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brockton bay, meet glam
Sadde and Bell in Worm
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It's the anniversary. Glam would very much not like to celebrate.

It’s their last day on Winslow High—they’re being transferred to Arcadia on Monday—and also their last day without a patrol schedule assigned.

And the PRT released a small announcement on its website about Glam joining the Wards. Now their wiki page doesn’t get erased, of course—they’re no longer speculative. They wonder what it’s got on them.

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Glam is an ex-rogue Ward aged approximately seventeen. She is a shaker/blaster/mover, numerical ratings presently unassigned, and wears a white costume with a mask that rearranges itself to match her facial expressions. She's credited with a couple of moderately sized hits to Leviathan in Acapulco.

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That was a bit more upsetting than they'd expected it to be.

They open a new tab and check the Brockton Bay subforum on Parahumans Online.
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They're talking about all the usual things: who would win in a fight? Beneficence is hawt. Somebody spotted Echo on patrol the other day. It's so sad Antares died, I had him on my favorite shirt, my sister had a crush on him. So there's this new Ward, she seems sort of neat. She? There was a news article about her a few weeks ago which said "he". Well, the press release says she. Maybe it was a typo. Maybe the article was a typo. Maybe your face is a typo.

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Wince. Very wince. They ponder saying something. Yates would be pissed if they started something there, though, and they're certain she keeps an eye on stuff like this.

...what if it was a dummy account?

A dummy account posts: Maybe they're neither.
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Nah Glam is a girl she's too hot to be a dude

wtf is "neither" supposed to mean like do you think they're one of lorica's robots or something that would actually be cool

This is a real thing. My friend's um sibling says so anyway? But I don't know if a typo in the paper is reason to actually think it?


maybe shes just transexual and the paper was deadgendering her
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A new Glam appears.

With a laptop of their own.

Original Glam may not be able to use a conjured laptop (grumble grumble squinting rule grumble), but copy can do it. Copy uses their original account, which is technically not linked to their cape name and they don't want it to be.

Copy: How can you even tell they're hot? You can barely see them with that costume.

Original: neither as in, genderqueer. it'd make sense, with the costume
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Guys the press release says Glam's a girl how insensitive do you have to be to turn a typo in a stupid newspaper article into questioning her femininity. I mean what if she IS trans what if she reads this

It's the voice I heard her talking once she's totally a girl with like a phone sex voice

The costume is gender neutral, which means she could be anything, which means it makes most sense to go with what she officially told us
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Copy: Phone sex voice? Glam's seventeen for Scion's sake.


Original twitches a bit.
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A moderator swoops in to agree: no creeping on Wards. The offending post is deleted.

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Original creates a new account: mxglam.

Original posts: Actually they're right.
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Who's right?

the protectorate press people obviously I don't think they could exactly mix this up!

Loricas_Bot has sent you a PM.
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They open the PM.
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Yates watches the boards, the bot says.

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Ugh ugh ugh ugh.

"This isn't new information," copy points out when original reads the PM out loud. "We were considering it quite likely before."

"I know, but—" They gesture helplessly at the computer.

Copy sighs.

"Besides mxglam is not confirmed as a cape name. I could just be a troll."

"Whose IP can be tracked to the PHQ."


They look at new posts on the thread.
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is MX initials or something a cape wouldn't do that

New Wave would!

off topic, this thread isnt abou tthem

It's unconfirmed account it's just some rando hey mods over here
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Original posts on the dummy account: mx is the gender neutral version of mr and ms actually
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how the fuck do you pronounce htat

Now you're just making things up

you guys I'm really worried that glam is trans or something and will be really hurt when she sees this thread! she doesn't have to go around in pink or pick a really girly name to be a real girl!
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Are they damned? Will Yates burn them alive?

Original on mxglam account PMs Loricas_Bot back: this is more upsetting than I'd expected it to be

Copy, on the dummy account: but if they're in fact nonbinary they might be upset by being called 'she' by official media and the Protectorate
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Bot: Do you want me to send you Lorica?

Forum thread:

okay but the Protectorate has actually talked to her about it and we haven't!

I think Glam is actually male and pretending to the Protectorate as well as the rest of the world to be female in order to co-opt female privilege within the organization.

Oh my god stop making every thread about that.

Hey somebody call Loricas_Bot over. LORICAS_BOT LORICAS_BOT LORICAS_BOT

PM from bot: What do you want me to do?
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New Glam appears.

Original Glam goes to bed and curls up into a ball. "The fact that you two don't have qualia must be really great."

The two copies look at original and shrug. "It's not really anything," says two.

"Right. Go on, then."

Two sends a reply to bot: I don't know. Glam's curled up into a ball and made me because I don't have qualia. And they don't want you to get in trouble over this. They're pretty sure Yates is going to eat their heart for breakfast tomorrow.

One keeps watching the thread.
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Loricas_Bot posts in the thread shortly after the PM. I only know what Glam's happened to say around me, it demurs.

Yeah and that would be??

you guys this is such a stupid conversation what's next boots is a chick and miracle max is miracle maxine and miss militia was a typo it's supposed to be mister???

*something* was a typo

your face is a typo

That was funny once.
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Original doesn't react much when copy one reads the new posts.

Copy two, to Bot: What should I do? I shouldn't have even looked, this was bound to be awful.

Copy one, on Glam's first account: Are there even any officially nonbinary heroes anywhere at all?
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You can still log off, the bot reminds them.


why would there be, people can be weird on their own time

the amazing made up genderperson



Like gingerbread but genderbread? Maybe it was funnier in my head.

It IS a real thing but it's like REALLY rare there probably just aren't any.
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There's me, copy two posts from mxglam.

Copy one and its laptop vanish. Copy two—just copy, now—watches the thread in its stead.
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come back when you're verified

She's new maybe she just hasn't gotten around to getting verified? How does that even work anyway?

If you think mxglam is for real why are you saying she?

Because I think singular they is a crime against grammar.
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It's not really grammatically incorrect, look, copy posts from Glam's original account.

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That's for situations where you're not talking about a specific person, says the grammatical crimefighter.

PM from YouthGuardOfficial.
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Do you have a better suggestion? posts copy, before opening the PM curiously.

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English just doesn't have a good way to handle it, says grammatical crimefighter.

The PM reads:

Hello, this is Cassidy Li of Youth Guard. We've been internally debating when and how to push the Protectorate on a more appropriate stance on gender variant rights for the minors in their employ. We've previously met transgendered Wards but only MTF and FTM and the departments have tended to quietly resolve the issue to the point where the Wards in question weren't willing to cooperate with a larger movement. Is the Protectorate forcing you to present as female against your will? Would you like help?
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panics a bit.

"It's probably not Yates trying to bait you, come on, she'd just call you to her office to ask if you prefer she eat your heart roasted or grilled," points out copy.

Original groans and refuses to say anything.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond. I think I'd better stop commenting on the thread.




Yes, they send before getting a reply to the first message.
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Is there a convenient time for you to meet with a Youth Guard representative?

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Technically I'm gonna start patrolling tomorrow morning, but the afternoon is okay.
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Cassidy Li suggests a certain coffee shop and 2pm.

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Am I supposed to show up out of costume or?

Glam shuffles a bit, and a new copy shows up to cuddle.
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Whichever you're more comfortable with.

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I'll go plain.
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Cassidy Li sends a link to a list of Brockton Bay Youth Guard representatives and says that Alejandro Contini will be the person at the coffeeshop.

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Thank you.

The copy looks at the thread again.
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It has gone off on a tangent about the female privilege guy's conspiracy theory and been locked by a moderator.

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The copy logs off and joins the Glampile. Glam's needing some love.
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The next day Alejandro Contini and a cup of coffee are sitting in the coffeeshop.
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Sadde recognizes him and takes a seat opposite him.

"I'm Sam," he says first thing.
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"Hi, Sam," says Alejandro, "I'm Al. Do you want to talk here or walk and talk or go to my office?"

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Shrug. "No preference."

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"The office is just a block away. Cassidy would have sent you there but you might not have wanted to be seen going in the front entrance and I can get us in the side door." Al and his coffee head out the door.

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He follows.

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And Al has an office, and it is cozy, and he motions for Sam to sit down. "So why don't you tell me a little more about your story?"

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He opens and closes his mouth more than a few times before deciding to
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"I'm not sure what to tell you. I'm— I—"
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"feel more comfortable like this to be honest."

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"That's fine," Al assures them. "Why don't you start at the first time you started interacting with the local Protectorate?"

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"Ran into them when they were trying to break up a gang fight. Helped. Lorica and Dauntless and Velocity were there."

Yates will kill them kill them kill them-
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Nod. "Did anything about your gender identity come up at the time?"

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"No. The first time it did was on another day when Lorica asked me if the androgynous look was on purpose. I said yes, and explained the pronouns. They, by the way."

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"Of course," says Al. "Does Lorica respect your pronouns?"

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"Yes. She's great about it. And lots of other things as well. She's great in general."

...can he tell someone's got a crush?
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"So the problems are all elsewhere in the department?"

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"Almost everyone was great about it. Or at least mostly okay about it. Branding was not."

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Al nods sympathetically. "That would be Phyllis Yates?"

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"I don't—look, she's just doing her job, I'm told she's pretty good at it, and she probably is—"

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"That doesn't make it okay for her to behave abusively towards minors in her care over their gender," Al says, leaning forward sympathetically.

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"I think 'abusively' might be too strong a word." Not that she couldn't be called that, but as far as Al knows not really, and at any rate they're pretty sure they were responsible for more than a bit of her reaction anyway. "And in any case I think it's a little bit okay? Even if she wanted to help, it's not like she'd have the power, especially if the fallout of it caused her to lose her job or something, which I definitely wouldn't want. I understand the apolitical stance thing being pretty important." Even if the market segmentation and relatability things are absolutely bullhockey in their opinion.

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"Your gender isn't and shouldn't be a political football," Al says.

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"Agreed, but in the end, if it's the system as a whole that's flawed with regards to that, I don't think she should personally pay or be held to blame for it. Even if there was more she could have done." Shrug. "To be honest I think if at some point the gender thing becomes less of a hot topic and slash or department policy changes with respect to that, from what I've interacted with her, she'll roll with it and adapt."

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"Well, we'll make sure she's got the chance to do that in time to be of some use to you, shall we?" says Al, smiling.

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"Hopefully. I'm kinda in their hands right now though so, uh."

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"The Protectorate listens to us," says Al. "Now, let's paint me a clearer picture -"

Al wants all the details. The dual identity, the behavior of Piggot and every other adult Glam has interacted with, as much as they can remember about Yates's exact arguments and words during the initial disastrous conversation.
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Listens. Right. They're afraid this is gonna be a mistake, but remembering the one moment on the forum, and trying to extrapolate that to at least another seven months—

They tell everything.
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Al thanks Glam quite warmly and says someone will be by the next day.

By the time Glam is up the next morning, the entire headquarters is in chaos.
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What kind of chaos, exactly...?
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There is a just-shy-of-shouting match of some kind in Director Piggot's office, as soon as Glam opens the door they can see Windflower is taking off down the hall like the hounds of Hell are chasing her, Yates can be seen through the window carrying a cardboard box full of office supplies out the front door, robots are buzzing everywhere including two that seem to be actively patrolling the door to Lorica's workshop, and -

- now Glam is being slammed into the wall! It's Boots! Hi, Boots!
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"...Ow. Good morning?"
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"Did you fucking bring the Youth Guard in? They're talking about trans-gender shit it has to be you what did you do you fucking moron?"

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"What?" Their sleep-addled brain catches up with what it's seen. "...has Yates been fired?!"

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"What's it look like? I don't give a shit about her, what did you think you were doing bringing the Guard in so they stare down everybody? This is the department's second strike, they're going to be breathing down our necks for a week, you little selfish shit!" Wallslam!

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"Ow! I'm sorry! I didn't know! It wasn't—I didn't mean to! ...second strike? What was the first?"

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"Six years ago somebody was an insomniac and the Youth fucking Guard have rules about sleep, or didn't you hear."

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"...six years ago? Seriously? They hold a grudge for—ow—that long? ...it's getting kinda hard to breathe here."

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"I didn't fucking get a chance to complain before you decided to be their poster child for fags who need our support and validation for their fucking gender identities," snarls Boots, but he flings Glam to the floor in disgust and lets go.

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"I'm sorry!" they call from the floor, before floating up. "Are there any of them here?"

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"Not yet."

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"I'll—I'll fix this. Somehow."

New Glam appears. "Go after Yates. Apologize. Tell her—tell her not to leave yet, tell her I'll fix this." They didn't need to give out the orders explicitly, that was for Boots' sake.

They grab their phone and look for Al's business card—there it is.
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Yates is not particularly interested in talking to a Glam who chases her out the door.

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The Glam who chases her out of the door calls, "I'm gonna fix it! I told them you were okay, just, wait a bit!"

The Glam who stayed calls Al.
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Yates puts her office supplies in her car.

"Contini," says Al's voice.
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"Get Yates back and stop this fuckery or I'm publicly denying everything you say about me."

Copy is instantly aware of this. "I'm on the phone with the Youth Guard guy, I'll fix it!"
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"I don't think I understand," says Al, politely nonplussed.

"If you have ever fixed anything in your life," Yates says, softly, venomously, "then I'm very surprised."
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"Yates got fired, they're saying this is the dept's second strike, it is not a strike if there weren't any rules about it before!"

Copy can't feel hurt about it, but it can act in a way Glam would expect it to act, which is a wince and a nod. "I deserve that. I'm sorry. I told them not to—it wasn't your fault, you're not supposed to take the fall for it, it's not fair."
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"Ms. Yates hasn't been fired," says Al, sounding surprised. "From what I heard she resigned."

"And yet here we are," says Yates. "I'm sure someone will call me if a miracle occurs." And she gets into the driver's seat.
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Copy and original blink in confusion simultaneously.

"That doesn't sound likely, and it also doesn't address the whole 'second strike' vibe going on."

"Why did Contini say you resigned? Did you? Did they make you do it?"
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Ms Yates starts her car.

"I think she probably felt very ashamed of how she treated you once it was brought to her attention how serious it was, and she decided not to exacerbate the situation by leaving," says Al. "There wasn't a particular rule in place about treating transgendered people well before, but there are and have always been rules about how people can talk to and about minors they're taking charge of."
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"Wait! I'm talking to him!"

"Okay, that is completely impossible, I think I'm standing by what I said, this is going to be fixed or I'm denying it."
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"I can't make Ms. Yates un-tender her resignation," Al points out.

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"No, but you can make the situation that made her resign in the first place go away, like the second strike which is definitely unwarranted."

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"It's very admirable that you feel for Ms. Yates, but I'd recommend you just stand back and let us do what we do," Al says.

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"It's not just Ms. Yates, it's everyone here. I don't think they mistreated me or mishandled me in a way that justifies this, and this will cause much more trouble than it's worth anyway, I'm graduating in less than a year! And yeah sure you'll mention all the other trans kids, point, but why would you need a strike? Why not just change the rules in the background?"

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"The 'strike' system wasn't my idea and it lacks a certain finesse, but the Protectorate proved a little unwilling to treat Wards decently without us carrying a big stick," says Al.

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"Yes, but the big stick shouldn't be your go-to weapon, it should be a last resort!"

Copy floats in, looking dejected. Original looks at them, and they shrug.
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"Trust me, in a little while it'll all blow over, Wards departments nationwide will have a sensible policy in place about transgendered heroes like you, and it'll all work out."

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"I'm still waiting to be convinced by a sensible argument that expects me to be capable of reasoning instead of treating me as a tool exactly like the Protectorate did."

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"Glam, you came to us. We're trying to help you. But even if you don't see that now, we can't withdraw after finding out about abuse in the system."

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"One, no, you came to me. Two, still waiting for the argument. There was no abuse, there was a lack of appropriate rules, and if you really are trying to help me, is it that hard to explain to me why this is literally the best option you had and how there were absolutely no good third alternatives and how you spent way more than an afternoon trying to brainstorm them?"

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"We sent the first message, but you were the one who decided to meet," Al says. "I'm sorry if it's not clear right now. It'll all make sense when you're older."

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"...oh no. You are not pulling that. That is literally the same thing every patronizing adult says to a minor when they don't think the minor's capable of personhood and agency. You're acting no better than them." They almost threaten him again, but a voice in their head says he may well be recording this conversation and that they've damned themself enough already.

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"I am trying to help you, Glam," says Al. "I'm about to get in the car, gotta hang up." The line goes dead.

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They hug their knees and bury their head in them for about ten seconds.

Copy tells them about their meeting with Yates.

They fly towards Lorica's workshop.
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It is patrolled by bots.

"What is it?" one of the bots asks.
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"I fucked up big time and I need someone to scold me in a reasonable way."

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The bots scatter down the hallway in both directions then come back and let Glam in.

Lorica looks up from what she's doing - cutting holes in some kind of printout, apparently. She has acquired a fruit bowl since the last time Glam was in here.
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"...I fucked up big time and I need someone to scold me in a reasonable way. Or glare at me. Or ignore me completely and make me turn in circles inside my head for a long time until Piggot calls me to her office. Or something."

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"So Boots was right and you did call the Youth Guard. Oh, Glam. You threaten to call them. You don't actually do it. I would've told you if you'd asked me."
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"I didn't call them! I—they talked to me, in the forum, and I talked to them in person, and the guy was so reasonable, and now I just want to undo it, I told him specifically Yates was okay, she was just doing her job, I wasn't mistreated, I didn't even want anything to change right now! I could've handled—" They think back on what they read on the forum, multiply it a thousand times over, and shudder, but go on. "I could've handled the rest of the year, it was just, supposed to help other people in the future, a rules change, not—"

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"So you should have gone to Piggot and said, 'Director, the Youth Guard reached out to me about the gender thing. I haven't replied yet because I don't really want to make a federal case out of it, but it's -" She pauses, maybe reading something on her helmet display. "- harder than I thought to take having my cape persona referred to as a girl even knowing that Loen will go live in a few weeks. Can we come to some sort of compromise'. And then you have put the fear of the Youth Guard in her heart and you get everything you want. I might have suggested if I'd known the two people solution wasn't cutting it, but..."

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"I didn't know they'd make a federal case out of it! I have barely started patrolling yet and I'm already fucking it all up, Yates was right, I can't fix any fucking thing—"

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A robot lands on their shoulder and nuzzles against their neck.

"It'll blow over," sighs Lorica.
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"I could deny it all. Say, say they forced me to do it, coerced me, lied to me, make their case that much weaker. Piggot and Yates didn't abuse me, they—they could've treated me better but I'm not some whiny baby that can't take that, oh Scion I'm some whiny baby that can't take that aren't I."

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"They don't technically need you, I don't think."

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"Why not. What's even their case?"

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"Their case is they can outspend the Protectorate and they look really, really good to the public and any given Protectorate department would rather instantly knuckle under than risk getting into a legal contest."

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"Damn it. Fuck. Fucking shit." Glam swearing a lot. They're not very good at it, clearly, but still. "Well then why did they even need me to come to them? Why didn't they just push for this before?"

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"Waiting for moments like that is how they look really good to the public. But they have the social capital to spend down if you don't help."

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"Ugh. I need to—I need—need—"

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stop. They land, hugging their knees again and burying their face on them.

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The robot bleeps in their ear.

"You need...?"
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"...never mind," he says into his knees, his voice muffled.
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"You sure?"

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"...no, but it's—might be—I dunno, weird."

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"What is it?"

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"...a hug." Wince.
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Lorica clonks down on the floor next to him and hugs him.
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That... is...

It's not the most comfortable thing ever but he leans on her anyway and absolutely does not let her see his face.
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Her armor's actually pretty flexible, but it is indeed not designed for hugging.

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"...fucking crappy timing, fucking shit, goddamnit," he mumbles.

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"So you remember how I said I like looking at my brain and introspecting and figuring myself out and stuff?"

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"A hobby we share."

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"Right. Ssoo. I just did some of it."

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"I may have been. Less than joking. When I said. A thing." Pause. "On the boat."

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"I don't remember literally everything you said on the boat but bot's got a guess."
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"...it's probably the right guess."

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"You don't really want to talk about this right now, do you?"

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"No. Ergo my comment about crappy timing."

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Pat pat. Lorica gets up. The bot stays put.

"Youth guard person wants in. Costume."
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Costume. Float. Get out of the way of the door.

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The bots let the youth guard person in.

"What energetic little guards you have."

"I'm so sorry if they kept you waiting!" chirps Lorica. "They're autonomous and didn't recognize you! How can I help you?"

"I'm just having a look around," says Al. "Hi, Glam. So, Lorica, as long as I'm here anyway I wanted to make sure you aren't up at all hours, tinkering...?"

"Oh no," Lorica says, saccharine sweet. "I get a full eight hours every night. My dad and I go home at the same time most days! He can probably tell you everything you might want to know."

"Mm-hm. And you're not working through your lunch break...?"

"Three squares a day, plus," Lorica indicates her fruit bowl. "You'll forgive me if I don't demonstrate! I take my identity really seriously."

"That's fine, that's fine," says Al. "Glam, how about you?"
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"I'm fine. Calmed down some. Sorry for my outburst." They almost say 'must've been the teenage hormones.'

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"That's good to hear. And you've probably not been around enough to have any sleep disruption, but they're not looking covetously at your mealtimes or nights...?"

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"Not as far as I know! And I'm just starting anyway, very light workload for the time being. I'm being transferred to Arcadia on Monday, too."

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"Ah, shouldn't tell anybody anything that specific," says Al, wagging a finger. "Well, that's all good to hear. I'll leave you two be now." Off he goes.

"Fucking nuisance," says Lorica.
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"I almost, almost made itching powder appear in his underwear. I would've done it too if it weren't so easy to trace to me."

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They sigh and put their face on their hands. They're not crying anymore, but still quite very upset.

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"You okay?"

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"Nnnnoooo. I am not okay. I am, like, the opposite of okay. If okay were a number I would be the negative of that number. And that seems to happen too often and now my brain is being stupid about how I'm—oh god this is so ridiculously childish, my brain is going all 'you are ruining her image of you,' Jesus Christ stop being so fucking self-centered Glam."

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"I should probably go. Wait for Piggot to scream at me or Boots to hit me a few more times or something."

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"Boots hit you?"

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"Slammed me against a wall a couple of times, no big deal."

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"Getting slammed into a wall a couple times by a Brute is kind of a big deal. Why, though?"

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"...cause I brought the Youth Guard here? He said something about breathing down our necks for a week or something. I did add some armor padding to my back before he hit me, though, I didn't want to be broken in two."

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"I don't know why Boots in particular would be mad about it, though. If anything this gives him freer rein. Reduces how much he can be disciplined for being himself all the time. They could cut his hours, but he's never seemed to like patrolling, and if they levy a fine and it comes out of his budget it's not like he uses it for anything."

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Shrug. "I can't claim to understand him, he won't let me."

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"Yeah, me either, not that I've put a ton of effort into it. You're sure you're okay? Physically I mean."

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"Yeah. I mean, I have a few bruises that I'm going to feel in the morning—well, it's the morning, but you know what I mean. I've had worse. I'm pretty sure I didn't crack a rib."

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"You could go to the doctor about it..."

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"Don't wanna get him in more trouble, I'll know by tomorrow if I've cracked a rib."

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"You don't have to tell the doctor what happened," Lorica points out.

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"Unless it's not a Protectorate doctor, I'm pretty sure they can guess."

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"I was thinking not a Protectorate doctor, whoever you'd go to out of costume."

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"...I'd mostly not go. If I really had to I'd go to a free clinic."

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"You've had powers for ten years and you're broke?"
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"I've had any decent degree of control over my powers for one year."

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"If I offer to loan you enough to pay out of pocket to go to a regular doctor whose line doesn't wrap around the block, will you think it's worth going?"

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"No, not really. Like I said, at worst I have a cracked rib, and I'll find that out by tomorrow, and I've had worse. I can deal."

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"If you're positive..."

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"I am."

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"...so, uh, before I go, uh. Um. Can—can you tell me when you want to discuss the, thing?"
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"To be perfectly honest I wasn't planning to bring it up."
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"Oh. Okay. I guess that's—reasonable. I should, probably go."

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"I mean I'm very flattered, just. I'm straight?"

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"Uh. That's—I mean—"

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"It doesn't sound like that big of a deal, considering?"

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"Isn't it? You didn't want to be just one thing for the press."

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"Well, I—it's complicated. I mean, I won't be able to be just—this, forever, all of the time. That I can't do. So if, if that's a requirement, then, yeah. I can't be just one thing, and imagining people, all over—everywhere, thinking of me as one thing or the other, forever, and expecting me to be- I mean, crap, now that I phrase it this way, I can't even imagine what that'd do with my power."

Deep sigh.

"But a lot of the time I'm. This."
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"I mean, your power doesn't care what I think so that's not a factor but I was still imagining it'd make you uncomfortable. There is also the fact that you do not know my name or what I look like."

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"It would probably not make me uncomfortable to be like this when I was with you, if you don't mind what I'm like when I'm not. And I don't really... care what you look like. It's—you? Your, your self. You surprise me, in a way that's not... surprising? I expect you to surprise me, kinda, I like watching you think, watching you work, talking to you, seeing you navigate the world and the way you do it, and. I am very good at verbalizing my thoughts, I could go on, but I think you got the gist of it."

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"For all you know I'm a Case 53 with spider mandibles and ninety five percent warts by surface area."

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He tilts his head. "That would preclude making out, probably," he admits. "But I'm not that fond of making out anyway."

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Lorica snorts. "I had kind of planned to nun my way through life what with cape life expectancy and most of the people I meet being horrible."

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"The tense of that verb makes me hopeful."

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"Of course it does. But like... I don't know, you seem. I'm going to say 'well intentioned'?"

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"...is that bad? I can't tell if you mean that in a bad way."

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"It's better than being maliciously intentioned and not as good as being consistently successful."

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"I mean... you see what I mean, don't you?"

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"Yes. Yes I do."

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"And so I do like you but I have really high standards for 'better than nothing'."

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"Ouch." He rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Okay. My character would say something like 'there's another reason to become awesome' but I'm not in the mood to play it. I just—need to stop doing things so much. It's probably part of this character, believing I'm invincible, I can do anything, nothing will go wrong. This is the right frame of mind to control my power, but it's not so good for everything else. I can't fucking just believe everything will go right and then have it all go right, I need to grow up and actually look at how to accomplish things, and it hurts a little bit to say it. Feels so obvious, another thing I missed." He lowers his hands and opens his eyes, then sighs. "I'll do better."

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"That's promising."
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He laughs. "Don't say that, you're going to encourage me." He smiles a bit sadly. "If you're still okay having me around even with—" He makes a vague gesture with his hands. "I'll probably ask for your help. More often, that is. And other people's help, too, and my own help, but yeah. I'll try not to just jump into things like that."

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"I'm okay with having you around."

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"Okay. Good."

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"Did you really think I was going to quit talking to you because you have a crush on me?"

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"Talking to me? No, of course not. But, you know, I've been hanging out with you a bit more often than with. Anyone else. And vice-versa. And you might've wanted to tone that down a little. And I had to be safe, anyway, not just assume you're comfortable with whatever."

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"Fair enough."

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He smiles. "I should probably go and—not duck anything up for a long time."

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"Good luck."

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He doesn't bother masking up before leaving.
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Glam waits and waits and waits and is not called to Piggot's office. The chaos dies down a little, and they're still not called. That's—worrying.

They hover over to her office and knock softly.
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"Come in."

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They do.

"Hello," they say, sounding somewhat subdued.
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"Hello, Glam," says Piggot. "What brings you here?"

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"I—would like to apologize. And, well, take blame for it, if it wasn't obvious already, but apologize anyway. I acted without thinking, without full knowledge of the consequences, it was foolish and immature."

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"Why," says Piggot, softly and evenly, pronouncing every consonant with exactitude, "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about. There is no blame to distribute for calling the Youth Guard, which you are absolutely free to do at any moment and with whom we are delighted to cooperate. It is no doubt I who should be apologizing to you for not making enough resources available to you here that you felt you could solve your problems internally."

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"I—" They swallow. "I don't think there is anything you should apologize for, I do not believe you or Ms. Yates are at fault for—anything. I was selfish and childish and rash and uninformed and naive. There is probably nothing I can say or do to help it, but I wish Ms. Yates was still here."

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"Ms. Yates's career decisions are of course entirely her own," says Piggot silkily.

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"Of course," they repeat in a low voice. "If—if you can think of anything I can do to, help, with anything, and if you can trust it's something I could do without breaking it, I would be glad if you told me," they continue, in the same low voice. "Even if it takes a long time for me to earn that modicum of trust."

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"I'll bear the offer in mind," says Piggot.

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They nod, then look up to meet her eyes, because staring at their lap is probably not very conductive to expressing whatever it is they want to express.

"I think that was all," they sigh.
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"Have a lovely afternoon," says Piggot, smiling thinly.

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"You too," they say, then leave.

...they should probably go check on Boots. Even thinking about it makes a few bruises felt, but they elect not to react to them.
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Boots is a little hard to find.

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Glam has time to look.
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Boots is hiding in the rafters of the gym.

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Glam floats up to them. "Do you want to talk? Or punch me? I'll go away if you want me to."

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Boots socks them in the shoulder.

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They grimace and bite their tongue not to cry out. They're pretty sure if Boots had been trying a little bit harder they might've dislocated the shoulder. As it is, it's just hurting like a—a lot, with their hovering having absorbed some of the impact. "I probably deserved that."

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"The fuck do you want," mutters Boots.

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"I don't know. To help. Try to make it better, if I can't fix it. Maybe serve as a target to your frustration and anger, I can take it and you might need it. I can't claim to understand, but." They shrug, and wince when they're rudely reminded that shrugging involves their shoulder. Ow.

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Boots growls wordlessly.

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"...or I can go away. Like I said, if you want that, I'll do that. I want to help, and if staying out of your way for the rest of forever is the way to do it, then I can do it."

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"All of a sudden you're pretending you give a shit, what got into you?"

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"I do give a shit." Their compunctions about swearing could wait, they had a feeling Boots might be annoyed if they were obviously avoiding swearing. "It may sometimes look like I don't, and like I'm selfish and weak and need to be protected and want everyone to care about me. And to some extent, that's true, and it's—it's something I'm working on. It's something that's hurt the department, hurt Ms. Yates, hurt you, and I do give a shit."

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"Well, isn't that all very peer counseling," snaps Boots.

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"Maybe. I can be more direct: I fucked up big time, I'm a complete selfish git and I fucked up."

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"The fuck is a git?"

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"...no clue, it's something I heard. I think it's like, asswipe, moron, idiot?"

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They shrug again. This time they don't wince (externally, they grimace under their mask). "I'm sorry."

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"Well, that fixes everything, doesn't it."

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"No. No it doesn't."

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"Why are you still here?"
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"'Cause you haven't asked me to leave yet. I told you I'm gonna do what you want me to."

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"What, are you just gonna fly around after me forever if I don't tell you to get lost? Follow me home like a puppy?"

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"No, the plan was mostly staying around until you decided you wanted anything in specific, and not go after you if you left without saying anything."

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"And your plans are super fucking good, aren't they."

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"...not so far," they admit. "But the mistakes I've been making mostly revolve around not stopping to think about things and to listen to other people, and acting as if I know better than anyone else. This plan is more along the lines of 'assume Boots knows what he needs better than I do.'"

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"...and wants to tell you all about it because we're such good friends."

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Glam laughs a bit and shakes their head. "Good point!"

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She extends her hand. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. My name's weird."

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"We're not such good friends. So we could start with being just friends."

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Shrug. Only the barest of the furrows of the brow, because she's getting used to the pain. "Why not?"

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"That's not a reason."

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"Because I want to. Because I like having friends. Because I think we could be good friends, and I think that might make you happier. Because it'll make me happier."

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Boots sighs.

"You already know my name."
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"I do! What do you like to do, James?"

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"Nothing lately. Can't do wrestling anymore. Had to fake an injury."

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"Oh. That sucks. I've never wrestled."

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"No shit."

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She laughs. "That obvious, huh. I mostly like running."

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"I can't do that either. Not out of costume, I mean."

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"Are there rules about doing that in costume during your free time?"

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"There are if the Youth fucking Guard thinks I'm patrolling when they cut down all our hours."

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"Wow, that's so fucking dumb. Goddamn pricks."

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"Don't have to tell me twice," snorts Boots.

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"And of course if we tell them we're not patrolling they don't believe us, 'cause of course they know more about our fucking lives than we do."

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"...you know, if you feel like running, I could maybe conjure platforms out at sea and we could go to uninhabited areas inland. Somewhere the YG can't really follow, or know about."
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"The sea and inland?" blinks Boots.

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"Yeah, like, you probably run pretty fast, so we could go the long way around, north or south, until we weren't off any city's proper shore?"

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"Oh. Maybe. I dunno how the Youth Guard finds out things they find out."

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"Yeah, I dunno either. Could prolly keep Ki flying around keeping an eye out for anyone looking our way or some such."

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"You're still gonna do the two people thing? Now?"

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"...I actually hadn't given it much thought, yet. Maybe? I'm not sure if it'd hurt or help or what. Dunno if there's much point."

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"So maybe don't do the critter."

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"Yeah, maybe not."

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"Oh well."

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"Or I could keep it just as a lookout, not really as Ki but. Something that could plausibly be flying around and keeping an eye out?"

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"I mean, whatever critter I conjure could just be a random animal that would act in random animal ways while making sure we're not being followed or observed or something. Just 'cause other-me won't exist doesn't mean the idea's completely useless."

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"Oh. Okay, I guess. How fast do you go?"

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"Not a clue. Running, I'm—in good shape, but that's about it. I'd probably need to fly to keep up with you."

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"I said go, not run."

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"Oh. I never really tried going as fast as I could, and it's technically not me that can fly, it's the suit."

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"But you think you could keep up with me?"

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"How fast can you go?"

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"I can do ninety if I don't have to turn."

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"...hoooly crap. That's kind of incredible. I might need to tweak the design to handle that."

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"The suit or the platforms?"

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"Suit. Platforms will be fine."

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"I mean I usually go a lot slower than that because I'm usually in the city and have to go around or over stuff."

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"Yeah, platforms should let you go full speed. But still. Damn."

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Boots smiles a little bit.

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She smiles back! She has made him smile! That is a good. She has Accomplished Something today.

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"So do you like need a while to fix your suit or what?"

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Blink. "No, not at all. Well, I mean, a minute, I need to think." She closes her eyes and furrows her eyebrows.

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Boots hangs out on his rafter.

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There are some changes to the suit, merely cosmetic, for Boots' sake. The fabric looks somewhat shinier and more reflective, the G more obvious because of that, and it bulks up ever-so-slightly. "Thaaat should be enough."

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And he jumps down, landing on his feet near the weight rack.

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Glam hovers down, masked.

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To the exit!

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To the exit indeed!

When facing the drop into the ocean: "We might want to go a bit farther out."
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"What do you mean?"

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"I mean, farther out into the ocean, so that we're not that visible from the shore."

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"How're we gonna get there, are you going to turn us invisible or what?"

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"I can't turn us invisible, but I can carry you there, and flying capes entering and leaving the PHQ should be common enough that it won't be weird?"

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"Nobody else has an all white costume."

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"Okay, true. ...but well, we don't really need to be disguised to leave, do we, we're just gonna go use our free time on a Sunday afternoon."

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"I guess as long as we're not in the city it doesn't look like a patrol," says Boots dubiously.

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"Right! Let's go, shall we?"

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"Are you gonna give me something to land on so I can walk it or do you seriously plan to carry me?"

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A platform emerges from the water. "If you prefer to walk." It starts extending a way farther out, as if it were a single piece with several sections unfolding from the previous ones.

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Boots hops down onto the platform and jogs.

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Glam flies after him, and the platform extends faster than he can run, retreating back into itself behind him.

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Boots speeds up. He's getting most of his speed by pushing off really hard from the surface of the platform; it's loud.

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It is kinda loud. But they're probably far out enough out that it won't matter for long.

Glam starts making new platforms appear instead of extending the old one because that's faster and easier to do, now Boots is already expecting a speed for the old platforms. They go on and on and on, and Glam is high enough and the platforms are large enough that they would definitely notice if even a single one of them went missing, so they obligingly stay put.
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Boots speeds up and up and up.

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Glam does as well, making more and longer platforms appear. They start appearing with a slight tilt to the right so the path will start turning south to run parallel to the coast instead of away from it.

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And presently Boots is outrunning a hypothetical cheetah in leaps and bounds.

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Glam reminds themself to make Ki appear, seagull-shaped, and fly in a more-or-less seagull-y pattern. They're having to fly faster than they've ever done before and it is—


They whoop and whee, and follow, follow, follow. The platforms appearing in front of Boots before he can step on them are already part of the background, regular expectation, Glam doesn't even have to concentrate on them. They just appear.
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Eventually Glam judges they're far enough from Brockton Bay that they can start turning the platforms back to land. Running on the ocean is fun and all but some variety in scenery is cool, too.

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Boots can turn slowly at top speed, but nothing more than a few degrees at a time.

He takes some flying leaps for variety. It's pretty impressive.
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Glam is pretty impressed! And they're turning nothing more than a few degrees at a time anyway, at this speed they're pretty sure Boots would be walking on water for a few seconds if they turned much more.

Now they're heading towards Plum Island. Glam figures running parallel Refuge Road before getting back to sea towards Crane Beach sounds like a good plan.
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Man, he is fast. They reach Crane Beach, Glam carefully curving the now mere guiding lines made of some luminous material that appear to steer Boots so he'll get a view of Castle Hill. Not a very good view, probably not a good idea to be recognized, but a view. Then along Crane Beach and curving more to the left back into Ipswich Bay and back north, this time a ways away from Plum Island to the left.

Since most of the coast between Massachusetts and New Hampshire is in fact somewhat inhabited, they remain mostly clear of that coast as they make their way back. At the end of the trip they go through Odiorne Point State Park, which Boots might recognise and hopefully might cause him to start slowing down as they approach Brockton Bay again.
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Boots doesn't recognize it, but he has to go a little slower when there are trees around anyway.

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Glam makes large 'Slow Down' messages start appearing on the ground. If they're large enough that you can read them from a distance they don't go poof, so they're there for long enough that Boots might notice them, probably.

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Boots can slow down in a hurry by taking a big enough jump. By the time he lands he's mostly out of forward momentum. He jogs.

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They curve back into the bay, and the PHQ is visible soon enough. Glam flies down closer to the platforms and Boots.

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"That was fun," Boots says. "Where'd we even go?"

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"All the way down to Massachusetts, almost to Rockport. That's about halfway to Boston."

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"Wow. I don't think I ever ran that far before."

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"Yeah, I didn't have the trip very well mapped in my head, we could probably have gone even farther if I knew some more about where we'd be less likely to be seen."

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"There wasn't anyone, right?"

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"Not anyone I noticed, though a couple of times I had to steer us a bit farther away because of highways too close to the ocean. But yeah I don't think so."

A sparrow lands on Glam's shoulder. "I had to turn Ki into a peregrine falcon 'cause seagull wouldn't cut it, and she didn't see anyone either."
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Back into HQ.
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Back into HQ! Glam is happy. They have Bonded.

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Boots doesn't confirm or deny.

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Glam is happy anyway.

They're kinda wondering what Lorica would have to say about this. Boots, of all people.

...why are they wondering what Lorica would think. Gods, they got it bad, don't they?

"Wanna do that again sometime? Maybe with a map and more of a schedule or something."
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"Yeah, maybe."

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"Cool! I think I'ma go read a bit or browse or something." No need to push anymore, now, and Boots might want some alone time or something.

And if he doesn't, he'll say, right? Maybe?
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They return to their room, turn on their laptop, and email Lorica: "I may be kinda becoming Boots' friend."

Because to hell with it.
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That's an interesting life choice, replies either Lorica or her bot.

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Yeah. I dunno, he was upset about stuff, it looked like it might help, and like you said, I'm very well intentioned :)

There's probably something about me in there as well, wanting to make up for my mistakes, but I don't think I'd do it if that was all there was to it.
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I hope being his friend doesn't mean letting him hit you.

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Just once, and it wasn't even that strong.

Relative to what Boots was capable of.

Then we talked and went out running on the ocean. Well, he ran, I flew and made platforms appear for him to run on and kept an eye out for potential witnesses.
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Sounds fun.

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It was! We got almost to Rockport before turning back.

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I'm glad you had a good time.

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Glam is like 65% sure it's the bot.

Yeah. I'm gonna go do stuff now. Later!

They'll bring it up with real Lorica at some point, probably.
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No reply to that one.

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The Loen plan dies without ever seeing the light of day as the Protectorate releases a correction and the relevant media is edited to reflect that Glam is in fact not a boy or a girl. The 'mxglam' PHO account gets Verified Cape status, and there's some noise in which they do not in fact take part.
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Glam enrols in Arcadia High as a boy. They were mostly indifferent to it, but an increasingly loud part of their brain told them that it would be a good idea to look like a cute boy around the straight girl who is the target of their affections and who they know attends Arcadia even if her identity is a secret.

And at school, he actually manages to somehow hang out with Echo—sorry, Willow, and with James. At different times, mostly, Willow tends to give James a wide berth, but there's classes Monday to Friday, more than enough time to divide between people. Afternoons are reserved for "extracurricular activities," which is Arcadia's way of covering for the various Wards' patrolling schedules.
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James is firmly Somewhat Below Average. He grumbles extensively about having to keep "you know, people" off his back by managing decent grades. Apparently his coach used to arrange him tutoring for the equivalent reason but now he's on his own.

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Sadde has never been very high above average, but that is entirely because: lazy. He shows interest in class, sure, but when it comes to actually, you know, doing homework and stuff, he does only about enough that, with his pretty good test grades, he can comfortably pass.

But he has looked into the Youth Guard a little bit more deeply after the... incident... and wouldn't you know, the YG expects mini-capes' grades to not only not fall but actually improve upon joining the Wards. The reasoning behind this is that the Protectorate should "be a positive influence, giving structure and mentorship to the Wards," and so "maintaining the same grades for a prolonged time may still be cause for concern." He's pretty sure this is just to give the YG an excuse to butt in when they don't have any others.

Sadde expresses his contempt for this to James using slightly crasser language than he's typically comfortable with, but suggests that the both of them be study buddies or something. He does have his Winslow tests to prove that he actually knows stuff in spite of what his grades were.
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James will accept tutoring from Sadde. He's not a super great student though.

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That's alright. Sadde thinks personal attention is more likely to help James do better than regular class does, and he thinks he's good at teaching.

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While struggling through algebra, apropos of nothing: "Oh, if nobody told you if you have to talk about a certain somebody it's 'Laurie'."

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His brain takes a second to catch up with the change of subject, and when it does, it takes a further second to stop the smile that started spreading on his face. "Gotcha. Laurie our mysterious friend in common."

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"She's not my friend," snorts Boots.

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"Acquaintance?" He shrugs. "It'd be nice if you were friends. She's great."

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"She sure thinks so," snorts Boots.

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Shrug. "I can't comment on whether she thinks so," he says, because he has never asked her about it. He could probably hazard a guess about her beliefs on the matter. "But well, it's true. You'd probably like her if you got to know her."

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"She thinks she's better than everybody."

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"I don't think that's true." Not everybody surely. "She's just... shy's not the best word, but she's not super sociable in general and doesn't really go out of her way to interact with other people. Kinda like the literal opposite of me, there."

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"She does though. She shouldn't even be alive and she acts like she's so perfect."

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Blink. "She... what?"

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James looks around to see if there's anyone in earshot.

The place is deserted, but he lowers his voice anyway, "You know they usually just real quietly kill anybody who triggers during a Simurgh attack dose or no dose."
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"Simurgh attack."
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"She was in London," nods James.

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"How do you know this?"
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"I was already a Ward when she came in and her dad teleported in and she had some random T-shirt she found on the ground over her face and she was crying and holding a cell phone she'd tinkered into calling him over from wherever he was to get her. The timing was exactly right and Transit had been on vacation to England and everything."

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"...at least she's immune to the Simurgh," he says lamely.

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"She wasn't before she got her powers."

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"Yeah. Uh." He decides he's not comfortable taking about her to James anymore. "...I triggered in New York, ten years ago."

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"That was Behemoth, that's different."

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"I know. I was just... making conversation." Pause. "And she still goes to Simurgh fights," he murmurs mostly to himself in wonder.

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"Yeah, 'cause she's immune. Supposedly."

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He has personal evidence that she probably is, in addition to the extensive amounts of testing the Protectorate's performed, but he doesn't mention that.

"I was mostly talking about not being... I'd probably flashback if I went to a Behemoth fight."
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"You'd what?"

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"Flashback. Like, there'd be all these details that would remind me of New York and the memories would be going through my mind all the time. I'm... kinda terrified of even thinking about going to a Behemoth fight."

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"Oh." Pause. "So don't."

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"I—" He'd been thinking it, that he wouldn't be able to, that he oughtn't, but... "I can hurt him. I can build another gun, like the one I used on Leviathan, but better. If—if I could spare someone of even one second of that, then... I think I will."

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James nods.

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Back to algebra?
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Algebra. Algebra.
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Algebra indeed.

Later, he goes looking for Lorica in her workshop.

Is she there?
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Yup. Looks like she's reading email correspondence her bot has handled for her. "Hi Glam."

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"Hullo. 'Sup?"

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"Not a ton, you?"

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"Nnnnot much either." He's not wearing his suit, so no floating about. "What criterion do you use to decide which emails you actually read?"

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"I read most of them eventually."

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"I see."

...stop avoiding the subject.

"So, uh, Boots told me something and I'd feel bad if you didn't know I knew."
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"Your trigger event," he sighs.

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"Yeah. I, uh, didn't want to know something like that you didn't tell me and know about, so."

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"People don't usually talk about their trigger events. Mine was just a little less private than some of them. I didn't know Boots was telling people about it."

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"He, uh, was probably reacting to the fact that I was talking you up."

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"I don't think he likes me very much."

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"He also doesn't think you like him very much."

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"I don't see a reason to like him very much. I didn't say he ought to like me, either, it's just that he's not a particularly good audience for talking me up."

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Shrug. "Fair. Liking people is kinda my default. It's just—a thing I do."

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"Sounds exhausting."

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"That's... not how I'd put it," he decides after a second. "It's not like I'm actively doing anything to like people, I just like them."

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"If you say so. Anyway. I spent less than the limit dosage under the influence, if you're worried about that."

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"I'm not."

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"That's good."

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"Behemoth. In New York."
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Solemn nod.

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The following day, Glam has patrolling scheduled with Lorica. They won't be allowed to patrol on their own for a while, where 'for a while' isn't a predetermined amount of time as much as it is 'until they are.' They're okay with that. They get along fine with the other Wards, even if the YG incident left the Wards a bit cold towards them.

Somehow, though, patrolling is much less fun when scheduled with a starting and an ending time.
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The schedule's nothing new to Lorica. She hops roof to roof, robots fanned out around her.

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Their carefully almost randomly wander towards the Docks, their patrolling routes never the same twice in a row.

...it's the afternoon. Why are people setting off a light show over there?

"What's that?"
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"Not loud enough to be fireworks. I'm sending a bot."

A bot goes to have a look.
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Oh look! Purity!

She's not bulletproof, unfortunately, and there are quite a few people who possess bullets threatening to use them against her. They're defending an old warehouse, which she's not in fact levelling, but she is throwing blasts of light at some of the people there. All in all, everyone's pulling their punches.
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"Purity, some people with guns, doesn't look quite like anyone outright wants to commit murder today."

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"Does it look like she's doing it with a particular reason or is she just harassing people? ...it's one of the Asian gangs, isn't it? Should we call backup?"

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"It's one of the Asian gangs and yes we should. Calling in."

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Armsmaster responds, telling them to stay out of sight if they can, he's coming to help. He asks if there are any other capes.

...oh, look, someone's arriving! With a metal wolf mask! Hi metal wolf mask guy!

And it's almost like Purity was waiting for him, with the way she started pressing the attack.
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Lorica accordingly updates her report to Armsmaster.

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Armsmaster is silent for a couple of seconds before saying he is coming and calling Chevalier as well.

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Hookwolf almost casually strolls towards the building, and the people with the bullets shoot a few warning shots in his general direction. He doesn't even flinch, just keeps walking.

Meanwhile, Purity sends bolts of light here and there, attempting to knock a few of the people out, apparently still trying not to draw too much attention. Indeed, it was mostly luck that Glam and Lorica happened to run close enough to the spot she'd been attacking that the flashes of her power were noticeable under the afternoon sun.

One shot hits too close to Hookwolf, and just like that he's a shifting mess of sharp metal in the shape of his namesake.
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"We should probably do something, buy Armsmaster and Chevalier some time."
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"A bot could probably tranq the gang members but definitely not Hookwolf and probably not Purity. Decides the fight in E88's favor."

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"Does Purity have invulnerability, too?" they moan.

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"No, but she can outfly a bot. Can she outfly you, do you want to try...?"

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"I was keeping up with Boots who was pushing 90, I don't know how fast she can go but she won't be expecting me, I think."

Hookwolf crashes into the sturdy door of the warehouse, and from the fact that it does not immediately give in it's pretty clear that it's been reinforced from the inside. Someone does not want wolfy breaking in.

Glam conjures a white shield with a G on it.
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"Make it so your suit can absorb the blasts," Lorica suggests urgently. A bot dispenses a tranq dart into Glam's hand. "Don't land, stay out of Hookwolf's range, be bulletproof."

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Glam nods, and their suit gets a somewhat different sheen, as if the fabric had subtly changed. After that, layers of white hardened plate appear around it because there's not much point in believing really hard they're bulletproof if the others don't buy it.

"Wish me luck!"

With the dart in one hand and the shield in the other, they jump off the roof and shoot like a bullet towards Purity, the shield being used to hide their profile and hit her with something harder than their body.

She notices them fast enough to react with a concussive blast, but not fast enough that the blast does much more than reduce Glam's speed when they crash onto her.
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Hookwolf, meanwhile, savages another gang member and makes a run for the door again. The noise reverberates down the street.

Lorica approaches nearer, still stealth; robots take out peripheral gang members who look likely to provoke the E88 as much for their own safety as anyone else's.
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Purity manages to not crash into the ground and dodges Glam's follow-up, and now that the Protectorate are surely informed, she's not as careful about reducing the power of her blasts, though not enough to murder anyone, that could get her sent to the Birdcage if she was caught.

She shoots at Glam, who for now does a good job of dodging the blasts that are still strong enough to crack the sidewalk where they hit.
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A bot attempts to land on Glam's shoulder.

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Glam slows down enough to let it, though they have to raise their shield to block an incoming blast, being pushed back some by the force of it anyway.

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"Mirror the shield, reflect blasts at her or Hookwolf," suggests the bot in Lorica's voice.

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"Good one," they say, and the surface of their shield becomes a silvered mirror as they dodge one blast. The next one they catch, redirecting it at Purity herself. Unfortunately, apparently she can absorb her own blasts as well, so that does nothing.

At the same time, someone in a black bodysuit with various white arrows drawn on it quickly and silently approaches Lorica, intent on booping her.
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The one bot held back from the flock sees; Lorica gets up and turns her head -

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—and finds herself in a position she'd been occupying exactly ten minutes previously, up to and including the locations of her limbs. Her suit might find itself suddenly ten minutes out of sync with the rest of her network.

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"Glam we've got a striker with time powers. Position, onboard software memory, not my memories but probably yours. Suspect nonflier, don't land," relays the bot on Glam's shoulder after a delay to let Lorica and her software sync up.
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"Well isn't that delightful," they say drily. "Should tell Chevalier and Armsmaster that, another cape's not gonna be fun. Any idea on whose side they are?"

Glam hasn't had a chance to redirect a Purity blast at Hookwolf yet—now that she's realized what their upgraded shield does she's been mostly trying to fly around them to hit them somewhere their shield isn't.

In the meantime, the new cape merrily chases after whatever Lorica bots she may find to boop them and send them some arbitrary-but-less-than-ten-minutes amount of time back.
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"Can't tell. She's chasing my robots right now."

The others: get a report.

"You can appear a new mirror wherever she's aiming, it doesn't have to be the one you're holding."
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Purity hasn't actually been shooting, but that is a good idea. Glam "lets their guard down" enough that Purity gets a clear shot of their back, and a mirror appears there before the blast connects, tilted towards Hookwolf.

New-cape apparently gives up on chasing more robots and—disappears.
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"New cape might be able to adjust her own position with her power too, don't know if she has the memory thing, I'm sending most of the swarm to keep an eye out."
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Glam curses under their breath, but not even extensive exposure to Boots has turned that into anything less family friendly than "Ducking darnit!"

They also miss Hookwolf with the reflected blast Purity shot their way, and once she realizes they can make new mirrors appear anywhere on their person she flies away from them, and they promptly give chase.
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"Don't follow her to the ends of the earth if she's trying to escape, we're breaking it up, not taking them all in," says the robot on Glam. "It's us versus three capes and a bunch of unpowered and our backup is not here yet."

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"I know," Glam says, but they needn't have bothered—Purity doesn't try to escape the fight, just Glam themself, and the way she's doing it is by flying towards Hookwolf, sending a few blasts off at random gang members, who shoot at her and miss.

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"I need to figure out a way to get a foam sprayer under my weight limit," mutters Lorica. Robots, no longer chased by striker cape, start stealing gang members' guns. One gets shot badly enough that it can't fly; it starts creeping about on the ground instead.

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The striker cape reappears! And she's pretty fast, too! She runs in a more-or-less zigzag pattern, in a way that seems almost planned to intercept Purity. The supremacist shoots at the new cape, who dodges by moving herself a second into the past before continuing to run towards Hookwolf.

Purity veers up rather than get herself in the way of the new cape, so the new cape tries to boop the snarly mass of metal shaped like a wolf a whole ten minutes into the past.
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Lorica reports that the striker is fighting the E88s.

Hookwolf dodges; his paw catches Lorica's disabled robot, which hits the striker in the face.
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Armsmaster acknowledges and says they will be there in five minutes, and that Velocity is coming to help deal with the striker as well.

The robot hits the striker full on, but she rewinds herself about two and a half seconds to an injury-less state and goes after Hookwolf again.

Meanwhile, Glam keeps Purity occupied, both capes with white costumes zigging and zagging this way and that in the sky. Glam stops the whole 'using hands to hold things' schtick they had going on with the shield and makes it float in place while they conjure their stun gun. "This is a stun gun, not an actual gun, by the way!" they call out, making a neon sign temporarily appear above their head with the words 'STUN GUN' written and an arrow pointing at the gun.
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"We are going to talk about that later," mutters Shoulderbot.

Another bot carries the bot that can't fly to Glam's shoulder so that it can play to its current strengths. Robots try to sneak up on and tranquilize Purity. Others start tracking the path-over-time of the striker so they can be ready to stab her if she backs up.
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"This is mostly a one-time thing, so the villain community as a whole will know I don't shoot to kill," they respond, shooting at Purity. Even though the gun's shots curve and bend to follow their target, Purity is still really fast and can maneuver well even at high speeds. Besides, apparently if she sends a short blast at them hers trumps and absorbs them.

The striker, for now, does a lot of unpredictable zigzagging punctuated by short bursts of rewinding. She apparently either has some practice reacting to changes on the battlefield on the fly or the memory part doesn't affect her. Whichever it is, she uses as much of that as she can to dodge Hookwolf and bots, to try to boop a bot into the past, or (her current main goal) boop Hookwolf into the past.
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Hookwolf's a close combatant. He's got the idea that she's a Striker, but he doesn't have that many other options besides throwing things at her, and he can't wield a gun without sacrificing most of his advantages. He dodges and otherwise leaves her to Purity.

Robots diligently track how far into the past they are sent each time.
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They're sent pretty arbitrary intervals into the past, but very clearly not random intervals. The best hypothesis for the intervals is that she can control exactly how long she sends them back, since she's apparently doing a pretty good job of keeping them separate from each other. Whether the maximum ten-minute limit is built into the power or some self-handicap is up in the air. She gives up on going after Hookwolf and gingerly skips to the door he'd been battering, probably to restore it to undamaged condition.

Purity shoots more blasts at her, but the ease with which she dodges the blasts—and, when she doesn't dodge, restores herself to a previous condition—is uncanny.
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"Suspect ten-minute limit on the striker," Lorica says to Glam and the adult heroes on the way.

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Purity decides to change tacks, and starts flying really, really fast around Glam, in an unpredictable pattern.

And at some point, a new person appeared from amongst the gangbangers. A tall man, muscled, shirtless, his torso covered in tattoos, wearing jeans and a dragon mask. When the striker notices him, she starts putting distance between herself and Hookwolf.
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"Tangle her up in wires!" suggests Lorica to Glam, and then she reports in about the new arrival.

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"I'm gonna cut her in half if I make anything strong enough, and anything not strong she'll just destroy!"

The new arrival starts running towards Hookwolf and roars before throwing a fireball at him.

Armsmaster says he and Chevalier will be there in two minutes, and Velocity might show up any second.
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Lorica's report updates likewise.

Velocity shows up. He joins Lorica in trying to knock the gang members out too quickly for the striker to get them back up again. Meanwhile, Hookwolf roars right back at Fireball Dude; he dodges the projectile and closes the distance to try to sink his teeth into the blaster.
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The striker keeps trying to get them back up, and while she's not as fast as Velocity she's not very predictable, and she keeps trying to put herself in his way so she'll be able to boop him.

The blaster... is taller? He definitely looks a bit taller. And he throws another fireball at Hookwolf from a closer range. This fireball's definitely larger than the previous one.

Purity continues zapping this way and that, and Glam keeps making mirrors appear here and there, but she doesn't blast them, and they futilely try to keep up with her movements.
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Lorica's armor might hold up against a Purity blast or a Hookwolf bite or one of those fireballs but she doesn't want to try it unless something her bots can't lift - like, say, an unconscious teammate - needs to be hauled out. Bots continue tracking the striker's position over time, but the fight's moving pretty fast and a full ten minutes' history will take a full ten minutes to get -

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The blaster roars again, and the sound is very human. He keeps throwing a series of fireballs at Hookwolf—he is definitely taller, and are there scales sprouting from his skin?

Purity finally catches an opening and blasts Glam to the ground—

—(a second's thought has Glam conclude that the fact that they used a shield made everyone watching expect them to be vulnerable to the blasts without one, so the suit-absorbs-blast thing didn't quite work)—

—and then the striker cape is there, and she touches the top of Glam's head—

"-another cape's not gonna be fun. Any idea on whose side they are?"
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"You're missing -" HUD provides. "Seven minutes. Black-and-white's a time manipulation striker. Can - can you get me a swarm of decoy bots?"

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Glam blinks and looks around at the battlefield. Who the heck is that scaly dude throwing fireballs at Hookwolf? Where is Purity? (Look, she's there, looking for them.) And is that Velocity?

"Duck. Alright, here."

Swarm of decoy robots is a go!

The loud sound of Armsmaster's motorcycle can be heard in the distance, and Glam is now personally annoyed at the striker cape. "Velocity, if I give you some wire can you try to tie it around the striker?"
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"Get the decoys to follow the real ones."

Real robots dive into the swarm of decoys and spread out and form a dispersed cloud approaching Purity.

"Worth a shot," says Velocity.
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Purity has located Glam but has also noticed the swarm of robots going after her and starts blasting them. Glam replenishes the supply every now and then. They also make a length of wire appear in Velocity's hand and then conjure a stun gun. "This is a stun gun, not an actual gun, by the way!" they call out, making a neon sign temporarily appear above their head with the words 'STUN GUN' written and an arrow pointing at the gun.

Armsmaster and Chevalier both arrive on the former's motorcycle, and take the scene in. Fireball dude charges towards Hookwolf, now eight feet tall and with scales covering much (but not all) of his skin.
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Hookwolf is going to do his level best to rip up the least protected parts of his opponent. Rawr.

Purity gets a couple of real robots, but misses some, and one of them manages to get close enough to tranquilize her in the thigh.

The remaining robots break off from the herd and project a path onto the ground of where the striker's been recently. "Velocity, she might teleport to any of the lit places -"

"Got it," says Velocity, and he starts snarling up the striker in wire, only as substantial as he has to be to hold the loop.
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Hookwolf's opponent—

is pretty strong. Like, grab-Hookwolf-with-his-bare-hands-and-hold-him-above-his-head-then-throw-him-at-Armsmaster-and-Chevalier strong.

The striker continues running here and there, zig-zagging and trying to not be caught by the wire. One time she gets close to it, but she rolls and boops the wire into the past—farther back than its existence, so it just vanishes. Glam provides Velocity with more.

The door to the warehouse Purity & Hookwolf were trying to blast open starts opening on its own.
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Velocity tries to lasso the striker.

Hookwolf, having been thus flung, recovers quickly, notices that his backup is down, and concludes the other brute out-brutes him. He runs off.

Velocity finally manages to lasso the striker when she backs up into one of the patches of projected light. He solidifies and yanks to pull the wire tight.

Chevalier, groaning, un-heaps himself from Armsmaster and motorcycle, and produces his weapon to level at the fireball guy.
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The other brute roars again, except this time the sound is somewhat less human. His whole body is now covered in scales and his eyes are two pools of molten metal. He decides Hookwolf isn't a worthy target and starts throwing (really, really big) fireballs at the two veteran heroes.

Armsmaster reacts quickly, pressing a button on his halberd to make an energy shield appear and absorb the fire blasts. It's probably not going to hold on for very long.

The striker thus lasso'd first instinctively rewinds a minute back, but the wire is still tying her up, so she reaches down to boop it. However, Glam's waiting for her nearby (having been keeping track of the lights Lorica put on the way) and says, "Boom, witch!" before stunning her.
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"Robots are going to try to fuck with fireguy's vision in three, two, one," says Lorica, and the remaining robot flock, no longer needing to paint a path of where the striker might land, flash bright as they can right in the molten eyes of the blaster.

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The blaster explodes in a blast of fire, and uses his (now clawed) hands to swat robots away. He looks over his shoulder to see the striker unconscious, then decides to charge at Chevalier, breaking Armsmaster's shield on contact.

After the doors of the warehouse are fully open, four vans are visible and start leaving. At the same time, though, a PRT van pulls up and five PRT soldiers exit the van, each carrying a containment foam gun.
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Robots are suffering some serious attrition now. "I'm down to one and a half bots!"

Chevalier levels his blade against the charge, squinting against the fire. His sword is suddenly much longer.
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Fireball guy is hit by the sword but apparently his scales are just that tough. He's not cut, and in three powerful strides he's on Chevalier and then Chevalier's on Armsmaster with so much force both of them hit a building's wall and crack it. Without waiting to see if he was successful, he runs at the downed striker, grabs her, and starts bolting away.

Glam switches gun and shoots at him, to very little effect. The PRT officers divide in two groups, one to contain the four vans trying to escape and the other to foam the guy. He blasts the air around himself before the foam can get him and continues running.
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The one last fully functional robot follows him in the air to get an idea of where he's going -

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—and he jumps to the top of a building with a single leap, bounding from building to building. When he looks over his shoulder and notices the robot, he lunges after it and tries hitting it with a massive (though not as massive as his previous) fireball.

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It melts. Lorica has half a robot.

"And he's gone. Went north a block and then killed the bot."
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"Goddamnit," curses Armsmaster.

Purity is contained in foam (even if she is unconscious) and the other gang members have been apprehended, having mostly surrendered after noticing the presence of five different heroes and a PRT team.

The four vans were packed with contraband weapons and ammo, so that's what the E88 were after, probably.

"Well it could've been worse," says Glam.
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"Yeah, nobody's dead. You did the 'this is stun gun' thing twice, FYI."

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"What? No, I didn't!" Pause. "Uh. Unless it was after I got booped."

Armsmaster dusts himself and overviews the battlefield. "We ran past a press van on our way." He looks up and sure enough, there's a helicopter up there. "Capturing Purity, though, not bad at all."
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Lorica picks up the bot which can't fly but otherwise works, and the salvageable-looking parts of a couple others, and gets the downed one into flying shape with the emergency tools in their compartment on her armor so she won't be without a scout on their way home. Chevalier compliments everyone on their teamwork and ingenuity. The PRT hauls the foamed Purity away. Gang members are arrested. Contraband goes wherever seized contraband goes.

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Glam is actually quite happy with it all! That right there is what they signed up for when they decided to go out in costume.

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And they go back to HQ and Lorica starts making robots.

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At some point they debrief, explaining their findings to the rest of the team (adults and Wards) and speculating about the powers of the two new capes.

There's quite a lot of media surrounding the fact that Purity was captured for the first time, and helicopter footage of the end of the fight sparks wild speculation on the two new villains as well as the new Ward. The footage doesn't show much, and of course the Protectorate PR department had a hand in making the heroes look pretty good, editing out the parts where Chevalier and Armsmaster were about as useful as pins. Still, it's pretty clear that a lot of the job was done by Lorica and Glam.

Conclusion: Glam is really ducking happy when they decide to go visit Lorica in her workshop the following day.
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Lorica has made enough bots that two can shoo her away from her workbench and one can bump softly into her helmet holding a sandwich. She grumbles but takes the sandwich. "Hi, Glam."

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"Helloo," they—

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he singsongs.

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"You're in a good mood."

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"Well, it's because all those times I talked about building a reputation by taking Purity down I'd been joking. Have you seen the news? And the PHO Forums?"

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"No, but I take it you like what they're saying." Sandwich. Munch munch.

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"I doooooo!" he singsongs as he floats about. "I mean, I didn't take her down by myself of course, but people watching the footage are all going 'the heroes don't look like they did much, they mostly fought dragon guy, Lorica and Glam did most of the work with Purity' and the tinfoil hats are going wild on what I can or cannot do." He is currently sitting cross-legged in the air, and hanging upside down.

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"I should've thought of decoy bots sooner."

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"They were a very good idea. You and I are the best paaaaair!" He's rotating this way and that as he says it.

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"Do you want to see bot footage of the seven minutes you missed?"

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Blink. "Oh, yes, definitely. Missing seven minutes of my life is annoying, next time I'll get her and lock her up, ugh."

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The display on the wall shows what he missed, shifting view as bots are disabled or lose a good angle on the action.

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He watches. He furrows his brows when he watches himself leave an obvious opening for Purity, but when a mirror appears there as she blasts him he grins. "Oh that was a good idea!"

He continues watching and providing similar commentary on the parts he missed, giggling when he makes the neon 'STUN GUN' sign appear for the first time. At some point the fight becomes what he's seen on the news footage, with more parts that were edited out, and then he remembers everything.
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"I'm a little worried about the stun gun thing having been loudly advertised twice. I don't know if anybody on the field was paying close enough attention or speculating very much, but..."

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"Well, the news footage only caught the second time, and I played it off on the forums as being because 'it sounded funny at the time and could distract or confuse the enemy.' And given that Rewind" to whom they'd given a name during debriefing "had booped me, I don't know if it's that relevant that it happened twice."

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"Doing it once makes... some sense. Doing it twice makes it look potentially important. You were operating without remembering having done it, but you didn't act otherwise exactly alike each time."

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"Yeah. I mean, my reasoning was the same both times I presume, even if the battlefield had changed enough that all my actions weren't. But yeah, you're right."

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"So cross your fingers, hope everybody who's anybody knows now that you're partial to stun guns, and don't repeat yourself."

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"Yes, definitely don't repeat myself. Unless Rewind can send me like days into the past, in which case she's absurdly terrifying and needs to be taken down immediately."

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"I think she's limited to ten minutes, but she might have been handicapping for some reason. Anyway, you still shouldn't repeat yourself days in the past because she only sends back the things she touches and everyone else will still remember, but I suppose you won't remember being told so if it happens."

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"Pretty much. If I'm ever sent back into the past and you're in a position to do it remind me of it, please?"

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"Will do."

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He sits on the ceiling and conjures a ping-pong ball, which he starts tossing from one hand to the other, as if gravity was upside down for it.

"So, whatcha makin'?"
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"Replacement robots. I've been poking at the central software enough that I think it can handle a couple dozen now, but I have to build 'em."

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"Oh. And you can't mass produce them? Like, make a sufficiently detailed list of instructions that another bot could follow them and it'd be algorithmic enough that it wouldn't have room for creativity, or something?"

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"I could do that, but I'm not planning to graduate to robot-making robots until I, well, graduate."

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"The assembly would be kind of stationary, for one thing."

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"Oh. Fair enough. But couldn't you program a bot to operate your current workshop while following those recipes? Like, effectively replace you, once you're done with the 'figuring it out' part and all that's left is the 'repeat same motions ad nauseam' part?"

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"The bots do all have to be slightly different because I avoid random number generation and the software needs a way to decide which bot to send to do any specific thing. But I could program that in too. But - when I design a bot-assembly apparatus, in my head, it's a big stationary thing, it's not a pair of hands and my actual toolkit. I couldn't begin to tell you why. I might be able to get around it, but there are other reasons I don't want self-reproducing robots while a Ward. The Protectorate freaks out about self-reproducing anythings."

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He thinks about it, and shudders. "With good reason."

He hovers back down, disappearing his ping-pong ball and standing upright. "It's kinda fascinating how all this works. Sometimes I'm really envious of Tinkers."
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"We are pretty cool."

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"Yeah! Though I dunno that I'd be a very good Tinker. I'd probably want to take everything I made apart to figure out why it works and how to reproduce it all and how to explain it to non-Tinkers. I mean, I spent a long time grumbling about how I can't actually look too closely at anything I make."

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"I can take my stuff apart. It makes sense, it's just incommunicable sense."

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"Well, see, the incommunicable part would annoy me! I like talking." Pause. "You may have noticed this."

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"No, never."

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"Shut up," he laughs. "Turning things verbal is kind of a hobby. Describing stuff, analyzing it in a way that can make it understood by other people. It's probably why I'm not too frustrated with my power, even if it runs on imagination it at least has rules I can properly explain."

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"And have to be very careful never to explain to anyone else..."

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"Yes. Pretty much. Though that's not as frustrating to me," he says, shrugging. "I don't care all that much about actually explaining it, as long as I'm able to? Though explaining it to you was fun, too."

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"You seemed upset about having to at the time."

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"Well, having to explain included giving you ultimate blackmail material and giving you control over my power forever—the fact that you turned out to be the only person who's immune to it was coincidental. I kinda calculated I might need to do that when I asked you to radio stuff in Acapulco, because hell, driving an Endbringer away earlier is totally worth it. And maybe there was a part of me that really wanted to have an excuse to tell. But, you know, conflicting desires."

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"Makes sense."

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"Would it be okay if I watched you build stuff?"
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"I guess you can? I'm really not sociable when I'm doing it."

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"I'm fine with that, it just sounds really interesting to see happen."

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"I think you'll get bored and wander off in ten minutes. Or start a conversation with the bot."

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"That's possible," they agree. "But I won't know 'til I try."

And of course there's the ulterior motive of spending more time with her but. Sssshhhhhh, secret.
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Lorica finishes the last couple bites of sandwich, her helmet clamps down, and she says, "Suit yourself."

And she builds a robot.
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And he starts watching.

And either because it really is that interesting or because he doesn't have anything better to do or because he really likes spending time with her even without being sociable or a combination of those, he does not in fact leave after ten minutes.

Or thirty.

He mmmmiiiight be starting to get bored if it starts pushing an hour.
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Lorica finishes a robot. She starts on another robot. As always she has no visible facial expression, but she's very absolutely focused on her work. Sometimes robots bring her things. Sometimes she reaches for tools without turning her head.

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His attention is renewed when she starts the new robot. He wants to see where she does things differently there.

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It looks... mostly the same. This one has slightly longer arm parts.

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Alright. Now he's actually bored, though he doesn't really want to leave, 'cause. Well. He's with his crush, what'd you expect?

Eventually he decides to go back to his room to grab a couple of books and then return, assuming a bot will open the door for him when he does.
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The bots let him in.

Tinker tinker.
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He sits cross-legged by Lorica, not getting in her way and mostly reading his books, sometimes looking up to see how far she is in that particular robot or whether any emerging differences from the previous ones are obvious thus far.

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The third one is a different color and has a bigger lens on two sides.

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...if it reaches the fourth hour he'll probably get back to his room and browse or something. There's only so much warm fuzziness can do.
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The robots don't interrupt her and she does not interrupt herself.

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Yeah, out he goes, then.

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There's a fundraiser coming up. Capes are to all be there, in costume (clean, well-maintained costume), be polite to rich people, and by their presence encourage attendance encouraging donations. Lorica polishes her armor; if Sadde's in her workshop at the right time he might see her ungloved hand or socked foot (but she has an old helmet for when she's working on the current one). She is pale and slimly formed and not covered in warts or spider anatomy.
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Sadde's costume is always pristine, of course, courtesy of being imaginary, so he's in her workshop at the right time. He's... slightly irked at being a he, at the moment, but since it'll be for only a short while he still thinks the 'be a cute boy around Lorica' plan is a good one.

"No warts," he says, grinning.
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"No, you caught me, I am wartless on at least my hands."

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"This fundraiser thing sounds fun. Can I do parlor tricks? Magic decks of cards? What are we supposed to do at one anyway?"

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"Mill around. Eat hors d'oeuvres if you like. You could probably offer to do stage magic type things if you find someone who'll play along."

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"They'll probably call it cheating, and they will be right." He shrugs. "Hors d'oeuvres are fine. Will we socialize with the rich and famous? Can you tell me in a stern voice not to duck this up and provoke the wrong person?"

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"How stern do you want it?" she asks, putting her glove back on and pulling off a boot.

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"Hmm... how about 'mother who is tired of her kid's shiz'?"

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Lorica snorts. "I'll try." She spins on her stool. "Sadde, literally everyone at this gathering is there specifically because they are rich, they are powerful, and they like aiming these features at the PRT and Protectorate-related causes. If anybody walks out of this event thinking that such a cause ought to be 'putting you in your place', you won't have a nice rest of your Ward tenure. No shenanigans, no spiking the punch, no getting anyone to bet on one of your card tricks no matter how many yachts they claim to own, if you can't manage charming then dig deep down and find 'stoic', capisce?"

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"Oh my. That did not elicit the right response in me at all."
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"What'd I do wrong?"

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"Nothing, it's just that coming from you in particular, that was." Pause. "Somewhat attractive."

'Kinda hot' was what he'd had in mind, but no reason to put it quite like that.
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"Well, I hope it doesn't inspire you to foolishness at the fundraiser. Whether it's attractive is orthogonal to the point but I was not hoping to be literally anti-effective."

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"Oh, it wasn't anti-effective. Or. Effective. It was, indeed, orthogonal to the exercise. If it helps, I'm not planning to be foolish at the fundraiser, and you will definitely be the first person I will tell if I feel a terrible urge to be foolish."

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"Should I leave you a robot? I made a mini one specifically for sitting on you," she holds it up, "since that seems to wind up happening a lot."

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"Oh yes! Yes I want a sitting robot! Can I pet it? Can I keep it?"

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"You can pet it, it is mine but you may have it in your possession at all times until I need to fix it if you like."

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"Yay! You're the best! I wanna hug you, can I hug you?"

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"Sure, why not."

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Hug! Clunky metal suit hug! But also: crush hug! If it wasn't a clunky metal suit hug it would be the best type of hug.

Then he takes the robot and pets it, bouncing in place a bit, which might or might not be characterized as 'adorable.'
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The robot chirps.

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"Oh my god it makes little noises when I pet it I am dying."

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Lorica giggles.

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He hugs the little robot before putting it on his shoulder and waiting for Lorica to be ready.

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Lorica finishes her boot, and polishes her other boot, and then it's time to go.

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Glam makes their mask appear—not a boy anymore, good—and it's time to go. They float after her.

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Dauntless is waiting for them in his white and gold costume, holding his Spartan helmet under an arm. His boots shine and sparkle with contained energy, as does the spear visible on his back.

"Oh, good, we're all here! I have an announcement to make. I think they wanted to make it a surprise, but you deserve to know it beforehand."
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"...They swearing you in?"

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"Well, thank you for ruining my speech!" he laughs. "Yes, I'm graduating today. We all knew this day was coming soon, I turned eighteen two months ago, and they wanted to announce it today at the fundraiser. They will also be announcing Lorica as the new Captain."

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"Guess I should've seen that coming."

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"Hey, that's cool, congrats!"

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"Yes, congratulations! It has been a great honor working with all of you, and I hope I will see you all continue on to join the Protectorate with me."

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"Got any captaincy tips?" Lorica asks, not commenting on the likelihood that she'll continue on.

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"Oh, several, but I'm sure you know them. Play up your teammates' strengths, always take their input into consideration—especially when it comes to themselves and their own powers -, organize them in ways that will complement one another, always be there for them, et cetera."

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He puts his helmet on, then. "Everyone ready?"

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Glam nods.

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Nod nod.

To the fundraiser. Joy, rapture.
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Well, Glam thinks so! They look pretty excited about it.

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Lorica gets promoted. Dauntless's speech is longish; hers is a brief assertion that she'll do her best to coordinate her team as well as he did and a perfunctory thanks for the various funders who make their mission possible.

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"Such emotion. I'm smitten."

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"You need further smiting? Since when?"

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They laugh. "Okay, fair point. Still, you could've tried winning them over a bit, maybe saying one of those sexy things you say sometimes."

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"I don't particularly want attendees to find me sexy, and also your tastes may be niche."

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"Right. In other people those things inspire respect, I just happen to find a mind that could bend steel sexy." Pause. "It occurs to me I have not informed you of all the times I found something you said sexy and you may have an incomplete and unrepresentative picture of what I mean."

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"Well, I suppose I wouldn't formally reprimand you with my shiny new captaincy if you were more complete in your picture."

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"Well there's the obvious 'expressing very strong preferences about my behavior,'" they start. "But in general whenever you demonstrate having really thought about something, beyond what other people would normally do. When you're... I guess confident's too euphemistic and not quite what I mean." Air quotes: "'Badass'? Something like that? Competent. That's the word I'm looking for. You make me all melty inside when you're competent." Pause. "Also the thing you said on the boat about people only finding out that thing in case you disappeared and your bots suspected I was involved in that? Hit all the right buttons."

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"So basically you like it when I act like I could squish you if I felt like it."

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They hug their bot. "Oh yes."
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"Is that why you're so eager to be continually accompanied by a robot that reports to me and whose armaments you have no information about."

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"It wasn't but now that you point it out, it is a very large part of the current reason."

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"It is an unarmed robot."

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"Well bummer." Pet pet.

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"If you want me to give it scary bits next time I upgrade it..."

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"Well as long as you're offering..."

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"Should I not be encouraging this while in a state of," handwave, "not?"

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"Not planning to go anywhere with it."

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"Oh." Ponder. "Well. I mean. It's kinda the next best thing? And I won't say it doesn't make me hopeful, but at the same time unless you personally dislike..." Handwave. "Causing these things, or I'm acting in some way that makes you uncomfortable, I don't see the harm. I expect I'll be the first to know—well, maybe the second, if you count your AIs—when slash if you change your mind, so in the meantime I get to enjoy your presence and personality and all that entails."

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"So I may help myself to arbitrary amounts of flattery and you will not write angry rants on the Internet about my reprehensible behavior."

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"...yes you may, no I won't, why would I even do that."

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"It seems kind of popular."

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Blink. "Someone's been writing on the internet about your reprehensible behavior?"

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"Not mine, about girls they have crushes on in general."

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"Oh. That's. Very dumb. Why—why would anyone even do that? That is not how crushes work."

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"I can't claim to have a really good handle on the psychology involved."

Chevalier comes up to them and puts a hand on each of their shoulders. "You two should take in the party. Talk to some people. On your best behavior," he adds.

Glam's robot jumps on their shoulder, once.
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"Yeah, good idea!"

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Lorica salutes - it's hard to tell if she's doing it ironically - and goes off into the crowd.

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Glam goes after the hors d'oeuvres because food is not only a good in itself, but also a good conversation starter.

On the way there, though, they murmur to the robot, "So you like lots of flattery. That's good to know."
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"It'll get you everywhere, didn't you know?" the robot whispers back.

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"Hmm. That is definitely interesting information."

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Presently: hors d'oeuvres! Glam eats them through their mask.

And look, rich people eating hors d'oeuvres! They should talk.

Later: "Hey Lorica?"
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"Can you reassure me that not everyone in this party is a misgendering ball of snot?"

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"I have not snuck out to stargaze on the roof."

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"You know what I meant." Pet pet the cute robot.

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"I don't otherwise have a complete tally of who here is and isn't a misgendering mucus sphere. What happened?"

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"Talked to this lovely couple of very very rich people who seemed intent on calling me 'young man,' no matter how many times I politely corrected them, while they helpfully explained something or other about how to do my job better."

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"Was their advice as good as their manners?"

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"Bit worse."

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"Entertainingly, or...?"

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"I suppose it could have been entertaining if the misgendering wasn't irking me and if they weren't acting so condescending about it. One would imagine that if only they had powers all problems of the world would be solved."

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"Ah. That's a type. I grew out of it when I was like ten, I guess they skipped that milestone."

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"A 'type'?"

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"People who think the world would be fine if only they personally had powers, but, like, good powers, not ones that were inconvenient in any way or bad for their tactical style, and also their trigger event doesn't make them any less psychologically effective and they have a lot of charisma that works on incompatible factions all at the same time and money is no object. Those people."

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"Ah." Pause. "You know, even when I'm in the 'I am invincible' character I don't think I've ever been that confident." Other pause. "Behemoth when I was seven might've had something to do with that, though," they whisper, and hug the robot again.

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The robot buzzes in a purring sort of way.

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"Also I think knowledge of the existence of trigger events isn't that common."

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"Except among cape geeks, yeah, although I'd hope the sort of people who show up to this sort of thing would have a higher rate of knowing their shit."

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"Eh, I dunno, strip away the capes and this is a fancy party with expensive food costing exorbitant amounts to come, I'm sure most people here are just coming to mingle and eat hors d'oeuvres and look important."

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"There are similar parties for art museums and orphanage benefits and so on. Some people here probably just go to every such thing they can afford, but some of them are picking and choosing."

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They shrug. "I guess," they say, and pet the robot again.

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Mingle mingle.

The robot chirrs.
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Mingle mingle, om nom hors d'oeuvres.

"Good news: not everyone is incapable of grasping the nuances of gender-neutral language! Bad news: some people are really annoying about grammar."
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"Singular they is too plural, and thou'rt silly for using it that way?"

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"Yes, pretty much. They said I should just pick a pronoun and stick to it."

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"Did you tell them you tried that and it made you miserable?"

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"I didn't use the word 'miserable,' but yes. She said 'tough'—bit subtler, but that. I suggested using another pronoun like 'ey' or 'zie' and I think she wanted to bite my head off."

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"But they're not even slightly plural."

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"No, but apparently they're 'made up.' I wanted to make a ping-pong ball appear and say it was made up as well, but I don't think that'd be conductive to donations so I just decided to get distracted by something somewhere else."

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"Well done."

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"Thank you!"

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"You're welcome."

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Mingle mingle.

"Okay, people who are explicitly awful are more the exception than the norm. That said, why are people."
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"Whose existence are you questioning now?"

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"The latest is yet another person with very relevant opinions on how we should've handled Purity and Hookwolf and Rewind and Fireball," because lacking an official name for the latter two they pretty much made it up. "There was someone who was very unsubtly criticizing the decoration, there was someone doing the same to the food while holding two hors d'oeuvres, there was even someone doing both things." They shake their head very slightly to themself.

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"Well, to be charitable one can be very hungry and have discerning food tastes simultaneously."

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"The fact that this may be about the best stuff I've ever eaten in my life might be biasing me a bit, but that's beyond the point."

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"Are they that good? I never eat at things like this."

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"They're delicious."

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"Well, that's good then."

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"Yeah. Also this one girl agreed my bot was cute." Pause. "Does it have a name? I feel very remiss for taking so long to ask."

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"The central software should really get a name but I haven't thought of anything I like enough and I know I'll get attached once I pick something. The individual chassis don't have names either."

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"Is getting attached bad?"

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"It means I can't change it if I think of something better later."

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"...isn't that an argument against ever naming it?"

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"No, it's an argument for having a really high threshold, so if I think of the perfect name later I won't be too disappointed at merely having an excellent name. I just have to think of an excellent name."

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"Oh. Do you have a list of characteristics a name must have to be considered excellent?"

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"Not as such, why?"

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"'Cause then I could try to help beyond just suggesting a bunch of names until one struck your fancy."

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"Well, you're still welcome to suggest a bunch of names until one strikes my fancy."

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"Alright! Later, though, otherwise Chevalier will get on our cases again. Besides, some of these people are interesting."

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"Good luck sticking to those ones."

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Mingle mingle. More hors d'oeuvres.
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Lorica resists the temptation to crack her helmet open enough to try them.

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Glam thinks she really should!

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Glam is welcome to save her some if they really want.

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They just might.

"Sssooo... I have a question..."
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"If I got the chance to make out with Dauntless, would that hurt my chances with you?"

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"That depends on whether you take him up on it."

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"Er. Yes, okay, I amend the question to 'should I take him up on it, would that hurt my chances with you?'"

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"Little bit, yeah. How much depends on other details."

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"Hrrm. Details like what?"

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"...I'm really uncertain how much detail it's appropriate to go into here."

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"...alright, for the time being there will be no makeouts."

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"I can't exactly quantify into numerical terms how good your chances are to begin with," Lorica says. "It doesn't necessarily make sense for you to be - I probably should've just told you to go ahead."

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"I'm not sure you get just how bad I got it."

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"Maybe I don't. But still."

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"Eh. For now, don't think it's quite worth the risk. Dauntless is cute but that's about the extent of it."

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"How did this even come up?"

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"It didn't actually come up, I was just talking to him and it occurred to me that he's graduating so there won't be as many opportunities in the future." Pause. "I mean, I wouldn't even be thinking about it if past interactions didn't lead me to believe he'd be willing, but."

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"I've never known Dauntless to be a casual makeouts person."

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"He probably isn't, I don't think it'd be as easy as coming up to him and asking, but before I decided to actually, you know, invest any time in it, I wanted to ask."

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"Let it never be said that I'm not at least trying to think about things before doing them."

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"This isn't exactly the same as previous recklessnesses, but noted."

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"True, I suppose."

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The party goes on pretty late. Then everybody goes home.

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A few days later, a woman checks in to a hospital with very severe withdrawal symptoms, but the tox screen does not find anything. Once she's coherent enough to communicate what happened, she says she has not voluntarily taken any drugs, but was dosed against her will with something very strong while walking back home.

She also got a note with a time and a place she had to be if she wanted to get more of that drug.
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And that's why Lorica's sitting on the roof near the intersection in question, frowning at it.

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And it's why Glam's waiting there, looking exactly like the lady from the hospital, and imitating the symptoms she'd been showing after the worst of withdrawal was through.

At the exact time written on the note...

No one shows up.

However, a bizarre winged half-rat-half-plant hybrid creature comes from an alley, flying low and dropping a syringe with a note attached to it in front of Glam before starting to fly away between the buildings, keeping to the shadows.
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A robot chases it.

Lorica drops to the ground beside Glam to look at the note.
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The note contains another location, a time closer to now than now was to the day the woman was dosed, and names a considerable sum of money.

The creature goes through tight alleys and stops to hide a lot before checking with echolocation whether the area's clear. On one of those checks, it notices Lorca's bot and starts fleeing.
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The bot chases it faster.

"Somebody must've made that thing. I don't think it fits any known villain powersets. Or for that matter rogues."
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When the thing notices it won't be able to escape it runs headfirst onto a wall. It does not survive impact.

"I didn't see it very well, what was it? I thought it was a bat."
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"There's plant in there, and a rat tail. The wings might be bat wings. It self-destructed when it noticed it was being chased and couldn't lose the bot so it's at least slightly intelligent."

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"Hm. Weird." Glam looks like their costumed self again. "We should probably have Miracle Max look at this thing," they say, grabbing the syringe.

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"Yeah, my thoughts exactly."

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The hybrid soon dissolves into liquid, leaving little evidence of its existence. Someone thought this through.

They report their findings and return to the PHQ with the note and the drug.
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Miracle Max takes the drug and disappears into his lab with it.

Lorica paces.
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"...you alright?"

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"Yeah, I'm fine. Thinking about how to stealth a bot better."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. Aren't there, like, magical Tinker things that can make it invisible or something?"

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Snort. "It's slightly outside my specialty. I'm mostly a software Tinker and invisibility is thoroughly hardware; that I can do robots at all is very much constrained by the extent to which this constitutes indulging my specialty better by giving the robots more free rein for decisionmaking. I'd need to make a really complicated cloaking device or try to figure out how to collaborate with Armsmaster on it."

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And Glam has interacted with Armsmaster enough by now to say: "Yeah I don't really see him wanting to help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. So I might figure out how to do the really complicated cloaking device which leaves the robot enough meaningful control over it that my specialty will stretch that way, now that it's inconvenienced me to have one visible."

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They nod. "I'm sure you can do it, you're awesome."

Gratuitous flattery? Why, yes.
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They grin. "You're the one who said you liked it."

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"Yes, but there was no finesse to that one."

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"Aren't you a complicated girl."

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"No, I am secretly made of plastic all through, no moving parts."

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They laugh. "Mm, your hands didn't look like plastic, unless you have a secret Changer power and never told me about it."

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"Nope, just the two."

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"It's interesting that you got two basically unrelated powers like that."

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"And they have nothing to do with Dad's either, I'm at a loss."

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"Yeah. I wonder where the heck they even come from. Like, why did the universe decide to just up and start giving people powers randomly twenty years ago?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ask Scion, be ignored, continue wondering."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"I wonder if the world would suck anywhere near as much if there were still powers but no Endbringers. It's not all their fault."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there'd still be the S9, the Sleeper, the Blasphemies, the E88, Nilbog, Glaistig Uaine, and who knows what other class S threats we never hear about. Probably not as much, though, three to four attacks that often end up destroying cities per year isn't something even all of those together could accomplish." Pause. "Maybe Glaistig Uaine and the Sleeper."

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"Well, they could maybe if they wanted to but they mostly seem not to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Which leads to the question of why the Endbringers do, and why there aren't any other giant monstrous capes that aren't evil. I mean, a sample size of three may be too small to really conclude anything, but." Shrug.

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"You think the Endbringers are capes?"

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"I dunno, I mean, maybe not, but the alternative is what?"

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"Constructs or projections, maybe. They don't - they don't act human, and like you said, exactly three ultra-powerful giants all of whom coordinate despite appearing at different times is weird."

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Sigh. "Yeah. But that'd leave the question of who made them. It'd explain why they haven't destroyed the world yet, though, if someone was controlling them."

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"No it wouldn't. Well, it sort of might, but the pattern of behavior still doesn't make sense."

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"I mean, if the person controlling them had some long game and wasn't just crazy. If they wanted to destroy the world they could have."

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"Unless their power has weird limits which are beyond 'make Endbringers' but short of 'destroy world with them'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like... what? I mean those'd be really weird limits, with what they've shown us they can do already. For one, choice of location."

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"I don't know, but I wouldn't have thought up your power without having met it."

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"Fair, I guess."

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"Or maybe the Endbringers are just Case 53s who woke up one day, discovered they were monsters, and decided to act like it, and they all formed a monster club, how would I know."

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"Well when you put it like that."

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Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

An email from Miracle Max pops up on the wall. Looked at the drug. Got a formula for an antidote that you can use prophylactically but if there's multiple in the family won't do much against sibling drugs. It wasn't purified well; whoever made it was primarily something else, not a drug tinker.

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"Okay, that's interesting, but I don't know that it actually helps us much to catch the person. And what are the actual effects of the drug, other than the withdrawal after you don't have it?"

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The bot transcribes Glam's remarks and asks if it may please have their email password.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, here you go.

Permalink Mark Unread
The bot sends from Glam's email account.

Max writes back, Oh, I thought that lady would have described the symptoms. Looks like it's just designed for extreme addiction and actually being recreational was secondary. I'd describe the likely high as 'just barely pleasant' over about an hour and a half at this dose for a typically sized person, but coming down to normal would feel like you were dying.
Permalink Mark Unread

"...how delightful. But guess I know what I'm supposed to look like when we go to the next meeting place."

Permalink Mark Unread
The bot copies to Max again, who has no reply. Lorica solicits "at least two, more if you can finagle it easily" doses of prophylactic antidote, and gets an ETA back, which is comfortably before the drop point.

"Although I suppose we can't guarantee anyone or anything will show up this time, since the first messenger didn't get home."
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"Yeah. But I mean, the first messenger didn't really have any messages other than 'package delivered,' so maybe it's not that relevant. We don't have much to lose by going." Pause. "Except for the money. What are we gonna do about that?"

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"You're going to give it the money, of course," says Lorica innocently.

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"...see, this is why I love you, you think about things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Had it honestly not occurred to you in ten years that you could counterfeit?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It has occurred to me, several times, and I decided against it every time because I am a good, virtuous person!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's why you counterfeit as part of sting operations!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will remind you that this is my first such operation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, yes."

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"I should probably go over all the things I have ever thought about using my power for and decided against at the time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do tell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I dunno, I've spent some time in my life thinking about how I'd go about committing various crimes and then deciding not to do them. Selling various fake items is an obvious one, though jewelry wouldn't work because people usually squint at it. Robbing a bank, or a store. Using strategically placed pebbles to make sure the horse I bet on won the race."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you tripped all the horses in a race except one it would be very statistically irregular."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well I wouldn't make all of them trip. Or even one. Just, making them slip a little bit, maybe? Or the air's slightly rarefied in front of them, or something."

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Nod. "Well, no immediate sting op applicability for any of that."

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"Yeah. I can also reasonably look like any given thug, I suppose."

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"If your acting skills are up to it."

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Shrug. "Maybe I should take acting classes."

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"Couldn't hurt, if you have the time."

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"Technically we're not patrolling literally all the time. Would the Protectorate cover it, do you think?"

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"You could make a case for using your budget towards it."

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"Well I'm making my case, and since you're the captain..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't allocate your budget. I have almost no actual power. You'd have to ask Piggot. Or I can do it for you, I guess, but I can't do it on my own recognizance."

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Sigh. "Yeah. Guess I should ask Piggot, and not be surprised when she says no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, it's also possible she's been quietly paying damages to that one guy's family out of your budget this whole time."
Permalink Mark Unread

"...that is likely, isn't it."

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"The only reason I'm not positive she's doing it is because I'm not positive he had a family and she hasn't held it over you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Do you think she would've held it over me? I'm honestly not sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"At least subtly. You could've missed it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I... don't think I would've," they say dubiously. "I mean unless it was really really subtle and could completely be interpreted as her holding something else over me, or just general warnings like the ones she gave me after the... first Yates incident."

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"Maybe she didn't then, I don't know."

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"Well it's been two months, she's had lots of opportunities to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I predicted wrong about Piggot, sue me."

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"I'm mostly reassuring myself here. Sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, gotcha."

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Shrug. "Well, I can't spend the rest of my time here cowering in fear of Piggot and never talking to her, and I don't think it's... productive to live under the shadow of my fuck-ups. Not that they weren't major, or that I should forget them, but..."

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"Yeah, I get it."

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"So, let's stop talking about my fuck-ups and continuing to ruin my image to you and start talking about something that could actually help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do you have in mind?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Endbringers."

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"Well, that's a bit of a leap from acting classes and druglord cape."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's been on my mind, mostly because an attack is due soon, and I haven't actually really done anything that could help better that gun. And, you know, brainstorming ideas and bouncing them off each other is a good first step, and you're good at the whole 'thinking' thing, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Assemble it on the plane while people are watching; I'll throw in a pair of hands and Tinker technobabble. Solicit help carrying it, ideally after our team's scattered and you can ask for somebody else who didn't see it in progress, spread it around. Run tests out on platforms over the water against targets you create that can dramatically shrivel up and do this after you've put a couple episodes of that internet TV channel you were going to do and never got around to. Make it loud and annoying-sounding when it amps up but don't give it more than about five seconds to do it, next one won't be Leviathan but time still counts."

Permalink Mark Unread

They nod along. "Yes, solid. What kinds of targets, do you think? It shouldn't be obvious that I made them, but Purity can destroy buildings if she's really trying and yet she's not all that strong against Endbringers, so they should ideally look more durable than that. Also do you think you could get one of your bots to follow us around while I do things? So we can upload them to the channel, editing it so we look badass—but will probably need permission from Branding or something before that, did they ever hire someone new?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Pluck a boat wreck out of the harbor," Lorica says after a moment. "And yeah, I have recordings of everything already, editing would be work, we don't have a new branding person yet, they're looking, we're supposed to borrow Boston's if we need consultation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do you mean, pluck a boat wreck out of the harbor?"

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"It's not ideal, exactly, but it's a piece of big junk that nobody'll miss - or think they'd miss, since you won't be using a real one. It's not more durable than a building but if you make it to begin with you can vaporize it."

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"Oh. Yeah, good idea. About branding, what do you suppose I could say to convince them to let me do the channel thing without sounding like I'm just in it for the attention? ...it has been two months, but I don't exactly have a good track record with them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Boston person might not even know all the details? Maybe? Depends how good they are at their job and whether they expect to actually get any requests from this quarter. The thing though is that you can be in it for the attention as long as you're in it for the right kind of attention. The point of Branding is to get you the right kind of attention. Mm - assmeble a sample episode, bot will send you whatever footage you ask for, send that to the branding person and ask permission to put it up 'and maybe make it a series if the reception is good'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, sounds good. I think taking Purity out is a good first episode, people are curious about what exactly happened there, and the press footage's pretty bad and doesn't cover even half of the fight."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. And voiceover it in some suitably charming way. You write, bot can edit."

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Nod. "Also, we could add 'power testing' episodes where I do suitably impressive things, including the Endbringer gun. I'm also thinking that I should start out small and 'become more powerful' as these episodes go, if I just start out with the full range of my skills and then don't change much people won't expect the kind of improvement I need them to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, you didn't actually stretch your power concept that much in the Purity fight. Show off that you can do animals, then that you can self-duplicate, then that you can do Changer stuff - do impressions or something - imply you can copy powers! - and at some point during this sequence when you have enough views do the Endbringer gun, guest star Lorica."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. How spread out should those be, do you think? Once a week? Twice? What kind of commentary do you think the fights should have, stuff like a general description of what's going on that's not immediately obvious, like what I'm thinking, or what? Don't wanna give out too many tactical details, of course, but if we 'let a few details slip,' the kind of detail that makes us look good without compromising strategy too much, sounds good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What you're thinking, speculations about what the opponents were thinking, what you would've done if something hadn't worked within the bounds of the amount of power you're showing? Depending on what you want to project you can make the occasional joke at your own expense. Like when Purity blasted you down to Rewind... 'I don't remember this part but that probably hurt'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

They laugh. "Yeah, that's good, I like that. Should also get consent of all the people who show up in the videos. ...maybe not show Armsmaster and Chevalier, they mostly got their butts handed to them by Fireball."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And I don't think under the circumstances you ought to ask Purity or Hookwolf or Rewind."

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"But I don't mind appearing, to the mostly nonexistent extent I show up personally in the interesting bits."

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"I could mention which parts were your idea, within the constraints of not revealing too much about strategy."

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"If you like, yeah, you're trying to emphasize your powers being cool, not that you're Sun Tzu. Might make you look less full of yourself."

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"Mmhm, the self-deprecating humor could make me more relatable, too, I want people to want me to win, not to be secretly wishing for that butthole to fail and learn their place."

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"Yeah. Don't overdo it, though, people only outright expect underdogs to win in movies."

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"'Course. I mean, we did basically singlehandedly take Purity out. Granted, she was distracted trying to multitask between me and Rewind and trying to protect Hookwolf, but we don't need to play that aspect up."

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"I don't think it counts as singlehanded if there were two of us."

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Pause. "Doublehandedly?"

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"Anyway, yeah, I like that, that sounds good. Other ideas? Each Endbringer's its own little beast, I need to make people believe Behemoth won't just dynakinesis the blast away, and Leviathan won't just speedster out of the way. I'm definitely not going to a Simurgh attack until the other two have been killed dead, don't think we need to worry about her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You've shown you can do robots and can say you're working on something to carry and aim the gun through the air at high speed," says Lorica. "Dynakinesis... I'm less sure. Behemoth doesn't just take literally all the energy that enters his radius or everyone would wind up freezing solid in place, you might be able to bullshit around that."

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"Yeah. Bullpooping around is pretty much what my power's for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why are you so G-rated?"

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Pause. "Um. It's. Uh." They look slightly uncomfortable about it. Or very uncomfortable about it. "Kind of a... remembrance thing."

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They decide to elaborate. "My mother. She used to say that swearing was... not exactly bad, but it was a tool, like all other words, and it communicated something, and if I just swore all willy-nilly, that wasn't bad per se, but if I don't swear much, when I do it's more meaningful. And, she might've just been trying to use the sort of reasoning she knew would convince me not to do it as I grew up, maybe, but now it's... sort of something I have left of her, in a way."

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They shake their head quickly and smile. "Anyway. No more depressing stuff, we were talking about how to kill Endbringers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. So Behemoth can absorb impacts a fair amount with dynakinesis but if you can get in his range at all it doesn't actually get harder to move, is my understanding. You get, if anything, warmer, not colder; batteries and generators don't drain away to nothing. He doesn't indiscriminately leach all energy out of his radius. So come up with something halfway plausible about how you're going to shoot 'the kind of energy he doesn't control'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, promising, how do we deal with the inevitable person who's gonna call bullpoop on it and try to convince other people I'm making it all up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't allow comments?"

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"Even if I don't, doubtlessly people will talk about it on the PHO boards, and they might wonder why I'm not allowing comments there anyway."

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"You're not allowing comments because Internet comments are the scum of the earth, obviously. I'm not sure. Do you happen to know at what ratio of pessimism to optimism adding other people's expectations doesn't improve you any farther?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, and I have no idea how to even measure that. One person is enough to outbelieve me, but I think there's some... measuring going on? Like, I think there's something like 'how strongly' I believe something that's pitched against same on other people. I don't have any information on whether there's diminishing returns or different weights for other people's beliefs, but for now I'd bet on everyone being treated the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...How sure are you that other people even can help as opposed to just being able to hurt if they're skeptical?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I haven't ever performed any controlled tests, I guess, but it's the impression I have from regular power usage?" Pause. "Biggest piece of evidence that comes to mind: my laser was stronger after your talking about it against Leviathan. Alternative explanation: the fact that I expected that to be how it works did the thing."

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"This definitely calls for controlled tests, because if it's just your expectations that need managing for positive results it's not worth the risk of backlash."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. How should we test that? Perform some kind of feat multiple times while I don't actually know how many people are watching each time, see if anything changes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was thinking call Windflower over, tell her we're testing the squinting thing, and occasionally lie to her about what you're trying to do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do we test the 'she's affecting it positively' hypothesis against the 'she isn't but my expecting she is is' hypothesis under that setup?"

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"I don't tell you what I'm telling her?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay... yeah I guess it sounds like a good first test. There's three things we're testing, right: my expectations alone, mine versus hers, and mine alone." Pause. "But actually even if other people only contribute negatively, their passive expectations definitely do contribute there, and the whole building-a-rep thing is still worth it if only to remove everyone else's negative passive expectations about me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Only to the extent you can avoid trolls claiming you can't do anything. It demands a much more conservative approach."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, that's not what I mean. Like, people not only don't expect a random Tinker gun to hurt Endbringers much, they expect it not to, and that definitely counts against me and is an expectation I need to work on. If I'm just a random nobody, they'll have no reason to not hold the basic expectation that I'll be ineffective."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's kinds and kinds of ineffective. You did hurt Leviathan. You didn't kill him, but he shooed that much sooner. If backlash gets too bad you might not be able to do even that much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Point, but I don't think backlash can get that bad? Even if people don't like me, unless they actually start believing I'm a sham they won't expect me to fail. I think. I mean, the approach is slightly different if there's literally no positive feedback from other people, I suppose, but the basic strategy of building a rep is sound."

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"I have bot footage of Leviathan too, by the by, they're recording by default."

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"Ooh, yes, that's good. Maybe I shouldn't release that as a first episode, though, could be something like a bonus one a couple of weeks away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. Tune in next week for a shot of me nailing Leviathan with this awesome gun! Include still shot of gun."

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They laugh. "Yeah. But in any case, we should test that. What kind of thing should I do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"With Windflower, you mean?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"You still don't have much teekay with objects you haven't conjured. But she's seen you move an object once, so she won't expect it to be impossible as a general rule. We can take a baseline, set her up in another room with a robot, and go from there with you and her having various sets of information."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I'm liking that. And now I'm thinking that there's, like, some extent to which my power's restricted by my own subconscious expectations, even of stuff I'm not actually perceiving?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, like, when I first made copy. They couldn't really see what I wasn't seeing until the ball you threw at their forehead" (air quotes) "'convinced my subconscious' that they should be able to. So there's some extent to which I'm limiting myself, which might... have some effect, here. Like, if I see non-imaginary teekay while Windflower's expecting that to happen, that might cause me to be able to do it even when there's no one else around, and it... wouldn't necessarily mean it was because of what Windflower was expecting? ...I kinda confused myself here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"For the purposes of this experiment you are not going to know for sure what Windflower's expecting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, ignore my ramble."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much will it throw you off if you don't have video of the room where she is?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...some? I think the theme going on is that I need some kind of trustworthy feedback for when my power works, but I think a robot beeping around me when it does should be enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, because it could throw things off if you were lipreading Windflower or psyching yourself up too much looking at the setting, but we're checking variance from a baseline, not absolute ability."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmhm. So, I have been so far unable to make a ping-pong ball that I didn't make float. Success would be me being able to remotely move it a bit?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was thinking have you move it 'as fast as you can' and see if that's faster when Windflower expects it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Move stuff I can already move, then? Boots was pushing 90 and I could still keep up with him using my suit, I might break something if I send a ping-pong ball at a wall at my top speed, whatever it may be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe we should run two iterations, one with a ping pong ball you made and one with one you didn't make. Not in that order. In case we don't get usable results from the thing you didn't make at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "So what will the actual experiments be, and what are our predictions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think under the circumstances I shouldn't tell you the entire experimental design, but I'll put Windflower with a robot and one real and one fake ping-pong ball in a room, tell her what she needs to hear, and have you try to move the balls under assorted conditions, with robots bleeping at you when you've succeeded."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod again. "Yeah, makes sense, and sounds fun!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll send her a message."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool!" They twirl a bit in the air.

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Lorica giggles.

And, later on that day, notifies Glam that Windflower is mostly set up and Glam should come into the workshop.
Permalink Mark Unread

So Glam comes into the workshop. "What should I do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Give a bot a ping-pong ball."

Permalink Mark Unread

Ping-pong ball: is given.

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The bot flies away, then provides a brief video of itself placing the made ball next to a real one; Windflower is not visible. The video then winks out.

"The bots will bleep for feedback, higher pitch the faster you move the ball," Lorica says. "Scoot the real ball as fast as you can."
Permalink Mark Unread

They try.

Permalink Mark Unread
No bleep.

"Your ball, now. Try not to hit a wall."
Permalink Mark Unread

They visualize the table and the position of the balls in their head and try to send a ping-pong ball—labelling it internally as "the one they made"—to the edge of the table as fast as possible and then make it stop there.

Permalink Mark Unread
Bleep! goes the robot.

"Okay, gimme a minute to talk to Windflower..."
Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Presently: "Real ball, go."

Permalink Mark Unread

Real ball: no go.

Permalink Mark Unread
No bleep.

"Your ball, go."
Permalink Mark Unread

They focus again.

Permalink Mark Unread
Bleep. Slightly lower pitch.

"Annnnnd..." Pause. "Real ball, go."
Permalink Mark Unread

Real ball: still no go.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your ball, go."

Permalink Mark Unread

It goes.

Permalink Mark Unread
Still lower pitch.


"Your ball again, go."
Permalink Mark Unread

Goes again!

Permalink Mark Unread
High bleep!

"Real ball go."
Permalink Mark Unread

...twitch a bit?

Permalink Mark Unread

Low bleep.

Permalink Mark Unread

Blink. That was unexpected.

Permalink Mark Unread
Was it really.

"Real ball again!"
Permalink Mark Unread

It twitches a bit more than the previous time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Higher bleep. "Your ball."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shoots, exactly as fast as the first time.

Permalink Mark Unread
Bleep. "All right, gimme a minute..."

When Windflower has come back from the bathroom:

"Your ball, go."
Permalink Mark Unread

It goes, faster than all the previous times, losing momentum before hitting a wall but not enough that it doesn't bounce off it and goes a ways towards the opposite wall.

Permalink Mark Unread
High bleep.

"Real ball go."
Permalink Mark Unread

...it rolls a tad.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I'm going to tell Windflower to duck under the table in case you fling one too hard at a wall. ...Real ball go."

Permalink Mark Unread

The robots might notice it rolling a little bit more, but it's little enough that it might just be random fluctuations in air currents or some such.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your ball go."

Permalink Mark Unread

It cracks in two when it hits the wall.
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Lorica snorts. The bot whistles very high indeed. "You broke it. Can you put it back without video?"

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It's there.
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Ding! goes the robot.

"Now I'm going to tell her nothing's going to happen while we go on some conversational tangent. Your ball go."
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It goes! Slower than the second time she told their ball to go after Windflower was around, but faster than the third.

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"Real ball go."
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Real ball: no go.

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"And now I'm going to tell her to step out of the room for some control data. Real ball go."

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Rolls a tiny bit, the least it's rolled so far other than the times it just twitched.

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"Your ball go."

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Goes exactly as much as the very first time she asked their ball to go.

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"Okay, she's back now," Lorica lies. "Expecting, quote, 'more of the same'. Your ball go."

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Goes slightly faster than it just did, not as fast as when Windflower had actually been there and been told to expect more of the same.

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Windflower actually returns to the room. "Told her we're going to do the hovering thing, like your suit."

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"And I'm supposed to still make it slide?"

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It slides almost exactly as fast as the very first time.

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"And the other one."

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Doesn't move.

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"All right, that's probably enough. Chart me, bot," says Lorica, and the bot appears a chart on the wall with columns for Glam's expectation, Windflower's, and the result.

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The effects of expectations can be very easily divided in three components: what Glam expects will happen, what Windflower expects will happen, and what Glam expects Windflower expects will happen. Making a couple of numbers up for the various combinations, but keeping them consistent, paints a pretty clear picture.

The results are best when Glam's and Windflower's expectations agree and Lorica was speaking the truth about them, and worst when Glam's expectations are directly opposite Windflower's and Lorica was also speaking the truth about them. When Windflower was expecting nothing, there was still some passive resistance to Glam's expectations, though small compared to when she was actually expecting something to happen that was not what was going to happen.
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"So - she might have been helping when she was set up to help. Unless I'm just not that good a liar."

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"I... well, you don't exactly have a body language," they point out. "And I didn't consciously know when you were lying or what. My subconscious might've picked up on it? But in any case..." They squint at the charts. "It does look like she helped, yeah."

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"But only to a certain degree, she wasn't like having twice your usual ability aimed at the effects. Shy of that."

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"Mm yeah. Now I'm wondering if everyone has the same lower weight or if there's, like, diminishing returns." They look at one of the parts when their expectations were at odds. "She was better at hurting me than helping me, though, I think?"

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"Yeah. We can run another test, get my dad or something..."

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"We'd need your dad and Windflower, there, and they'd need to be told different things, so the test would take like four times as long, but yeah, we could do something like that."

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"Well, it'd be easy to tell them different things, my dad's helmet talks to the bot."

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"Mmhm. Would your dad buy that it was a squinting test even with these weird things happening, though?"

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"What weird things?"

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"Like, you tell him to expect a thing, something completely different happens, etc."

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"I could tell him it's a test of your control at range on low feedback."

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"Yeah, guess that could work."

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"Windflower's not busy, should I get Dad?"

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"Yeah, sure!"

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So Lorica calls her dad over and Transit plays Go Fish with Windflower and expects as told and Lorica runs all the tests again in a different order.

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And it takes longer and the conclusion seems to be: diminishing returns.

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"Okay, so having a vast crowd believing in you won't help that much except in the sense that it's much better than a vast crowd being skeptical at you."

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"Yeah, and I mean, the vast crowd is still skeptical by default, so."

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"Yeah. But a few skeptics will cancel out a lot of positive expectation. So you need to be very careful about Internet haters getting any traction."

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"Mmhm. Need to be very likeable and charming and such. But I was kinda expecting that, so."

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"I've just been offered moderation status on the PHO forums," says the bot in its own voice.

"...Do the existing moderators, um, know that you are an autonomous software entity."

"Yes. It was listed as a pro."

"...Okay then."
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Glam blinks, and laughs. "That is amazing and adorable."

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"But I assume it would be hard to abuse this power to keep the forum free of implication that Glam is a fake."

"In many possible cases, yes, such posts would not violate any forum guidelines."
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"Yeah. But I mean, I still don't think it's that worrisome, most heroes aren't fakes and unless I give people specific reason to expect I am they shouldn't."

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"And you could in a non-moderating capacity post helpful contradictory links and so on once there's video to link to. Yeah, go ahead and take the job."

"Done," says the bot.
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"Contradictory links?"

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"Somebody says, 'Glam can't do X', bot is there to demonstrate that you have done X on camera."

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"Oh! Yes, good. Good bot. Although I mean, people know you know me, so they might think it's being partisan?"

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"We know each other, but I don't have a history of defending anybody else via bot, including my dad, and it's also in the bot's profile that I'm not directing it in detail."

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"Yeah, fair enough. And part of the reason I like you is that you wouldn't defend me if I didn't deserve it, soooo." Grin.

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"Deserve it and need it. Plenty of perfectly decent people don't need the boost."

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"Right, yes, what I meant."

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"And if you stop deserving it you're in huge trouble. Be good."

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"You're doing that on purpose aren't you!"
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"Yes. Do tell me if you want me to stop."

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"No, don't, it's great." They grab their bot and hug it.

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Lorica giggles.

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A few days later, Glam is waiting at a new intersection, looking like a fidgety woman with severe withdrawal symptoms holding a bag with money.
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Lorica doesn't have a cloaking system working yet, so her bot is hiding inside a paper bag on the street.

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When the right time comes, someone arrives. Someone very, very short. With weirdly proportioned arms. And a black cloak. That someone looks a bit like a chimp, or a cross between a chimp and a weird plant and maybe a cat? It approaches Glam and extends an empty hand.

"W-where's t-t-the thin-ng? The drug! Where i-is it?" They shiver and sweat a bit, just because.

The hybrid thing shows its other hand, holding another vial. Glam makes to take it, but the hybrid closes its hand around it and shakes its head, then extends its other hand more insistently. Glam looks around, as if nervous, then gives the hybrid the bag with money.

"Now can you give it to me?" they ask, the pitch of their voice changing with affected nervousness.

The thing raises a finger in a "wait" gesture, opens the bag, and starts counting the money.
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The robot waits in its bag. Other robots hide along the direction whence the creature came.

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A small beetle lands on the hybrid's cloak. It doesn't notice the insect. After it finishes counting, it nods, closes the bag, and gives Glam the drug. It nods, then starts going away in silence.

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A paper bag blows into the air in a gust of wind. It spirals down the street, glancing off buildings and the sidewalk.

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The hybrid starts walking somewhere, with the bag of money, apparently not noticing either the beetle or the paper bag. The hybrid is actually much faster than one would naively expect, possibly courtesy of its modified legs, and pretty quiet to boot.

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Whoosh! goes the paper bag. Sometimes it lands and skids before being picked up by the wind again.

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The hybrid reaches a street that runs parallel to the beach, a spot too far north for the Boardwalk to still exist, and walks to a specific, fairly large storm drain. He removes its cover and jumps in.

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The paper bag goes down after it.

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Walk walk walk, take a bunch of turns, climb climb, leave, knock on the door of a warehouse in a very specific pattern.

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The paper bag listens.

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The door opens. The hybrid walks in. The door closes.

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Meanwhile, Lorica leads the way through non-storm-drain-based routes to the warehouse.

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Glam is following.

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"Big warehouse. And we don't know how many critters they have, but it's not so few that they weren't willing to make them self-destructible. Should call in some backup, just don't know whether it should be the other Wards or some of the adults."

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"Either bio-tinker or some kind of Master. Dunno about who to call, but Master protocols are in effect, might be best if we call the Wards just 'cause we have more practice training with each other and coordinating."

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"Yeah. Miracle Max doesn't make sense in the field however much he likes it... others might be useful, might not. You and I can go armored and airfiltered, and Boots and Windflower can take the drug antidote. Windflower might not even need it but it's not a good risk. Echo - not sure this is really her speed, but I guess we can get another prophylactic dose if she wants to come."

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"Kicking monster butt, pretty sure she'll like it." White armor starts appearing around their body, and their mask is now embedded in a helmet as opposed to just stuck onto the costume's fabric. "Could outfit your bots with tiny foam sprayers."

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"The foam won't last, will it?"

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"Well, it'll last at least while I'm around it, as long as it's not so much foam I lose track of it."

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"And I guess you could make a little tunnel in it for a bot to tranquilize the person, too, couldn't you?"

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"All right, sprayers for bots, other Wards along. Maybe we should go in at night when the cape might be asleep, although they've probably got critter guards, might not matter that much, probably depends on whether the critters are impaired by darkness or not."

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"I would bet they're not, but might be a good idea anyway, easier for us to sneak the whole team there."

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"...Remind me next time we have a block of free time to see if you can do invisible things. But Echo and Boots and Windflower have no dark-related adaptation at all and it's the tinker's turf, they can just cut the power if they want it too dark for most of us to function and might expect it to impair you too."

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"Yeah. Although, I mean, I could just make spotlights or something appear dangling from the ceiling and undo that. Even with diminishing returns, the rest of the team should be enough to overwhelm them unless their critters are people. In which case we need to stop them immediately."

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"They don't have to be people to be able to do some independent cunning stuff."

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"I was talking mostly about them being able to expect that I'd fail harder than the rest of our team would expect me to succeed."

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"Ah, right. I don't think that's likely and even if it's true it doesn't make them any more of a danger than any other opponent who doesn't know your secret."

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"No, not a danger, just not all that morally okay, if they're sending sapient critters to die when they're detected."

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"Yeah. I don't think it's likely, though."

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Shrug. "Me neither."

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"I'll ask the other three how comfortable they are operating in the dark and go by that."

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Lorica stations a couple of bots in unobtrusive places near the warehouse and they head back to HQ.

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So they do.

Echo prefers not going when it's dark, but can deal with it. Dauntless gets wind of it and is tempted to offer to come with but decides he would be stealing Lorica's show there.
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Boots can't maneuver very well in the dark and Windflower is already worried enough about friendly fire, darts or no darts, so a daytime attack it is.

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Daytime attack it is. They strategize and decide on a time for the operation. Glam speculates that the Tinker/Master is probably annoyed at the fact that the money disappeared.

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Probably, yes.

They all suit up. Windflower has darts, Lorica's bots have Glam-supplied foam sprayers and decoy friends, Boots has feet, Echo has tranquilizer guns.

Bots report on what they have seen of warehouse activity.
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Strange hybrids coming and going at irregular intervals. Almost invariably looking like plant-animal combinations, with varying proportions of each. But for all their aesthetic differences, they don't look all that functionally distinct: low fliers that echolocate, stealthy bipeds that move surprisingly fast.

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So they have a general idea of the kinds of critters they'll be dealing with.

Everybody who needs one takes a prophylactic.

"Last-minute anything?"
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Heads are shaken.

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Right then.

Lorica tries the door.
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It is locked.

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No shit. "Echo, can you pick it? Glam, supply her."

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Glam: supplies.

Echo: picks. The door clicks open.
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Lorica goes in first.

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Glam follows, floating silently.

The area closest to the door is empty, but everyone else is—


The whole warehouse has been turned into a crude lab. There are three desks right in the middle of the open space, with various weird-looking tools. Large crates fill the corners and are pushed against the walls, open, with large metal containers that could be called vats if you squint. Most of them contain plant-like stems that end in hybrid creatures, as if they were fruit. No such plant has more than two such creatures, and the creatures themselves are somewhat foetal, underdeveloped.

Several fully formed hybrids are walking here and there, though, checking up on these vats, bringing substances here and there, filling vats with liquid or emptying them of same.

And one man in a lab coat is leaving one of the large crates and blinking in surprise at the armor-clad heroine who has just appeared.
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Heroine and robots. Lots of robots, some of which are even real. They go after the tinker.

"Boots, take out the critters." He starts bounding around stomping on things. "Windflower, Glam, poison the vat critters and put lids on the vats. Echo, spot assistance where needed and shooting at things in between."
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The Tinker doesn't wait for her to finish giving the orders before he starts acting. "Press the button!" he calls as he runs towards his desks, reaching into his coat for a syringe he uses on himself. 'The button' is apparently, obviously enough, a large red button by one of the more hidden crates that one of the hybrids presses.

Glam has started obeying Lorica's order when several rat or bat things start attacking them en masse, forcing Glam to shoot them as they come. The lids do appear above the vats, though.

And after a second the purpose of the button becomes pretty clear as many of the more bizarre creations in the vats start coming to life. Some die before getting the chance to, but a few either weren't poisoned enough or are resistant enough that they manage to topple and break their vats upon waking.
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"Windflower, aim escaped poison -" Lorica can hit things, in her suit. She hits critters. Boots stomps critters. Her robots attempt to spray the tinker and the critters who are away from Wards. "Glam, get Echo a gas mask so she can cover Windflower!"

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Glam provides, and Echo is really really good at shooting things.

Flying critters throw themselves at the spraying robots, disrupting their aim, and two eight-foot-tall gorilla-like hybrids appear from two out of the way crates. The Tinker reaches one of his desks and throws one vial with a clear liquid on the ground at his feet then starts throwing several other vials with a pinkish one at the Wards' general direction. When the first one breaks, the more bizarre hybrids start becoming much more focused and violent.
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"Glam, get the big ones, I want them disintegrated!" says Lorica loudly. "Boots, cover Glam!"

Boots leaps over, landing heels first into a couple of critters.

Robots foam! Oh how foamy are the robots!

Windflower contains her lethals, inhaling them safely into herself as best she can when she can't get them into the systems of attacking critters.
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That was music to Glam's ears. "Disintegration ray coming up," they singsong before conjuring a mean looking gun that takes a second to charge with a loud bzz noise before shooting a beam of blue light that makes one of the large monsters glow before crumpling to tiny burnt pieces.

Echo continues shooting things and disabling them with close combat techniques when one slips through. Meanwhile, the Tinker tries escaping, slips on a strategically placed vial that had definitely not been there before, and is hit by foam. Glam makes sure that his head isn't covered by it—not that he couldn't breathe in it, but it wouldn't do to have him able to peer too closely at the stuff. His head is secured so he won't be able to move it much, either.

Now they only need to deal with the rest of the swarm.
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Windflower can kill things, but if it's already on her that means contact poison delivered direct, and her costume's mostly wire mesh under the flower decorations, lightly armored. She shrieks when something scrabbles at her collar. Robots, no longer chasing the Tinker, come to her aid.

A bot tranquilizes the Tinker and foams something that was about to collide with Boots's head.

Lorica mostly squishes a pair of vine-snake-things and leaps into the air to get a flier and take stock of the battlefield.
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Echo isn't really hit by anything, her reflexes are too good, but she's still kept very busy. Glam doesn't have such luxuries, and a creature jumps on them and makes them fall, grabbing their head and banging it against the ground several times. They try ineffectually to pry the creature loose before floating up, turning around, and driving themself onto the ground, sandwiching the hybrid.

The remaining colossus roars and goes after Windflower, knocking the desks over and causing various liquids to spill, some of which in turn start smoking enough that the room looks like it's filled with fog.
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Lorica grabs Glam with one hand and the squashed critter with the other and points Glam at the big critter. "DISINTEGRATE THAT! Retreat out of the warehouse, pick off escapees, PRT's on the way!"

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Bzzzzzz. The thing has been disintegrated.

Echo has managed to clear her immediate neighborhood of creatures, and shoots a few more through the fog as she retreats, and Glam follows soon after.

In spite of everything, most of the creatures didn't seem like they were made for combat, other than the two giants. Several were pretty incapable of anything, and it was mostly sheer numbers that had made the fight last as long as it did.
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The door is left open to discourage escape through other avenues; critters are picked off by guns or kicks. Lorica assesses Windflower's injuries, says she should see Max in case the claws had anything on them but will be fine otherwise.

PRT trucks and PRT agents with gas masks and airtight suits arrive to take in the Tinker.
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...who is not there. The foam looks like something dug—or ate—its way through it, and the Tinker is nowhere to be found.
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"Ah, fuck," says Lorica. Bots spread out over the neighborhood looking for tracks or fleeing critters/tinkers.

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There is a track, which can be followed as far as a manhole but no farther.

Papers in the warehouse indicate that the Tinker was naming himself 'Blasto' and that his specialty seems to be a form of accelerated guided evolution of hybrid creatures. There are various half-legible notes scrawled on the edges of pages with new ideas, but it's very clear he was just starting to test his capabilities and hadn't explored much what he could create, yet. A few more notes indicate that he discovered the drug accidentally when working on a plant-plant hybrid (whose broken vat and dried dead body can be found in the mess).
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Wards go back to HQ. Lorica distributes careful praise for Boots's squished-critter count, Echo's marksmanship, Windflower holding it together under pressure, and Glam's disintegrations. Lorica accepts praise from Chevalier for a no-casualty mission that almost worked.

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'Almost worked' sounds way too negative for Glam, who thinks there was no way they could've accounted for a containment-foam eating monster. They wait until Chevalier's gone to make that comment, though.

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"I could've been watching him. Armor was airtight."

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"Between watching all the other critters, managing the battlefield, and making sure none of us were eaten, squashed, melted, turned into goo, or otherwise maimed or killed, after properly applying two tools that when properly applied have almost zero escape rates, I don't think you can reasonably blame yourself. Do better in the future, sure, but this was still not bad at all."

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"You're welcome for my only stating the facts and very reasonable conclusions drawn from them."

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Glam edits footage of the Purity fight, with some advice from the Boston branding person. Heroes getting their hineys whopped are edited out, but slightly kicked is okay; people don't like it when heroes are too infallible. The self-deprecating humor is used, with Lorica's line ("I don't remember this part but it probably hurt.") being used verbatim.

It's published a couple of days later, and a link is posted on the PHO Brockton Bay message board.
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Lorica's bot is only discreetly partisan. Commenters are delighted to have this footage and speculate that the bot took it (the bot admits this) and have various mostly approving remarks about kicking Nazi ass, various mostly approving remarks about the shape of Rewind's ass (Lorica's bot removes these for perving on a cape of unknown age), and the occasional decent suggestion for how to use Glam's power (drop things on people, trap them in boxes).

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Ooh, dropping things on people is a nice idea, though have to be careful not to hurt them too much. The boxes would have to be pretty durable, though, especially with someone like Purity inside.

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Line it with mirrors! If it's somebody like her I mean.

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Yeah, I like that idea. Though she's pretty well captured, now, so wrt her it won't matter much :P

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People who think Glam is faking are somewhat thin on the ground. Purity's capture was announced and video editing is difficult, after all.

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And technically they're not faking it, since they did in fact do those things. Isn't it nice how easy it is to believe in things that actually happened?

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So is this gonna be a regular thing or just like celebrating getting the nazi bitch

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Glam is irked by the sexist language, but pings Lorica's bot instead of saying anything about it. Instead:

Yeah, planning on making it regular, as long as I don't run out of things to post.
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Lorica's bot points out that swearing per se is not against the rules and there is no precedent for deleting one-off uses of "bitch". "Cunt" would be another matter.

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Sigh. Alright, they guess.

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Later, Boots and Glam are in the gym for one of their usual self-directed training session.

"Alright, so, I'm thinking we could do a multiple-assailant session today, I could get several mes to attack you at the same time, what do you say?"
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"Sounds good. I wasted a bunch of those plant things but more practice is good."

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"Yeah, especially if that Blasto guy's more prepared next time." Six costumed Glams appear, surrounding Boots. "They're just gonna charge, nothing special about them, no flight, no superstrength. They're just human, though, so you can't go all out on them. Say when."

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Boots sizes up the extra Glams, then says, "When."

He leaps, lands hard on a Glam's shoulders.
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"I am very happy my copies can't feel pain," she says, even though the noises and faces (emojis) it's doing would seem to indicate otherwise. "You'll need to hold back way more than that, you could've broken their spine or worse, and that will be hell on our PR department, especially if someone sues."
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"I just landed on it," says Boots. "I'm supposed to aim for shoulders because shoulders're hard to kill somebody with. That and knees."

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"Yeah, sure, but even breaking them, when we're talking about normal humans and not capes, could be bad. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I figure controlling your force's good practice anyway. Try to drop them a little bit more nicely? And maybe aim for the front of the shoulder instead of the top?"

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Boots grumbles but he goes back to his original starting position.

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The Glam he broke disappears and is replaced by a healthier one. "Alright, whenever you want."

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All of the Glams go, but only three try to make contact, since there isn't space for all of them.

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Boots leg-sweeps one, not gently but not with tibia-shattering force, and punches another in the front of the shoulder, then grabs the last and flings it into a more distant Glam.

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The first falls, the second is pushed back and has possibly dislocated their shoulder, the third and fourth are a crumpled mess, slowly trying to get up. The remaining two try to make the best of whatever distraction the others have created, one trying to hug Boots' legs and the other trying to headbutt him.

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Boots jumps. This probably dislodges the hugger and if it doesn't it puts them in the path of the headbutt.

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In very deed, the headbutt hits entirely the wrong target.

"Good! Now their friends are coming, they see that you're dangerous and have weapons! They're also trying to help the others."

Six more Glams appear, each holding at least one blunt weapon, some holding more and offering to the Glams that are still in the fight. The one with the dislocated shoulder crawls away to get someone to help.
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Boots lands - not on anyone - and grabs the dislocated shoulder one by the feet and throws it at an armed Glam. Then he flips over a couple of others to land behind them, kick out their knees, and take the golf club out of one's hand to swing at the midsection of the next to come his way.

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They go on like this for a bit, until all copies are taken down.

"Awesome! See, you can take unpowered people down without breaking them."
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"Probably a couple of 'em would still have to go to the hospital."

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"Mm, yeah, but that's acceptable. Landing on someone's shoulders and breaking their spine is harder to justify." The copies disappear. "I'm thinking of sending a couple of other Brutes at you, so you can go all out on them but so can they, and you'll need to strategize."

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"I can move around better'n most Brutes."

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"That's true! You should use that to your advantage." Three heavily muscled copies appear. "Whenever you're ready."

And when he is one of the Brutes runs towards another, who's waiting for them with their fingers twined together to give them a boost in a leap towards Boots. The third just runs at him to try to tackle him.
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Boots roundhouses the tackler hard in the head, then kicks off from their shoulders to flip in midair and meet the thrower of the others feet-first. He's no longer where the leaper was aiming by the time he lands.

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The tackler falls, and the thrower's pushed. The leaper runs at Boots from behind, though, and the thrower rolls with the movement and is on their feet and going at Boots again in a moment.

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Boots jumps again, at the last moment, hoping to get them to crash into each other.

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They were expecting that, apparently, because just after Boots did it the thrower used the same move they'd used before to launch the other one after him.

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Ah heck.

Boots grabs the rafter and kicks the approaching brute in the face as soon as their face is there. Both feet.
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Ow. That must've hurt.

Or, well, you know, the closest thing to that for a guided projection.

The first one Boots'd kicked is up again, and thrower uses their move a third time, sending them to try to grab Boots from the rafter, probably with some plan for what to do about a potential kick.
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Boots flips feet-to-ceiling and launches himself at the floor hands first, lands, and flips right at the thrower, shoulder to solar plexus with the force of a full jump behind him.

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They're thrown at the one who'd been trying to recover from the kick to the head. Two out of three.

The one who'd been launched is about to land, though, after pushing the rafters in such a way as to do it on Boots.
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Boots is at the wall, kicking off from it to flip midair, catch the copy's head between his calves, and twist.

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Three down. Sadde whistles. "That was kind of really amazing to watch."

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Boots grins at her.

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"I'm thinking of sending Mover-Strikers at you now, and then mixing it up in a less predictable way."

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"Man, I can't deal with Strikers, I got nothing at range."

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"Then this is as good a time as any to train going against those! And we should figure something out at least to buy you time while you call for backup, or maybe only pair you with someone who can deal with them. What do you currently do when you face one?"

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"Throw shit at them until somebody else comes along to help."

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"What if you don't have any shit to throw at them?"

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"Budget covers some property damage if I dent a dumpster or dig up a chunk of sidewalk."

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"Hmm, that's pretty solid, actually. Not sure there's much to do there strategy-wise with you alone."

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"Okay, I'm gonna send a team at you, now. A Breaker who can take a hit, a Tinker-Shaker that can shoot goo that does stuff on the battlefield, and a Mover-Blaster that can shoot concussive blasts from their feet and use that both to boost their speed by jumping a lot and to shoot at you." Dumpsters, rocks, cans, and other stuff start appearing around. "You up for it?"

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"Guess so. How do you come up with this shit?"

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Shrug. "Powers mostly don't repeat, so I try to think of something that will give me an effect I want in a novel way. It helps that I've spent a long time of my life reading and thinking about capes, so I kinda have an idea of stuff that can be combined."

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"Nerd," snorts Boots, but he drops into a ready stance.

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Three clones appear. One of them has boots and a lightning bolt on their chest, one has a techy-looking backpack and a bizarre gun connected to it by a couple of tubes, and one looks a bit blueish.

They don't wait. The Mover jumps with a beam of light coming out of their feet, hanging onto a rafter to point at Boots and shoot. The other two run toward him, the Tinker waiting until they're close enough to shoot orange goo that makes the floor very slippery and the Breaker covering for them.
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Boots gets moving. He jumps over the goo to leap on the Tinker, aiming for the backpack's hoses but perfectly willing to kick the breaker into a wall if necessary.

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The Breaker gets in the way, and becomes still as a statue a second before Boots lands. They're also much harder than a statue, as if they were made of diamond and stuck to the ground. Meanwhile, the Tinker drops more orange goo around the statue-Breaker and the Blaster, still hanging from the rafter, tries blasting Boots onto the goo.

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Boot's steel-toed boot is dented. "Ow, fuck, Glam -" The blast catches him and he lands on the goo and skids.

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"Roll with it, use your momentum and take the Blaster down, the other two can't hurt you! Use what the Tinker gives you!"

The three act as if they hadn't heard anything, which is only fair. The Breaker starts moving again, and the Tinker starts turning dials on their gun, while the Blaster lets go and uses their blast to soften their fall and start leaping towards Boots.
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The three disappear, as well as the goo and other objects. "Oh fuck," she says, flying to him.

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Boots wrestles his dented shoe off. "I can kick shit I shouldn't be able to kick but not like that!"

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"Sorry! I didn't expect it to be that bad! Is it broken? Should we go to the infirmary?"

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"I don't know how to tell the difference but it's damn sure not in working order!" says Boots, ripping his sock off and looking at his purpling little toe. "Fuck, I dunno how I'm gonna explain that if I have a fucking limp!"

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"Um, training accident? I mean, it's true."

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"No, I mean like." Pause. "At school and stuff."

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"Oh. Banged your pinky against a door real hard? Tripped on something?"

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"I guess that'll have to do," he grumbles.

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"Sorry," she repeats. "We should probably go to the infirmary though."

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Boots hops. It's kind of impressive, actually.
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She is suitably impressed!

"Want help?"
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She goes with him.
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Hop hop hop. Boots presents his foot at the infirmary. They tape it up.

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At more or less the same time, a girl in a black costume with white rewind arrows on it walks into the main tourist entrance, casual as all that.

"I'd like to turn myself in," she says very loudly in the middle of the hall as PRT officers start to react.
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The receptionist blinks. "I... I see," she says. "I'll just - who shall I say is here?"

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The PRT officers quickly stand between her and the tourists, and the one in charge of the squad radios someone higher up about the situation.
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And an alert goes up that anyone who is not particularly disadvantaged at dealing with Rewind in particular should report to where she's at, Lorica should take point for her immunity, and everyone should be in costume or at least mask.

Boots, being particularly disadvantaged at dealing with Rewind in particular, puts his mask on and otherwise stays put.
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Glam reports.

Rewind is waiting patiently.
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Lorica goes up to her, a couple of bots hovering overhead. "What are you turning yourself in for?"

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That gives her pause. "Being a villain?" she tries. "Er, I guess I stole some stuff but you guys didn't hear about it probably."

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"Hadn't come up. Why are you turning yourself in?"

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"Honestly because the alternatives are dancing to that fucker Lung's tune" she pronounces it 'loong' "or running from him forever, and he's way too murderous for my tastes. I don't actually want to turn in, though. Don't you guys make deals? I never even did a lot of bad stuff, I wanna join up, if it'll keep him away. Oh, you guys've been calling him Fireball, by the way."

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"Lung, okay. He's been trying to get you to work for him?"

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"You may not remember but after you guys knocked me out," and she shoots Glam a venomous look, making them grin, "he grabbed me and took me with him. I had to pretend I was going along."

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"Well, after we have stood here for ten minutes we can take you to the Director."

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"Fine," she says, absolutely unconcerned.

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They stand there for ten minutes. Then, with a line of robots and capes depositing themselves along the line between there and Piggot's office, Lorica escorts Rewind there.

"Come in," says Piggot.
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She does. "Ma'am," she says.

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If the politeness mollifies Piggot, she doesn't display a sign of it. "So you want to be a hero, now?"

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"That's the long and short of it, yes."

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"We'll want all the intel you have on Lung, you'll lie low for a day or two while it's put to whatever use we can get out of it, and you're on probationary status."

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She shrugs. "Sounds good. First thing, he was really happy when you called him Fireball, or as happy as Lung can get. Lets people underestimate him. I don't actually know what he does, he doesn't want to show, but clearly he becomes big and does fire. He also regenerates."

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Piggot nods.

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"He wants to join all Asian gangs, though, for some reason. Doesn't say why, doesn't even say what his plan is to actually do it, but apparently wants all Asians in the city to belong to him or something." Shrug.

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Piggot frowns, but nods again.

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"Ummmm... He's staying at the Docks mostly? But he moves around a lot. Also he has his eyes on that duplicator dude, the one with the demon mask, I think he's calling himself Oni Lee? But hasn't been able to catch him, 'cause no helpful heroes have knocked him down for Lung yet." Is she bitter about that part? Maybe a little bit.

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"I see. How does he induce recruits to work for him?"

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"Erm, so far by being big and mean and scary. Especially scary. Like, he doesn't have a lot of people working for him, yet, he joined this one gang called 'Azn Bad Boys,' can you believe that? But he pretty much does whatever the hell he wants and the 'higher ups' are mostly too scared of him and confused that he hasn't completely taken over their gang to say anything about it. He does do what they ask, though, and is generally a big scary muscle who has helped them recruit people."

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"I see. How old are you, Rewind?"

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Piggot hands her a Wards form.

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She looks at it, then up at Piggot. "That's it?"

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"I'd also like the names and addresses of everyone you stole from so that damages can be paid back out of your budget, but as long as you toe the line here on out, yes, that's it," says Piggot with a cordial smile.

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"...huh. Okay. Yeah, I can do that. Do you want that now, though, I don't actually remember by heart..."

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"A written summary later on will do."

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"Cool. Okay." She looks at the form, then up at Piggot again. "And I fill this out now? Can I have a pen?"

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Lorica takes a pen out of Piggot's desk jar and hands it to Rewind.

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She starts filling it out!

She reaches the personal info form, ponders a bit, and decides the best way they can help her is if they know who she is, and fills it all out. Apparently her name is Ha-eun, but she goes by Jeannie.

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And when it's done, Piggot takes it back and Lorica says, "Welcome to the team. I'll be your captain. Do you need a place to stay for the immediate future? We have rooms."

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"Um... well, Lung knows what I look like, and he knows where my parents live, so, um. A little help on that front would be nice, yeah."

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"You can stay here. I'll look into protective custody for your parents."

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She sighs and sags a little with the relief. "Thank you," she says, meaning it. "You're not bad. Sorry for booping your bots the other day."

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"No harm done."

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"Sssoo... what now?"

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"Here's your room. You've already met Glam, but you can meet the rest of the team too whenever's comfortable for you - and Glam too on friendlier terms. Do you have a computer? We do a lot of emailing around."

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"I do, but I bought it with stolen money."

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"If we made you return the computer you wouldn't get the initial purchase price unless you've barely used it, and then you wouldn't have a computer. People you stole from will just get cash without the rigmarole. I can send a bot to get anything you need from home if you don't want to run out for it yourself."

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"I can do it. I should also tell my parents about becoming a Ward and stuff. Won't they be thrilled about the whole thing," she sighs. "Do you think maybe you guys could omit the part where I was a criminal for a while?"

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"By default the PRT doesn't communicate with your parents unless the Youth Guard gets involved or the parents have a complaint."

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"Well but they have to, don't they? 'Cause of the protective custody thing?"

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"Yes, but they're not going to go out of their way to give your parents a complete up to date account of the entire thing, and anyway the protective custody is going through the regular police."

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"Yeah, okay, that's better."

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"If you're not attending Arcadia and want to transfer email the deputy director about it and he'll handle it. We're currently short a Branding person but you can get an okay on your costume and name from the Boston one, who we are borrowing remotely until they find and hire a suitable replacement. There's a handbook on your desk, which you should at least consider reading. Any other questions?"

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"Do I get an official welcome, a prank, or something like that? This feels kinda underwhelming."

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"Official welcomes happen when all hands are on deck and will also be underwhelming. There is not an established prank tradition but I bet Glam would be delighted to think of something if you feel under-hazed."

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She laughs. "I think I'm okay for now, then."

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"Okay. Let me or any of my bots know if you need anything."

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"Mmhm! So now if I just leave and go to my parents and grab my stuff and come back I won't be attacked by the PRT, right?"

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"You're not supposed to leave in costume because you haven't been cleared by Branding and Piggot wants you to make yourself scarce while she puts something together to deal with Lung. You can leave out of costume."

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"Okay!" She removes her mask, revealing a smiling girl with dark hair in a pixie cut.

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"If you need to borrow some clothes you're not that far off my size, I don't know if you brought an outfit or you have one on under the costume."

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"I have running shorts and a tank top on."

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"Okay, then you're all set. When you're more settled in let me know when would be convenient to talk your general strategic contributions to the team and patrol scheduling for when you're cleared."

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She continues removing her costume to reveal aforementioned running shorts and tank top.
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And Lorica leaves her be and sends messages to all the Wards that she's on board.