"Even more reason to get some actually decent Slytherins! Although I like the Headmistress, she looks competent, if a bit uptight."
"Ohh that's a good idea! You think I could do that? I wonder if the Headmistress would allow that."
"I probably should come up with some actually operational ideas before just going to the Hat and saying 'hi I wanna fix Slytherin.'"
"A priori I'm not even sure Professor McGonagall would even want to let me talk to it at all, talking to it multiple times would be awesome!"
"But if she lets you once why wouldn't she let you more often, as long as it wasn't enough to bother her?"
"If she was like 'well let's see how it works this once' and then nothing came out of it she might decide I was just trying to, I dunno, mess with her."
"Yeah, I guess that's a risk. If only you had a reputation for never trying to mess with people."
He looks at Karen, then cups his hands around the sides of his head a bit so his eyes aren't easily visible. He turns them into chameleon eyes and moves them in different directions a bit.
He laughs, his eyes and tongue no longer particularly lizard-y. "Yeah, I'm not gonna start behaving just 'cause of that. I think I ought to come up with at least one operational idea before talking to McGonagall about it."
"Meaning it's something I could actually implement, or someone could, or, like, with more tangible immediate results than 'Slytherin doesn't have a bad rep anymore.'"
"Not a clue!" he grins. "Hmm... maybe like, less muggleborn-hate in the more immediate future? Or less bullying? I dunno, that's the sort of thing I'd have to figure out! I'd probably need charts for this as well, it may not be as daunting a task as eliminating prejudice against muggles but it's actually a pretty good first step!"
"Well I will definitely accept all help I can get! You're really smart, and I bet your notebook skills can help with the charts."