Eclipse Bell in Arda
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She can't have an unlimited number but she can have Several.

The humans need to sleep and have a hotel room. They can walk around for a while first but what are the Elves planning to do while the humans sleep?


The Elves'll sit and read and watch the city.


This seems unlikely to get them into trouble but they should feel free to wake up Isabella if necessary to disentangle something.


"Will do!"


...and does Isabella's brother say anything to her -


If he does it is not obvious to Maitimë, but then it wouldn't have to be since Isabella too is telepathic.


Right. She will read and observe the human city.


Tampa! There are humans! ...Dynamic humans! Leading each other around on leashes and kneeling next to their doms on park benches and wearing collars and carrying implements for hitting people with and stuff!


That would be fun! The part of that would be fun is not the Isabella-compatible part! Separately, kissing Isabella would be fun, but her imagination does not actually extend exceptionally far past that because she needs to eventually grow up and get married and indulging unworkable fantasies is just going to hold her back.


...and the unworkable fantasies do not feature kneeling or getting hit by people and how many items are there on sushi menus anyway -


Well, there's a sushi restaurant over there, or she could see if her mom checked out any anthropology-of-role books.


Latter sounds more helpful.



Her mom totally did that.


Role has been much-studied by human anthropologists. It's mostly compare-and-contrast, but that's pretty good for Maitimë's purposes. There's apparently a lot of ways to be a dom and a lot of ways to be a sub and a lot of ways for society to encourage certain models of these things and lots of speculation on how in switches what style of dominance one enjoys correlates with what style of submission and navel-gazing about how role interacts with generic status positions in politics as subs are presumed less competent and people's signaling of their role takes inspiration from structures of respect shown in non-intimate settings and so on and so on and so on -


And why is she even trying to make this work it doesn't work on the other end either. It is unlikely that the first human to land on her is the best human ever, maybe she can find a boy human precog who can beat her at Governor and who is nondynamic or -


- if this hypothetical boy wanted to kneel at her feet that'd be fine -


- but a secret - 


- while Maitimë is still maturing into someone responsible enough to have a husband instead of deflecting her attraction onto women - 


- Isabella might not even want that. And if Isabella were interested in that it might be that the things she'd want within that would still be intolerable, but somehow that feels less likely to be a problem.


In the morning the humans are awake again! They can return the library books. Does Fëanáre just want to be in the library all day again?


Hey, she's a precog.


It probably took a lot of precog powers!


She's happy to wander the city again or see specific sights.


Breakfast first. Then there's an aquarium if that sounds fun.


The aquarium is neat! It has fish. The ticket-taker calls Isabella ma'am and Alex sir and stammers awkwardly at Maitimë before remembering to say "Ms."


She should just put her hair up. 


She continues to not do that.


The fish are blissfully ignorant of her inner turmoil.


Yes, now that she's been warned she's obvious she'll be much much less so. The fish are nice.

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