...very unseasonable rains can be seen in the distance from the shores of Acapulco.
The Brockton Bay Protectorate starts organizing volunteers to be transported or teletransported in batches to it. Heroes, rogues, villains, anyone's assistance is appreciated. A rendez-vous point is set for non-Protectorate capes wishing to volunteer, and Protectorate capes are informed of the situation via communication devices.
Sadde and Bell in Worm
"...no, it's not that. My cape identity is nonbinary. My non-cape identity is genderfluid."
"Why—never mind, I'll talk to Branding about it."
They continue filling in the form, the gender part being ironically enough the only one they leave blank.
They exhale in relief. "Okay. Thank you. I... think I'm going to check one of the rooms out."
Well that is rather nice, isn't it.
"I'm gonna go to my place and get some stuff. Computer, books, and clothing, mostly," they tell the bot.
"I'm gonna go to my place and get some stuff. Computer, books, and clothing, mostly," they tell the bot.