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vanyel meets sad cam in milliways
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Vanyel swallows the pill and then sits down and reviews his script for the upcoming encounter with Leareth. 


The pill kicks in about ten minutes later and cuts off all the high peaks of nervousness. Everything looks a little sepia toned; that's all.


It's kind of weird but for this purpose it seems better than the alternative. Vanyel stands up. "I'm ready. Er, were you still going to do the talking for this first part or should I?" 


"Either way works for me."


"Er, why don't you start then, since you were talking before." 




"All right." Vanyel takes a deep breath, and glances around. "Lissa, we're unpausing him. Don't, er, talk in the background." 


She sticks her tongue out at him. 


Cam picks up his computer so he'll be able to talk through the drone when the door opens.


Vanyel gives Lissa a Look. 


"...Oh right sorry." She darts over and opens the door, then glances around, and sits down with her back against it holding it open. 


"Hi, thanks for not waiting. We think you should meet up with Vanyel, give him some assurances, and then, assuming those come through all right, meet us where we're at."


"This is Vanyel here. Assurances would be given under Truth Spell, just want to make sure that won't be a surprise." Vanyel has gone very still. He looks calm. 


Leareth lifts a finger. "A moment to think, please." 

He's still and silent for a while.

"I am willing in theory," he says finally. "However, your ability to absorb all of the information I share with you instantly – which is very intriguing to me – while I cannot do the same, means that I have had much less time to consider this, and I would prefer to take, hmm, four candlemarks, to think on it." A thin smile. "I have found it wise to avoid making massive life-changing decisions in five minutes. If that is acceptable to you, I will take this time and then reactivate my portal briefly to confirm, at which point it will take me approximately another two candlemarks to physically reach the location."

One shoulder rises and falls in a slow, deliberate shrug. "I will be very fatigued after this journey, however, I doubt that it would make any difference. You have me sufficiently overpowered to kill me at any time, if you so wished, whether I am at my full capacities or not, and so I must rely on your benevolence." 


"I guess waiting a bit to think is reasonable. Do you have any questions or do you just want to mull it over?"


"...I have a vast number of questions, however, I am not sure whether any of them fall into the intersection of 'actually relevant to my decision' and 'information you are willing to share before receiving my costly assurances under Truth Spell'. If you do have a way of, for example, sending a written text, I would be curious to hear more about the circumstances of the war you fought than what Vanyel told me in our last conversation. I would also like to know more about your personal history, although of course I have no way of verifying that what you share with me is true." 


"I do not have a convenient way to send you writing at this time."


Slow nod. "Then I will make do with the information I have. If it is not too costly for you to leave your device active and listening, I will reactivate my portal to alert you when I have decided."  


"That is not costly."


Another nod, and then the circular image goes blank. 


"I...suppose I will wait nearby," the man in brown leather says, and then steps out of view of the drone camera. 


Cam turns off outgoing audio.


"So I've got to sit here and hold the door for the next four candlemarks?" Lissa says. She sighs. "I guess that's all right." 


Vanyel frowns. "That...could be a problem. It's morning out there now. At some point Savil is going to notice I haven't been in touch and wonder where I am. She might come looking for me." 


"As long as Lissa is holding the door, you could go check in with Savil."

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