Eclipse Bell in Arda
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So many of them.





And eventually she goes and starts discreetly asking people about prophetic dreams and so forth of theirs.


Lots of people, it transpires, have dreams about violently dying or about the violent deaths of their loved ones.


Well that sure sounds uncomfortable. And, uh, out of character for Valinor.


You would think. Here are a dozen 'I die in a fire' and a dozen 'I starve/freeze to death' and a dozen 'I get stabbed' (some by humans, some by orcs, some by Elves, one is pretty sure Maitimë stabs her and stammeringly apologetic about this -


(None of them can tell Maitimë this; she doesn't hear them if they do. They can tell Isabella.)


...does the one who thinks Maitimë stabs her want Isabella to not tell Maitimë, or to definitely tell Maitimë, or what.


" can? How does that work? And - I mean - I trust her, I'm sure she has a good reason, but whatever it is, it's not something I've done yet? And I don't want - I don't know -"


"Humans have free will, the prophecy-related implications of which only recently came to light, I'm pretty sure I could tell her and it is the most obvious way to arrange for it not to happen but if you didn't want me to say I wouldn't."


"I - don't think it's that simple? There was a battle going on, I was trying to stop her from doing something, I'm very sure that if the situation arises again we'll end up in the same places in it, it felt that way. But you can tell her."


"Thank you."

So she tells her.


"Well. Okay. ....makes sense that people can foresee their deaths, that's not something you'd be able to change - I can't see mine -"


"I assume some deaths would be avertable."


"Yeah. Anything useful coming together - anything people have in common by manner of death, or -"


"Not that I've been able to pick out."


Nod. Sigh. "I'll keep asking. And we've got an exploratory mission to Endorë all planned for someone with at least three months' range to check out."


"It'll be great."


"And if it isn't we'll do it again and again until it is."


"Exactly! Non-terrible precognition: it's great."


"I didn't even realize how terrible the terrible precognition was. That's a lot of dreams about dying."


"Yeah. I guess people don't talk about it because most people couldn't hear them..?"


"Probably, and - if everyone on Earth knew how they died would they go around sharing it -"


"I'd expect that to wind up heavily culturally mediated - and it wouldn't be reliable prophecy, on Earth, what with the free will -"


"I think the reliability is part of why people don't share it, you'd just needlessly upset everyone -"


"I suppose. I don't know, if I had a prophecy about my dying then even if it was supposed to be reliable I think I might feel motivated to make its life really inconvenient."


"And people with such inclinations don't tend to get prophecies. ...Melkor makes perfect sense to me right up to the 'can I do something so appallingly evil Eru will step in'."

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