Boots in Osirion
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Me too. At first it looked like another country I just hadn't happened to know about in my plane, and then it looked like another material plane but in the same - set - and it wasn't till I ran into Fe-Anar and he had me teaching him Pax that it managed to come up in conversation!


How did you manage that - no, I guess the Pax would've been enough.


What happened was he was walking down the street - with a bunch of guards, because prince - and he reads almost exactly like Fëanáro, it's uncanny - and I was so confused, and I figured it'd be safe to try just, like, saying "Fëanáro" and figuring he'd ignore a random foreign word if he was not by some ridiculous contrivance Fëanáro in disguise, but what do you know, he noticed that wasn't in a language he knew and wanted to talk to me and I was approximately arrested to be assessed as a security risk so he could do that. It has been uphill from there.


Is the place very dangerous?


Not by material plane standards but more than Valinor.


But Fe-Anar can keep Fëanáro safe if he visits, you think?


His security's good. Do you want to talk to him yourself?


Maybe? You're probably far more equipped to assess that than me, though.


The fact that he has security may mean that something ever tries to happen? But the risk is low.


All right. Much better than letting him hare off to Materia looking for you, anyway.


Yeah, I was worried he'd be trying something to go where he expected me, instead of directly to me.


I tried to talk to him but he wasn't in a very talkative mood.


...Yeah. I think I will call him now.


Good plan.


She drops the call. "So Rúmil says Fëanáro ran off into the woods and is not in a talkative mood. Also wants to know how safe it'll be to visit exactly, I assume 'very' but literally a negative number of people have died in Valinor so compared to that."


"A negative number of people? The palace is secure against, you know, the sorts of things that humans have the capacity to secure against."


"I have a lot of complaints about how their god of death conducts his affairs but he does bring people who died in Arda but outside Valinor back to life inside Valinor."


" - so it's kind of an afterlife? Where you can have kids? The level of interventionism begins to make a bit more sense."


"It's an afterlife for some people and a regular life for other people and Quendi do not die of old age, or get sick."



The palace is as safe as anywhere in this world. You could meet him in Aktun, if that's not enough."




"Abadar's city district in Axis."


"I think that would be worse in enough ways that no."


Faint smile. "Then this is the best we can do."


"Okay. I'll call Fëanáro."

Fëanáro? It's me, I'm all right, they missed and I'm in a different science world and I'm safe.

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