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Everyone shakes their heads.


Nyle gives Sadde a look which basically says 'I wasn't asking you,' then looks at the other four. He throws the Quaffle to Jacob and says, "You first." Jacob catches it, and Nyle almost imperceptibly nods in approval, even though the ball's enchanted to be less affected by gravity than it ought to be.

So Jacob takes off.

Prince's actually not bad, and the only prospective Chaser who actually scores is one of the fourth-years, using an elaborate feint and no small amount of luck. Nyle watches it all and congratulates the four of them as their five minutes end.

"Now, you two. I want you to try to score one goal per hoop each with a Bludger. Heads up." He releases two Bludgers and throws two bats at Sadde and the fourth-year.


Neither of them fumbles with the bats, and both of them are off the ground. The fourth-year, James Hosterforth, clearly has more experience than Sadde and takes to the bat instantly. Sadde herself has to hit her Bludger a few times before getting the hang of it, and by then James has already managed to bully his Bludger into one of his hoops. She quickly catches up, however, and seems to predict where the Bludger will turn to before it does. She scores her third goal only six seconds after James scores his, and flies back down to the middle of the Pitch, sweating and panting and grinning.


"Very good, the two of you," he says, and if his tone is a little bit disbelieving, well, no one would expect the second-year muggleborn to be any good at a wixen game, right? "We're going to have a mock match with two incomplete teams. Greengrass, Norton," (that being Jacob) "and Burberry" (one of the fourth-years) "will Chase for team one, Woods will Beat, and Prince will Keep. The other team will be me, Fawley," (the third-year) "and Shafiq" (the other fourth-year) "as Chasers, Dearborn and Hosterforth will Beat, and Burke will Seek. We'll play until Burke catches the Snitch. Questions?"



—shakes her head. Nyle already hates her, she doesn't want to give him any more cause not to pick her for the team.


No one else seems to have questions either. "Each team has ten minutes to go over formation and strategy." He mounts on his broom and leads his team to a trio of hoops, and Greengrass does the same to the other trio.

"So," she starts, "I've been watching you. Norton, you got good aim, but you need to make better use of your size and agility. Burberry, your aim's crap—"

"Hey, come on—"

"It's utter crap, but if you make the team you can work on it. For now, you pass the Quaffle, either to me or to Norton. Norton, your job is to not be Bludgered to death. If you think you got a clear shot at the goal and the other three aren't likely to steal the Quaffle from you and there's no Bludger coming, take it, but otherwise, wait for me and pass me the Quaffle, got it?"

Jacob nods.

"Good. Now, Woods, those were some beautiful moves, there. Hosterforth's more the stereotype of a Beater, but you play like you knew where the Bludger was gonna be."


"Thanks! Yeah, I kinda—"


"Na na na, you'll tell us what your secret is after you make the team, now you shut up and listen."


She nods.


"Good, you can listen sometimes, that's good to know, I wasn't sure. Anyway, like I said, beautiful moves, but you're not strong, and both Dearborn and Hosterforth are. They got range, Arens put them together because their team doesn't have a Keeper so the only way they can prevent a slaughter is by slaughtering us first. You will protect us. Do you understand that? No trying to be a hero and take Burke down, no revenge, you just keep those bloody Bludgers of our arses, understood?"


She nods again.


"Say 'yes, ma'am.'"


"Yes, ma'am."


Astoria squints at her and says, "Now repeat what I just told you to do."


"I am to protect all of you against the Bludgers. I am good at predicting where they will be but I am not strong, I am not to be a hero and try to take Burke down or get revenge."


"Can you generalise from that? What else are you not supposed to do?"


"I am not supposed to try to take any of them down. I am not supposed to go after the Bludgers no matter how tantalisingly close they are. I should stick to you and make sure you are all covered."


"Good. Remember, there are two Bludgers and they have two Beaters. And I don't know about Hosterforth but Dearborn will try to take Prince down, and that must not happen under any circumstances, understand?"


"Yes. What if it happens anyway?"


"It won't happen."


"Oh come on, you can't call yourself a Slytherin if you won't come up with contingency plans, you don't just assume everything works out fine!"


Burberry blinks and looks at her like she's just imparted infinite wisdom on her. Jacob's just used to it. Greengrass is, too, to some extent, but she eyes Sadde appraisingly nonetheless. Prince looks annoyed. "If Prince gets taken down," Astoria says, "you go on the offensive. Use your Bludger-whisperer powers to get them down, Arens is your priority target, but if you can distract the Beaters all the better. Don't bother with Burke unless you're really sure you'll succeed."


"I have to ask—do people get taken down that often normally?"


"Not permanently," she admits. "But temporary's good enough. I know you're a muggleborn—" Prince grimaces. "Prince I swear to Merlin I will fuck you up if you let this get in the way of us winning in any way, shape, or form, am I understood?" Prince nods glumly. "Very well, as I was saying, wixen are much sturdier, so are you, don't be afraid to crack some skulls."


Sadde raises a hand.

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