Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Depends on your goal, I guess - what happens if you try to talk to Melkor?


...what would I even say -

Permalink're not amused by the divine plan and you're curious if she's really given up on defying it?


Am I pretending to be a would-be conspirator, here -


I can't think of a better initial angle - none of this would be worth actually speaking to her, but given that you can check without that -


I do have to be able to form the intention - I can probably finagle it -


I am not sure what we'll get out of it, I'm just - there's a big empty spot where it comes to her motivations -


Yeah. I'll check...

...okay, if in half an hour she says [Melkor?]





[I don't know how much news you get about the outside world, but I'm one of the human psions living in Valinor and I'm curious about you.]


[I was informed of the existence of psions and that's all. You can consider me curious about you as well.]


[Oh? What do you want to know?]


[Are you the one working on erasing oaths? Is that going to be possible?]


[We don't know if that's going to work yet but it's looking promising.]


[Thank you.]


[I'm kind of confused about why you're as pleased as I heard you were that it could possibly be done.]


[Mandos is an awful place. I'm not sure if it's unpleasant for Elves, too, but for orcs - they're highly social, I made them that way, and they can't interact with anyone. They're happiest moving around, physically active, they need an interesting environment, and Mandos is flat and grey and all illusions that dissolve if you look at them too closely. I don't want them to be dead forever. I - it's not time, yet, for me to try to make amends, it's too soon for me to be walking around Valinor's streets, even powerless, there are people it'll hurt. But I couldn't let them suffer through another hundred Years. If this works - they'll be free - they can be alive again -]


Wow, she talks a good game. [So you're giving up on the whole subverting the divine plan thing to get them a chance to live?]


[Eru told me that whatever I did, I would learn it had been in her plan all along. I took that as far as I could possibly imagine. If that's true - there's nowhere else to take it, I can't think of anything that she wouldn't apparently countenance.]


[Why'd you do that?]


[I didn't like Eru's vision, I didn't like the pieces of the plan I could see, I wanted to know if it was possible in principle to do anything that wasn't scripted from the beginning, to have more than the illusion of real choices -]


[It doesn't look like the best plan, honestly.]


[It is said that humans have free will.]


[Well, psion precognition is actually useful, does that count?]



[Do you mean you can act on it?]

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