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boots yells at lancir
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It's not that bad but I do appreciate the help a lot.


Well, there’s a trainee not doing anything at the moment who can accompany her if she wants.


And she writes till dark and goes to bed.


In the morning, she’ll sense Vanyel coming shortly before he knocks. “Bella?”


Good morning!


He looks about thirty percent less tired than the day before. “Um, good morning, are you busy?”


Not yet! What's up?


"I, um... I was trying to think about whether I could tell you about the thing and it still seemed impossible and I thought maybe I could write it down but then I tried and I just wasn't writing any words for some reason and then I remembered there's a whole official report on it so I realized I could actually just go get that from the Archives and nobody would care and anyway here can you just read it while I wait around the corner or something?" 

He says all of it in one breath and holds out an envelope at her. 



I don't speak the language. Do you want me to ask someone else to read it for me?


He gives her a look of absolute consternation. “I forgot! Sorry! I, um...” long pause, “I can read it it’s easier if it’s not my own words but can I please not do it out in the hallway?”


Sure. Where would be more comfortable?


He stares at her with the blank look of someone who has no idea how to have preferences on this subject.


Do you want to come in?


Vanyel nods and steps across the threshold and then takes a folded paper out of the envelope and starts to unfold it. He drops the envelope; his hands are shaking; but he ignores it and stares determinedly at the paper. “Can I read it now and get it over with?”


I'm ready.


Vanyel gets a couple of words in and interrupts himself with “sorry standard introduction” and skips ahead. 

It’s definitely an official report, written in dry formal phrases; Vanyel reads it with a matching flat tone. It starts by describing a set of unfortunate events with a family feud, which only begins to make sense when it adds that a son of one of the feuding families (Vanyel does not read the name and skips that entire line) was a Herald trainee under Savil, with a strong mage-gift. And a twin-bond with his brother, unfortunately not known of until he had some sort of magical seizure when his brother was violently murdered.

It was noted by Queen’s Own Lancir shortly after that he was also lifebonded to Savil’s nephew and ward-

Vanyel reads off his own name and then sits down suddenly on the floor. :Can I do the rest in Mindspeech?:


- you don't actually have to do anything besides read it to yourself, the speaking isn't helping me understand.


"What? Oh I guess that makes sense..." He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths and then keeps reading, silently. 

Trainee [name skipped] is lifebonded to Vanyel – lifebonds are a rare, poorly-understood magical phenomenon where two people are instantly deeply in love and also share magical reserves in some specific way – and also now the sole heir to a contentious border landholding and a future Herald. Queen's Own Lancir talks him out of some sort of ill-advised revenge plot via Mindhealing. Through some complicated decision-making process, it's then determined that he (and Savil, and Vanyel, and it turns out Savil's two other students) should be sent to said landholding in order to figure out succession before someone manages to start a civil war. There was a foreign mage for hire involved and this is apparently a bad sign. 

They don't get to find out if the plan-as-specified would have worked, because the foreign mage in question turns up again and kidnaps Vanyel. The fastest-able-to-move of those present, the Heralds and trainees, take up a search, which turns into an unexpected battle in the woods with wyrsa, magically-changed monsters suspiciously brought in from elsewhere. It's a bit hard to follow what happens next, because Vanyel is not focusing very well and keeps skipping lines by mistake, but [unnamed trainee] peels off to look for Vanyel, finds him, is cornered by wyrsa, and attempts an emergency Gate out. This is a very challenging spell that he shouldn't actually be powerful or trained enough to do, but he gets instructions from his Companion and is able to draw on Vanyel's life-energy as fuel. He gets most of the way through and then his Companion, who's been trying to hold the monsters off, dies. 

He finishes the Gate, shoves Vanyel through, and casts Final Strike, turning all of his life-energies into a very large fireball which takes out most of the landholding. 

This is, unsurprisingly, not very good for Vanyel. It's briefly mentioned here that people generally don't survive losing a lifebonded partner. 

Somewhere in the process, probably via having Gate-energy violently backlashed through him when a student takes the Gate down with poor technique, he ends up with both a large number of very strong uncontrolled Gifts and an allergy to Gates in particular.

Vanyel puts it down. :Can I stop now? There's more and maybe it's important but...: He trails off. 


If it seems important later we can go over it later. I'm really impressed that you came up with a workaround for having trouble talking about it.


"...Really?" He knuckles at his eyes. "It's not impressive. I should be able to just talk about it." 


You are not dead. You are already outperforming baseline for this situation by a really wide margin.


Vanyel nods, shakily, and picks himself up off the floor. "Thank you. I'm...trying...really hard." He shrugs. "That was sort of all I came here to do, if you want to have your breakfast in peace I can go away now." 


Okay. You look like you could use some time to catch your breath, do you want to meet again later today or save it for another time? I don't know what your schedule looks like.


"I think I have..." His eyes go unfocused again. "I have to teach a lesson before lunch but then I was just going to help Savil with a routine thing in the afternoon and Yfandes says she can do it fine by herself. I think I would prefer to talk to you then."

He looks self-conscious. "And, um, I wondered if I could get you to help me sleep again? It was really nice in the afternoon, but then my body was sort of confused what time it was and I had trouble sleeping again last night. I have trouble sleeping a lot and...and everything is harder when I'm tired." 


Well, of course everything's harder when you're tired. It doesn't take much time, I don't mind putting you to sleep most nights if you need it. It's pretty darn hard to overdose on sleep.

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