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boots yells at lancir
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Vanyel thinks silently for another thirty seconds or so. "...I got really disoriented when I went to leave? I couldn't remember where it was relative to other places, or something, and I sort of got stuck for a minute or two. It wasn't that bad though, Yfandes just told me which way to walk and as soon as I was out of sight of my old room it was fine."  


That... shouldn't be a side effect of what I did unless I made a mistake, and I didn't think I did, but might be an interaction between it and something of Lancir's. Can you show me the place and see if you get disoriented again or if you remember all right from yesterday?


"All right, I can do that."

Vanyel's starts walking. They arrive at what seems to be the opposite end of an L-shaped wing from where Vanyel's current room is, separated by a courtyard with a screen of trees. "Um, this is it. Savil lived here before." He says the words like he's reading them from a not-very-interesting textbook. "The room with the glass door was my bedroom. Um, and this is the old Work Room. It used to have a normal sized door but they made it bigger because–" he goes rigid, "–because... bad things." He looks around blankly. 


I think earlier you mentioned that Yfandes can fit through the door?


"Yes." He shuffles his feet and looks at nothing in particular. "...I stayed in there," he pushes out finally. "After Yfandes Chose me. Couldn't control my Gifts. Needed shielding to be safe. And not to have 'Fandes shielded out." 


Bella nods. Can you show me the way back from here?


Vanyel makes a face, turns to squint down the path left of the door, then right. "...I think it was this way?" He starts walking in the direction they came from, initially with uncertainty but gradually seeming more confident that this is, in fact, the right direction. 


Do you usually get confused about which way to go when you've been somewhere only the day before?


"...I don't know? Maybe if it were in a city I'd just moved to, but I usually have a good sense of direction." He grimaces. "I just...lose my thread of thought a lot." 


I think it would be ideal to talk to Lancir, probably together, before I try to do anything else, even shore up my association pinch.


Vanyel doesn't look happy about this, but he shrugs. "I guess, if you think we should." 


I'm just worried if I run into something of his and don't know it's there, it it'll be a mess neither of us can fix that doesn't help you at all.


"That makes sense." Vanyel takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. "All right. We can do that. Yfandes says he has some space between meetings right now." 


"Good." This she says out loud, she's heard it a few times.


Vanyel notices, and actually smiles at her. "You're learning the language! I guess you have an advantage if you can tell what people mean with your subtle arts." 


In some ways that's actually a handicap because I don't find myself forced to practice, but yes.


"I don't mind practicing with you." He starts walking. 


Follow follow.


They reach the main building and go inside. Lancir is in his office; he sets down the document he was reading over. "Yes, what is it?" 


Vanyel tenses up noticeably. 


Vanyel, I need you to authorize me to talk to him about this, and him to talk to me, but we can take it from there if you'd rather sit out?


Vanyel's shoulders go up around his ears, turtle-like, but he doesn't move. "You can both talk to each other about me." He grits his teeth, takes a slow breath, lets it out. "But I think I want to stay and hear what you say. I...would wasn't happening behind my back." 


Of course.

Lancir, I think it might not be safe for me to proceed without knowing what artificial effects are already there, can you enumerate them for us?


Lancir frowns. "...I'm not sure I'd be able to describe most of it verbally. Hmm. You can read deeper than what you need to understand us, correct? Maybe if I just use my Sight and do a survey, and you can watch along – does that work?"


If Vanyel's okay with it.

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