It's the anniversary. Glam would very much not like to celebrate.
It’s their last day on Winslow High—they’re being transferred to Arcadia on Monday—and also their last day without a patrol schedule assigned.
And the PRT released a small announcement on its website about Glam joining the Wards. Now their wiki page doesn’t get erased, of course—they’re no longer speculative. They wonder what it’s got on them.
"Yeah, especially if that Blasto guy's more prepared next time." Six costumed Glams appear, surrounding Boots. "They're just gonna charge, nothing special about them, no flight, no superstrength. They're just human, though, so you can't go all out on them. Say when."
"I am very happy my copies can't feel pain," she says, even though the noises and faces (emojis) it's doing would seem to indicate otherwise. "You'll need to hold back way more than that, you could've broken their spine or worse, and that will be hell on our PR department, especially if someone sues."
"Yeah, sure, but even breaking them, when we're talking about normal humans and not capes, could be bad. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I figure controlling your force's good practice anyway. Try to drop them a little bit more nicely? And maybe aim for the front of the shoulder instead of the top?"
The Glam he broke disappears and is replaced by a healthier one. "Alright, whenever you want."
All of the Glams go, but only three try to make contact, since there isn't space for all of them.
The first falls, the second is pushed back and has possibly dislocated their shoulder, the third and fourth are a crumpled mess, slowly trying to get up. The remaining two try to make the best of whatever distraction the others have created, one trying to hug Boots' legs and the other trying to headbutt him.
"Good! Now their friends are coming, they see that you're dangerous and have weapons! They're also trying to help the others."
Six more Glams appear, each holding at least one blunt weapon, some holding more and offering to the Glams that are still in the fight. The one with the dislocated shoulder crawls away to get someone to help.
"Awesome! See, you can take unpowered people down without breaking them."
"Mm, yeah, but that's acceptable. Landing on someone's shoulders and breaking their spine is harder to justify." The copies disappear. "I'm thinking of sending a couple of other Brutes at you, so you can go all out on them but so can they, and you'll need to strategize."
And when he is one of the Brutes runs towards another, who's waiting for them with their fingers twined together to give them a boost in a leap towards Boots. The third just runs at him to try to tackle him.
The tackler falls, and the thrower's pushed. The leaper runs at Boots from behind, though, and the thrower rolls with the movement and is on their feet and going at Boots again in a moment.
They were expecting that, apparently, because just after Boots did it the thrower used the same move they'd used before to launch the other one after him.