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Sparkles and Terel in Tileworld
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"No, not bawdy lyrics, no lyrics at all are necessary. Just, you know, with a beat, something I could sway to."

(His hand starts making itself busy, meanwhile.)


He reacts appropriately.

"Well, ah, music crystals in that drawer - Kalalial's stuff is pretty mellow?"


"Mellow's not quite what I'm going for, here, although it might work." Loooooong kiss, and then he zips to that drawer.


The music crystals are organized by name, not genre. There are two options for Kalalial.

Terel rolls on his side and watches him.


He'll have to listen to a couple to see whether anything is appropriate striptease-y.


They're jazz-ish. Could do worse.


Any of the other crystals better than jazz-ish?


Rock-ish? Folk ballad? The same not-classical that the Knight of the Grove had? Terel doesn't have terribly many and he's starting to look bored.


Jazz-ish it is! "Cm'ere," he says, pulling a chair for Terel.


He sits.


He extends a hand out, palm away from Terel, and starts growing out a smooth ivory pole up and down, as if he were holding it and it were being conjured from his hand.


Magic, don't question it. He's wondering how he'll use that, though...


(Click here to skip the explicit content.)

The pole touches the ceiling and the floor and extends a circular base so it can stand on its own. Sadde lets go of it, leaving no blemish nor anything suggesting it used to be a part of his body, turns the music on, then stands between Terel and the pole.

And then he starts swaying.

It's quite a sight, watching a vampire with perfect coordination dance. Even if he's not above average for a vampire, that's still far beyond a human's grace.

The first thing he does is not-quite-sit on Terel's lap, legs open and still standing on the floor, moving his hips with the beat in a somewhat extremely suggestive way, looking into Terel's eyes and licking his lips.


He's- Supposed to be passive here. He thinks. He almost leans forward and kisses Sadde anyway.


Sadde runs a hand through Terel's hair then slowly takes off his own shirt, twirling it above his head a bit before throwing it at the bed.


Nnn- Yeah he attempts a kiss


Sadde returns for a second then pushes Terel away. "Wait for it," he says, and then kisses his mate's neck a bit before standing up again and stepping back to the pole, until it's touching his back.


Well, his eyes keep roaming anyway. He seems to like Sadde's abs and shoulders, particularly.


Then he can of course continue. The routine is fairly fascinating, and he twirls around the pole, hugging it close to his body sometimes, holding his own weight with only one hand, all the while making sure to move as erotically as possible, showing off his body and the muscles pumping underneath his skin.

He unbuttons his trousers at one point, and then does the hip thing on Terel again, which slowly opens it, and when it's fully open out with the trousers and it's down to just briefs, strained under the, ah, pressure, which he makes sure to press against Terel when he can.


"You know, I never had a clear picture of just what exactly 'striptease' meant but this is highly... Entertaining. In the erotic sense."


He laughs and decides to kiss Terel. And run a hand down his torso to his pants so that he can release him, so to speak. Because, well, they're nearing the finale, aren't they?

Then back to the pole he is, and he's, well, grinding it, and the friction causes his underwear to slooowly slide off him...


Yep. 'Finale' time.


Finale time indeed! Sadde doesn't really bother removing Terel's clothes all the rest of the way, all he wants is Terel and it's quite unlikely they'll make it to the bed after he's completely naked and. Well. On top of his mate.

He doesn't take long to be done.


Terel takes slightly longer to finish.

And then, "Guess I should probably shower and sleep..."


"Yeeeah, you probably should," he sighs.

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