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boots yells at lancir
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"Oh, I do miss running water."


"So do I! It's not that I mind being on the road for the most part, but I've been on the southeast border region for a couple of years and some of the small towns down there have terrible amenities. Anyway, I'll get that set up and you properly on the Healers' list – er, do you have a full name you'd like me to put down for that?" 


"Isabella Mariel Swan."


Melody nods and writes it down phonetically in the Valdemaran script. "Pretty name. Sounds foreign but it's got a nice sound. Anyway, it's been lovely to meet you and I'll go work on all that. Oh – is anyone helping you with learning our language yet? That seems important in the long run." 


"I have been taught the alphabet and am picking up grammar and vocabulary by listening when people talk to me."


"Makes sense – that's a very useful ability you have, I really do want to see if I can replicate it, every so often on the border I'd see refugees who I didn't share a language with and that was really tricky." She puts away her notes and stands up. "I'll see you tomorrow? Feel free to just come by the House of Healing whenever it's a good time." 


"Sure, I'll be by when I have time."


Savil stands as well. "I'm going to go try to catch up on some work. See you around?" 


"See you."


Meanwhile, elsewhere on the Palace grounds:

"Van!" He's walking around in one of the gardens and Shavri jogs to catch up. "I'm sorry I bothered you earlier. I, um – I did a really embarrassing thing. You know Bella, the one from another plane who's sort of a Mindhealer? I, er, I tried to Mindspeak her to tell her Melody was here and I forgot she wouldn't know the protocols, so I accidentally interrupted her and she yelled at me – she apologized today but I feel so bad about it, I'm worried she's just going to think I'm annoying now."


", anyway, what've you been up to? I haven't seen you in days." 


"...I was busy with things. I, um, I actually wanted to just walk around by myself for a bit. See you tomorrow?" 


"Oh. Sorry. See you tomorrow." 


Bella spends the rest of the day practicing the alphabet and in the morning goes to breakfast.


...Vanyel sleeps in and misses his Mindspeech relay time. Also it seems like waking up is just going to involve ten minutes of crying before he’s ready to get out of bed. Which isn’t too bad actually, so he doesn’t bother to tell anyone except Yfandes.


Melody is in the dining hall, busy writing something in her notebook, but she notices Bella come in and waves, gesturing at the free spot next to her.


Bella goes to sit with her. Hi.


"Did you sleep well? I sorted out a room, actually there's a couple free you could choose between, maybe after breakfast we can go talk there? There's not really a better quiet place, Healers' is packed today." 


Sure, makes sense, though quiet per se doesn't matter much.


"I'd prefer it, I get distracted. Anyway, Gemma's wondering if you can come do painblocking for a few hours on evening tonight. Oh, also, I told Aber I'd prefer he not instantly schedule you for fifty things and he gave me a very innocent face and then said that must be Lancir's fault. Unfortunately I'm not sure I can get away with telling him off, sorry." 


I will probably have a few hours of painblocking in me tonight depending on all those tasks I got from Lancir.


"I'll pass it along and that it's not a promise." Melody stops talking long enough to finish her porridge and gulp some tea, and then she's back with her nose in her notebook. "Lancir must be delighted you turned up," she says cheerfully. "We've been short-staffed for decades, it's not ideal at all, I was in Haven awhile helping out but Elspeth annexed some new territory and Sanri died in some stupid road accident and it really wasn't going to work for the main circuits to take eighteen months each – er, we have a system I helped Aber come up with, we try to time it so each region has one of us pass through once a year, at a predictable time, but we vary exactly which small roads we cut through on, so the really tiny rural towns at least see one of us occasionally. I don't like it but it's the least bad I could come up with, short of either making more Gifted Mindhealers or figuring out how to train non-Gifted people to do the talking half." 


Some Elves were working on the talking half when I left Arda.


“Oh! I do want to hear more about that at some point, then. Let me know when you’re ready to head over.”

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