Boots in Osirion
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We did science on a basis that was not itself created with science but that might have managed to be more advanced anyway. I'm not sure how old this plane is but it could easily be a lot younger than my original one. High school metamagic was new to Fe-Anar. Also we had Maia help, which sped things way up in terms of mana and safety both.


I can try to convince Olórin to come along but he is kind of a god and so he kind of sucks.


Olórin never personally sucked at us, don't be racist.


He's still kind of on their side, though, probably.


I wouldn't expect him to outright disobey them but if you didn't actually ask him what he thought I don't think we know.


I guess. 


I miss you.


I miss you too. I was really scared for you, if I'd landed in my original world going after me could've gotten you killed.

We'll figure out the plane shift and find somewhere to go and it'll be all right.


Are you sure there's somewhere that's all right?


...No. If nowhere's all right we'll settle for someplace at least as good as where I am now, dig in and get really powerful, stomp some evil gods, and make somewhere all right. I checked and they don't think hubris is dangerous here either.



Okay. Sounds like a plan.


I'll see you soon. How often do you want me to check in, since I'm the one who can make calls for now -?


I dunno. Every couple of weeks?


Okay. Valian weeks? I'll talk to you then or whenever I have the spell, whichever comes first. - maybe don't land directly inside the palace unless you interdimensionalize an earwire yourself in the process ad check with me first. They're - you remember what I thought I'd landed in when I appeared in your palace, better if they know to expect you.


You thought we were really mean and would be mad at you for being there.


Right. These guys wanted to cast truth spells on me and ask a bunch of questions before they were comfortable letting Fe-Anar talk to me because they want to be very paranoid about the royal family's safety, and if they know when and where you're coming they will be less freaked out and less likely to react badly. It's okay to appear in some public area of the city and osanwë me, if you get plane shift but not an interdimensional earwire sussed out before I get back to you having figured out a way to grab you here from my end.


Okay. I'll do that. 


Good. I'll see you soon. Do you want to talk to Fe-Anar now or wait till you can in person?


I want to talk to him!


Coming right up!

And she gives Fe-Anar the earcuff and explains how to use it to get "close enough" to Fëanáro that they can talk, using Fëanáro's osanwë since Fe-Anar is not telepathic.


He creases his forehead and thinks things at Fëanáro. After a while he starts smiling.


She giggles and gets underway on figuring out how to reverse the plane shift. Asks a servant if they have any summoning scrolls she could refer to.


They do!


Eventually he hangs up, shaking his head. "What an interesting kid. His family managed that very badly."


"What have his family been up to? I was telling him things like not to appear unannounced in the middle of your palace because it'd spook your guards, his folks didn't come up."


"They don't seem to have ever given him a credible account of why he shouldn't run off on his own."

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