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Shavri gets about half a word into some flavour of horrified apology and then, more sensibly, drops the link entirely. 


Vanyel is paying enough attention to notice Bella's face. He almost interrupts to ask what's wrong and then remembers to raise his hand instead. It doesn't feel like anything has just gone terribly wrong. 


She takes a deep breath. Sorry, someone interrupted me. I don't think I fumbled anything but I'm going to check up on that next.


"Oh. All right." He's relieved it wasn't something he did wrong but he's still going to stay as still and non-interrupty as possible for the next bit. 


Everything looks like it did five minutes ago, we're good. Thank you for raising your hand. Questions or anything before I start up again?


He wants to ask who interrupted her but that probably isn't his business. "No, keep going. Oh, um, Savil will be pretty back soon with food." 


Can you tell her to wait for me to open the door? I'll go in little bursts till then.


Vanyel can do that. 


And she can open the door for Savil once she arrives.


Savil has lots of food for them. "How's everything going? Van, you holding up all right?" 


Vanyel smiles weakly at her. "We thought of something to try! Bella says the, er, lifebond damage is actually structurally a different thing from remembering Tylendel and missing him and so she's trying to separate them more, um, it's not going to fix either thing but she thinks they'll feed on each other less and I think it is helping but we're not done yet?" 


Well, Vanyel just said an entire paragraph of words about a topic that he hasn't been capable of discussing without fleeing the room in tears since any of it happened, so that seems like a lot of progress actually. 


Bella eats briskly.


Savil and Vanyel pick up a Mindspeech conversation that shouldn't disturb Bella. 


It does not! She goes back to what she was doing.

It's late afternoon, not yet dinnertime, when she says, Okay, what I've got left is about enough to put Vanyel to sleep and a touch more for emergency conversations - this is why I've wanted to be so quick about it, if he's generally sleep deprived he'll probably be able to get to sleep now and stay down till morning okay the once but doing it again tomorrow would be harder so I need to get him stable without constant calming tomorrow for sure. Anything to say or any questions before that?


Savil definitely has questions but they can wait until another day, so that sounds fine.


Bella sleeps him. And sighs and gets up and stretches.


...Okay so there's a very obvious question that Savil should have asked while Vanyel was conscious to be consulted, because she's running on a morning nap after being up all night and she really isn't sure if she can stay awake for however many hours are left until tomorrow morning.

"Bella, er, do I just need to be here or should I be awake and watching him the whole time? I'd tag someone else in but I'm not sure who and I didn't actually ask his permission. If I grab a nap now I'll be good all night." She'll manage napping on the floor if it's just once, surely, it isn't that long since her days out in the field.  


He's asleep not knocked out. He'll be fine, I just need to be woken if he wakes up and is freaking out.


Good, Savil will run over to her quarters and grab her travel bedroll. 


And Bella studies her language notes till dinnertime, gets dinner, and keeps an eye out for Shavri to apologize.


Shavri is currently hiding in her room in the trainee quarters, and does not come to the dining hall or wander conveniently near Companions’ Field.


Then she will have to wait for her apology. Bella goes to bed as early as she thinks she can fall asleep and reports first thing in the morning to Vanyel's room.


Savil is sitting on the side of the bed, holding Vanyel, who is crying quietly into her tunic. She addresses Bella in Mindspeech. :Sorry – someone made a noise in the hall twenty minutes ago and it woke him, I was trying to decide whether to wake you. Couldn't decide if this counted as freaking out and I didn't want to cost you more sleep than necessary:


Oh, sorry. Uh, okay to calm you again, Vanyel?

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