Boots in Osirion
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That's good enough for him, as long as he can occasionally interrupt with linguistic questions.


Yes, that is fine and does not (now that she does not expect Fëanáro to die or anything) cause her to start crying again!


They will totally be able to prevent the death of his mysterious alternate universe self!



She's going to try Rúmil first, come to think, since that will be a faster way to find out what is going on more objectively than Fëanáro is liable to produce on his own.

Rúmil? It's me - I'm okay -


Bella! Are you back? How -


I'm not back. I'm not where I came from, either, they missed.


wow. They said - they promised you'd be safe - 


I am! It's another science world! But it has a magic system like mine. They aren't very advanced, though. Also there's this prince in the country I landed in who psychically resembles - and also in personality and some circumstances resembles - Fëanáro. Except they don't look alike, this one's an adult human of the local ethnicity. He's been looking over my shoulder while I got the earwire interdimensional. How is Fëanáro doing, I called you first because I thought it possible he'd just tell me how the Valar were stupid and terrible instead of telling me what was going on and I already know that they are stupid and terrible.


He ran off into the woods and hasn't spoken to anyone and is working on magic.


Well, okay. I guess I'll call him. Is anything else going on?


People are debating a resolution critiquing the Valar's handling of the situation.


Uh-huh. Well.

They have plane shift here and I wouldn't have to reinvent it for people to go back and forth. I mean, it'd be expensive, but this Fe-Anar character is a prince too, so.


I'd love to come. Getting Fëanáro a chance to see you and get some reassurance is more important, though.


I am pretty sure he can swing two of it. But you and not Fëanáro should probably introduce the idea to Finwë and Miriel.

- This one's mother died when he was a baby, so you're aware. His father is presumably also dead too because his son is pharaoh now but I don't have a lot of details on that and have not met the pharaoh.


A pharaoh is like a king?


Pretty much. God-king in this case - he's not a god, but he's like, closely associated with the deity of the major religion here.


So more like Ingwe than Finwe? Or - something else?


I have accepted an education in the local religion but don't know how much of it is accurate versus propaganda. The idea is the god, name of Abadar, picks the pharaoh out of the selection of royal relatives and they... commune, which I don't have details on... and he's a powerful cleric.


Are these gods any less stupid?


They... vary... but they do less stuff in general.


I guess I'll take it. For now.


Oh, yeah, I don't want to, like, live here. But it's safe to hang out here for now teaching Fe-Anar languages and metamagic.


Suppose there are worlds without gods?


We're zero for three but let's at least look.


I'm glad you're all right.

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