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Sparkles and Terel in Tileworld
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The next few weeks are blissful, with Terel having school and Sadde having Empire Imports and making lots and lots of money. They advance in computer design—they still can't really mass produce, and are mostly building everything they need to build from scratch where it won't be magical, and borrowing a lot from golemcraft where it will—and soon start reaching the limits of what Sadde has actually memorised. An actual prototype is still a long ways off.

Sadde obtains the materials the shadowy people need, and also painlessness amulets for Terel. Even without the Imperial Anaesthetist's aid, they should be covered. Hopefully. 

And then it's the last day of school.

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Well, Terel has been putting off thoughts about turning to think about his classes. Now that he can't do that anymore... Eh. 

"And here I thought I'd talked myself out of indecision. This is- Super permanent. I don't know. I told myself I'd follow through and that usually works but..."


"You should be super, super sure. I will never ever do it without your consent."

The part where if he dies she will become a nonfunctional wreck for the rest of eternity goes unsaid.


"Well, my opinion on the whole mortal peril thing is still the same."


"Then I will consider this advance consent," she says, neutrally. "...does death of old age count as mortal peril?"


"I'll almost certainly decide to turn or not by the time old age is a concern. So, sure, might as well count it."


"Okay," she says softly.


This is such a touchy subject. They're going to get into a depressive spiral. "Okay but. It's summer break now, and I haven't enrolled in another semester of college yet, and I don't usually go back to my family over these breaks so they're not really expecting me but I'll have to write them a letter sooner or later... Um, what was I saying? Oh, yes, let's go on a trip somewhere. Either my last hurrah as a human, or just a nice break."


"Okay," she nods. "Like I said, it's entirely your choice, you can do it whenever you want, if and only if you want. I love you, and I want you to be happy and to do whatever makes that most likely."


"How would you deal with... Um, some people what they say they want and what would actually make them happy are different. I don't think I'm that, but how would you approach it if I was?"


"...I would probably trust what you say. I don't—I wouldn't trust my judgement of what's best for you, you're the one in your head not me."


"Hm, alright. Thanks." Kiss. "Anyway, yeah, we should take a little vacation somewhere. Bet I'll decide to turn, or how long to wait, by then."


"Okay. Where should we go, love?"


"I don't have strong preferences. Just, away, somewhere to not think about much of anything. Probably just pick a fancy-looking aircruise liner in Windvale and be done with it. I always hated how my brother plans out every hour of the family vacations."


"Okay. We could pick randomly? Or go somewhere I've never been. Oh, have you visited the World Tree? It's gorgeous."


"I haven't! They're not really a tourist-friendly place though, from what I hear. Somewhere you've never been is probably also somewhere I've never been, let's do that."


"Not very tourist-friendly, true, but stunning nonetheless. Anyway, alright, do you have a list of popular touristic destinations?"


He produces such a list. Sadde's never been to any of them except Windvale. Shelling Point is a merfolk tourist city. Practically the entire above-water structure is shops, shows, cultural centers, artisans, malls, concert halls. Avernus is a famous historical site - the oldest city within three thousand tiles, at least eleven millenia of age. Protected from less than ideal weather by the Wardwall, a beautiful city-size glittering and shimmering magical field. There's the World Pillars, a set of improbably steep mountains with lots of diverse and interesting rock formations around. Regarded as one of the best places for beautiful mountain climbing, stunt flying, or skiing in this corner of the world. And so on and so forth.


" do we have to pick just one of these places?"


"I suppose not."


Shelling Point sounds like a delight, Avernus sounds cool, and she'd love to do extreme sports at the World Pillars but if Terel would rather not it's okay.


"We can totally visit those three. There are other sights to see along the way I'll add to the list, but again, let's not make too big a hassle out of planning it. I'll probably join in on some of the less extreme extreme sports at the World Pillars. Shall we go pack my stuff into storage and then get a ticket to Windvale, then?"





Definitely kiss.

Packing goes very, very swiftly, thanks to a vampire helping out. Terel keeps just two big suitcases of stuff out of storage - a few sets of clothes and other necessities, all the tools and projects and notes they've built so far. He does a bit of paperwork to finish his sign-out. And then they're on a six-hour flight to Windvale, with their own private cabin. Whatever will they do there.


One wonders.

"I love you," she sighs, cuddling him.


"I know. I'll say the same when I know it's true."

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