Eclipse Bell in Arda
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"I am very very very impressed with you."


Smug giggling.


"Maybe I will beat you with zero cheating eventually!"


And Isabella traipses off (she has quite a delighted traipse now that she can traipse) to get some work done. They have worlds to optimize!


And Macalaurië can go on tour and sing to ecstatic fans and the Elves can continue to import knowledge about science and stuff and Isabella can sit around going "nope. Nope. Nope," to endless iterations of experiments with running cable through the portal.


Her city gets indoor plumbing! Or, rather, all the permissions are secured and some Maiar cozened into doing the excavation. There are Elves at work on computers. Aulë must have figured out what's up by now but she seems oddly distracted and hasn't gotten in the middle of it at all.

She eventually asks Isabella if she happens to have made any progress on sharing the eidetic memory.


"It's harder to tell when I've managed something if I can't actually just try it, and I shouldn't try it till I'm sure I have it," says Isabella, "could be dangerous. I've been working on it, though."


"Thanks. We've got enough funding to import a fair bit more machinery, I think we want to do that next."


"Just remember that I have to be able to haul it through the portal."


"I am an official subject of exploratory magery, I can help. And we're building a ramp and everything."


"Sure. Still imposes a size limit, but most things can probably be brought in parts."


"We want to be able to do manufacturing locally eventually. It's just easier if you don't start from scratch."


"Makes perfect sense."


List of things to import! There are some Earth books on there too, even though Valinor has invented the printing press by now.


Earth has so many books! It will be fairly difficult to read many of them without noticing the roles thing.


Yeah, the roles thing has become somewhat public knowledge by now. Some Elves think it's weird and ignore it, some have started putting their hair up. She hasn't.


Well, Isabella hasn't grown hers out in deference to Elf custom either. She doesn't read into it.


They have everything they need to manufacture the parts they need to manufacture Earth things! She coordinates this. Tirion has the Festival of Awakening. 


Elf festivals are fun! Isabella wrangles Alex a sitting with the neurologist so he can come.


Still no on the wi-fi but the aliens totally have indoor plumbing now. She is so smug about this.

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