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vanyel meets sad cam in milliways
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"I can totally do that! It was fun last time."


He can set her up again.


Lissa sits and plays with the computer and manages to stay reasonably cheerful and distracted for a while. 


Cam waits for Vanyel to board the shuttle, and then when he and Yfandes are ready pilot it to the meeting location.


Vanyel spends the journey rehearsing his plan for what to say to Leareth, and doing trance-exercises to stay calm. The drug he took is still muting the worst of the nerves without otherwise affecting his head, which is awfully nice. 


The shuttle can go quite fast, though Cam does slow it down so the clouds look realistic as possible, blooming from existing formations in a reasonably naturalistic way.


Vanyel is still going to get there with some time to spare before the two-candlemark deadline. He elects to stay in the shuttle for now, and keeps himself very thoroughly shielded, since presumably Leareth is going to arrive via a Gate. 


"Do you want any stuff? I can make stuff in there."


"Um, thank you, I can't think of anything in particular that I need yet." 


"If you wanted a book or snacks or something."


"Oh. Hmm. That's thoughtful of you. I've got my notes to read over, but...maybe a cup of coffee, if you can do that?" He's still too tense to particularly want to eat. 


A thermos of coffee settles to the floor of the shuttle.


Vanyel sips from it and waits. 

–And then there's a sudden burst of light, which will be visible to Cam's cameras, and even though he's ready for it, Vanyel flinches and moans audibly as he grabs for Yfandes. The light grows to form the shape of a doorway. 


It doesn't take long. The Gate is up and then a figure steps through and then it's down. If Leareth is at all surprised by the appearance of the shuttle, he neither says anything about it nor shows it on his face. 


Vanyel takes a minute to catch his breath and then disembarks with Yfandes. "Leareth." 


"Herald Vanyel." A slight dip of his chin. "I suppose we ought to complete the formalities now." 


"Right." Truth spell. A bright blue halo appears around Leareth's hairline. "I want you to say these words, er," Vanyel fumbles a bit with the piece of paper, "'I intend no harm to Vanyel, to Cam, or to either of their projects or goals, I have no reason to expect that I will in future..." He goes through all of the specifications and loopholes that he and Cam worked out. 


Cam double checks against his copy.


It's all there. 

Leareth repeats the words without any stumbles, even though it's quite a few sentences in a row, and makes a few additions. The blue light doesn't falter when he states that he has been telling the truth about his motives, in talking to Vanyel all these years – and, he adds with a faint smile, about everything else, he'll admit to lies of omission and occasionally stating true facts in a possibly-misleading way, but not outright falsehoods. He's hoping to help Cam with his specific problem, he doesn't have a hidden agenda or plans that involve working behind their backs; though, he jumps in, he does have the overt agenda of hoping to earn some goodwill from Cam and, perhaps, help with his own problems. 

He has no reason to expect his intentions to change; he does think he could tell if his past self or some accomplice had placed a compulsion to hide something (which, he adds, seems unlikely in the extreme given his feelings toward altering his own mind, which are 'strongly against'); in fact, he has a procedure for checking such things; he checks; he does not detect any such compulsions. 


And Vanyel glances back at the shuttle and camera. "...Cam, are you comfortable moving to the next bit...?" 


"Yeah, everything seems in order."


"All right." Deep breath. "Leareth, there's a - resource - that we would be granting you access to, if you agree to help and we accept that offer. It would be of, um, kind of indescribable value to your plans, whether or not you get advice from Cam personally. Among other things, it would give you the ability to work while time isn't passing in Valdemar, and access to a very extensive library." 

(Vanyel is shielding as tightly as he can and with an additional layer from Yfandes, he's very close to certain that he would notice an attempted probe, and just in case he's managing to keep his mind away from other properties such as the 'where' and 'how' of access. Paranoia is exhausting.) 

"But. The condition we need you to agree to, to be comfortable offering this, is that you make a binding oath now, still under Truth Spell, to leave if either Cam or I asks. And same deal as the previous statement; you have no expectations of changing your mind and you're not using a method of self-deception such as compulsions as a cheat to pass the test." He lifts his eyebrows slightly. "I don't think it would come as a surprise to you, if we did end up asking you to leave; it would be because we weren't comfortable with how you were using the resource, and I, at least, can promise I would have a conversation with you and try asking you to cut it out first."

He waits. 


Leareth is giving him a very speculative look. He's also - not showing that much visible fatigue, but his posture isn't as straight and he's planted his feet in a wider stance, like staying upright is costing him some effort. 

After thirty seconds of thought, he nods. "Herald Vanyel, I vow to you that I will depart peacefully at the request of either..." He goes through all of the conditions. A little more slowly this time, with some pauses as though catching his breath. 


"That's the whole checklist." He is tempted to ask 'are you guys okay' but decides against.

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