Northwest...




(Brockton Bay sure does seem to have a lot of those, doesn't it?)

There is a much stronger cloud of the pheromones around it. Not like they were actively spread on it, but more like someone has been using them for a while and they've formed a cloud around the building.

The bot notifies everyone of this situation.


"Approach carefully, watch all exits, avoid detection. Drupe, go to that building. Glam, focus there."


"Copy that," says Glam, who loves saying this kind of thing.

"What about me?" asks Windflower.

"Don't have a kill order on Blasto. Yet," Lorica tells her. "Hang back and kill trees."
Glam creates a few more bots around the building, as well as a couple of copies.

"...if those monkeys could camouflage like that, so can I," they say, and their bots get nigh-invisible, too, as well as the two copies they conjure there.

"Ha. Thank you Glam." Camo bots can approach a leeeeetle closer.


Boarded up windows, but through the cracks bits of a lab very similar to the one they first found Blasto in can be seen.


Bots relay images to interested parties.


"Surround the building with bots, make sure no exit is unwatched. Wait for Drupe to arrive, Dauntless and Velocity should go, too, for mobility in case Blasto tries to es cape. Glam I want your entire attention there when not looking at Windflower's barriers."




"Copy that."

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