Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"I think maybe we should just get to the library and put you on the Internet."


"I think that is a great idea."


"Well if somebody would foresee me a parking space -"


Snort. "Turn left go past the light make a U-turn."


"Oh look at that just like magic." And here they are parked and there is the library.


And here is how Fëanáre can hook up her laptop to the library wifi and here is a brief introduction to the Dewey Decimal System!


This is all very exciting and she will read all day and forget entirely that they exist.


"You're welcome." Polyamory's a sensitive topic?


My mother's father fell into a - deep persistent unhappiness - shortly after she was born. The Valar tried to fix it and couldn't; it got worse and worse, and he preferred to be sleeping most of the time rather than conscious, and eventually he died and declined reembodiment. My mother was ten. 

The Queen promptly went and fell in love with someone else, and the Valar said that it was impermissible for a woman to have two living husbands so if she desired to remarry then her first husband would have to be kept dead forever, even if he eventually changed his mind. The Queen said she didn't want to be alone forever. My grandfather said fine, they could go ahead. So they did. My mother got on very very badly with her stepfather and ran away from home a few years later and didn't return for dozens of Years and believes to this day that given a little bit of time her father wouldn't have chosen to be dead forever.


...ah. In most places here it's permissible to have multiple spouses at once, although some jurisdictions require a hierarchy to be declared, some allow a dom to have several subs but don't allow doms to formally share subs, stuff like that...


By Cuivienen people sometimes remarried or married more than once. I - don't find myself strongly inclined against it? But under the circumstances it was a disaster.


I wouldn't want to share, personally, and don't have an impulse to collect several - haven't even found one - but it works for some people just fine. It's also something of a patch for the filtering by role not gender thing, if you have four partners odds are pretty good you can have kids with at least one.


Have most humans found one by mid twenties?


Yeah, although not necessarily one they keep, I am definitely kind of odd in having always been single at this age.


Most Elves marry pretty soon after adulthood, though since that is permanent you shouldn't rush it.


I was about to say 'then why do they do it so quick' and then realized that 'soon' probably means like 'longer than I've been alive'.


My parents married really young, before my mother was even fifty, but that is still an awful lot longer than you've been alive. And they rush it because - well, I take it it's tempting.


Yeah, to the comparative extent that humans marry later it may have to do with the fact that they can have sex before that if they want.


There were a couple accidental marriages during the festival, I'm actually surprised you didn't hear about it -


...I would definitely remember if I had heard the phrase 'accidental marriage' even if I did not have an eidetic memory.


People get drunk, make poor decisions. Then I figure out how to make sure everyone's as happy as they can be. Not the best part of the job.


I would imagine the magic bond stuff would be really intrusive if you weren't trying for it.


You can sort of turn it off, but most people are - motivated to try and make it work, since it's not as if they can try again with someone better suited -

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