Boots in Osirion
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"That's because there isn't a good reason for him not to in Valinor, it's safe there and all the plants are edible and they have a telepathic range of hundreds of miles with people they know well, it's entirely because his parents grew up in a monster-infested continent and haven't updated yet."


"I think he'll be more conservative here because there are actual reasons for most of the things he'll encounter. Maybe not perfectly so but more."


"I was. For whatever that's worth but talking to him I'm - convinced it's worth something. When I was a kid I got a satisfactory explanation of what I needed to be careful of and - I wasn't perfect but I told people when I wanted to leave."


"Yeah, I - have not encountered any reason to believe that you two are a coincidence, although I don't know what else you could be."


"I sort of want to meet his father but this doesn't sound very feasible."


"I guess you could call Finwë but I'd want to have Rúmil alert him to this possibility first."


"Could you? It'd be interesting."


"Sure. It might not be a good time, though - uh, the thing where Valinor makes you patient also seems to make people kind of generally sluggish, he might be like, 'sure but it's a bit stressful at the moment, call me in a Year', and their years are ten times the years I grew up with though I guess I haven't checked if yours are the same here."


"He's king, right? I'm not expecting him to consider it a priority but it seems worth a shot if it won't offend him."


"He's king. There's three bunches of Quendi in Valinor - well, one's off the coast - and he's king of the bunch called the Noldor because he was one of the three Quendi who agreed to go with the Valar to check the place out and see if it would be a good idea to move there, and everybody who moved there on his say-so was like 'okay, he's the king now'."


"It's a very different world. And Quendi are very different people."


"There are a lot of species here and a lot of countries and some of them will even tell you they pick their kings by popular acclaim with no dissenters."


"The Quendi I actually believe when they say that."


He shakes his head a bit incredulously. "Fëanáro will be so disappointed with the rest of the universe."


"I'm not sure 'disappointed' is the word."


"Humanity's pretty disappointing if you're used to that."


"I'm a human. I've told him about my original plane. He used to write self-insert fanfiction about it. But he gets more determined to fix things than disappointed."


"I know, right?"


"The consumer goods will improve a lot for people."


"I hope so. Doing laundry is a waste of time."


"- honestly I don't know very much about how laundry is done but it seems like the sort of thing that would be."


"Perhaps not the most accessible example."

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