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boots yells at lancir
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Okay. Are you sure you want to start today? We should go to your room so you can be comfortably in your own bed during all the unconsciousness. Also someone should turn you over now and then, you'll be out a long time.


"I want to do it today," Vanyel says firmly. "Um, unless you're too tired or something." 


"I can turn him," Savil offers. "I'd rather stay the whole time anyway." 


I'm not too tired to start now, I haven't done anything intense today.


Then they can go back to Vanyel's room, and Yfandes can relay a message to Lancir that this is where they'll be. 


Lancir catches up to them in the hallway and greets Savil. "You're ready?" 


As I'll ever be. Inconveniently I can't relate any anecdotes about the last time I spent hours on end working on the same person. Vanyel, say when?


Vanyel curls up on his bed. "I'm ready." 


And he's out.

She nods at Lancir.


Lancir nods and closes his eyes and the fence starts coming down. The small fiddly bits take longer, but he seems to be able to selectively pick out the pieces that are non-native material, and it takes less than twenty minutes. "Clear enough for you? I can watch now." 


Nod nod.

Nightmares first. She's done this a lot, Utumno victims, just gum up the works between terror and dreams, and it'll kick loose but not for a few days.

Then she starts going down the list, pinch, pinch, pinch.


"...Fascinating." At some point, Lancir lifts a hand. "If you're curious, what you're doing is showing up in my Sight – here, have a look." He unshields so that she can read it off him. "The one for nightmares – here – almost just a standard block like we'd do, but there's no way I could get it in where you put it." It shows up to him as a net-like structure, but draped through part of a floor and wall, overlapping the same metaphorical space. "Mine have to go around the long way, more interference with other functions. Yours is much neater, though I have to say it doesn't look very durable." 

"And the other ones..." He points out a region by dint of poking at it very slightly so that it brightens and wiggles. "You didn't add anything, or take anything away – you just moved it." There is, in fact, a place where it looks like the metaphorical rickety-ladder has been slid over relative to another structure. A tapestry – which turns into something a lot more complicated and three-dimensional when Lancir looks closer – is now on the other side of a window, thus avoiding a cobweb strung across from the ceiling, but the cobweb itself is undisturbed.

"Those are the obvious ones," Lancir adds. "I think a lot of what you're doing is...happening somewhere my Sight can't quite reach. I only have a partial view." He shrugs. "Anyway, carry on. I don't want to slow you down." 


It's not supposed to be very durable! Everything I'm doing right now is temporary so he can think straight about what he wants to keep more durably.

Pinch pinch pinch pinch.


“...Is everything going by the plan?” Savil says eventually. “Should I turn him now? It’s been a while.”


Turn him as convenient, won't bother me a bit. Going fine.


Savil does so and then eventually starts reading a book.


Eventually: I'm going to nudge him from here to actually asleep - being unconscious like this isn't as restful as it looks. And get something to eat and go to sleep myself. He shouldn't have any nightmares, but if he does, or if he wakes up before I do, wake me up. He should toss and turn normally while asleep, so you shouldn't need to turn him till morning. Tomorrow I'll finish everything I'm trying to do while he's out, and then do the thing where I force him calm so we can talk about what's next.


“Works for me.” Savil yawns and stretches. “Where are you going to sleep - will you be far?”


Uh, if there happens to be an empty bed next door it's possible I should take that so I can act fast if there's a loud noise and he wakes up in a panic. If there's not then where I've been staying is fine.


“You might as well stay in my suite? It’s three doors down - here’s the key - spare bedroom’s the one on the right.”


Lancir stands as well. “I think it’s not worth my coming back tomorrow unless you want me to? I’ve got the gist of how your thing works according to my Sight, which seems mostly to be that I can’t tell what you’re doing except a bit around the edges. Savil can reach me via Taver if you do end up wanting me here urgently, though.”


Sounds good on both counts. Thank you.

She wakes Vanyel up only for the split second it takes to sleep him again for the night. And then she takes the key, goes and grabs a quick dinner, and sends herself to sleep in Savil's spare room.


Vanyel doesn’t stir all night, aside from a normal amount of tossing and turning. It’s a very boring night for Savil. She finishes her book and borrows another one at random off Vanyel’s shelf. She’s not sure exactly when Bella is planning to wake up, but at dawn she starts brewing a pot of tea.


Bella is up a little after dawn. She checks by arts to see that the room is occupied and Vanyel is still asleep, tells Savil I'm going to go grab breakfast for me and Vanyel both, he'll be hungry when I wake him up, and does this.


Savil is waiting for her.

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