Raafi in Revelation
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"All right. I do have some magic that I can demonstrate and none of it needs to be in a particular place, that should be fine. Is there anything you think would make a particularly good demonstration?"


"I'd talk to the video people about that, I'm a writer."


"Fair enough." He'll make small talk about the contents of the Guide to Earth for the rest of the meal.


And then there's somebody at the office door to prep him for video!


He'll go where he's led, then, and see if he can find a better opportunity to ask about the magic demonstration.


His interviewer-to-be discusses this with him while he's getting makeup on! "What've you got that's really neat looking? I'm also going to want to filter for relatively hard to fake but wouldn't expect you to know what things those are."


"I have a few low-tier spells that might work - Resist Energy keeps the person it's cast on safe from a small amount of fire, acid, cold, or electrical damage for a few minutes, Entropic Shield offers minor protection from ranged weapons and looks very interesting, Helping Hand creates an illusory hand that tries to lead a person who fits a description I give it to me, Darkness makes an object radiate shadows for a while, and Air Walk lets the person it's cast on walk on air for a while. I also have some divination spells, but it's harder to prove to an audience that you aren't helping me fake them, and a summoning spell that's very different from your summoning but that I'm not sure will work here. And if none of those work out I do have some higher-tier options, but I'd rather not use them if it's not necessary."


"...well, I'm not planning to shoot at you. I suppose I could throw juggling balls. Darkness and Air Walk would both be fun as long as we get this up online fast enough that it's implausible we got the special effects together that fast, or maybe the boss will spring for demonic confirmation. - though I guess demonic confirmation might not work, I'm not sure if they can make magical things."


"I haven't had much time to read about demons yet. I do also have healing magic, if that would work - it goes without saying for clerics from my world, is why I forgot to mention it." He considers - "and a casting of Mending, which will repair an object; it's not flashy, exactly, but it might be easier to demonstrate - I'm not sure how well it'll do with your technology, though, something wooden or ceramic would be best."


"That'd require we get someone injured or something broken on hand, but maybe we can scare up something."


He nods. "Whatever you think best."


"What would you be summoning?"


"-if you don't have magical creatures here, do you have giant ones? One of the options is a celestial giant beetle. I can also get a celestial dog, monkey, badger, or owl."


"Oh, wow. We do have some giant prehistoric insects but they have to be kept in special environments. If yours would be recognizably a different species, and it moved around pretty well so it definitely wasn't just an angeled specimen, that'd be very neat - let me look up a high-oxygen zoo's image gallery."


"It'll also glow, a bit - not magically, they have patches over their eyes like a lightning bug. And any of those will look metallic, usually golden or silver."


"Then maybe the others would also do but the beetle's probably the most convincing, especially because they'd be hard to train - can you get it to do what you want, I was just assuming -"


"Mmhmm. Celestial animals are smart enough to understand language, but not quite smart enough to speak. It'll only understand me, though, I have translation magic going."


"What do you need to pay them?"


"This sort of summoning doesn't require it. It's also very short; it'll last about a minute and a half."


"Besides casting spells, and what you're wearing, anything else visual we should plan on?"


"That's probably it - I let them take a picture of my magical storage room for the article, but they agreed to keep the back shelves out of it and I imagine that's harder for a moving picture. And it's kind of a mess in there."


"Yes, I saw the pictures - maybe no cameras pointing into it but you could put it on the floor and stick your arm in and then pick it back up?"


"Sure, that's easy. Or do something like that with my belt, it's got the same sort of spell on it."


"Show me?"


He extracts one of the rolled-up summoning circles from the space station from a pouch clearly too small to hold it.

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