Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Isabella is so creeped and so glad that nobody ever goes "wait am I in a precognition right now" and scared that Melkor is about to be an exception. [Yes.]


[Four thousand eight hundred years from now a group of humans living outside of Valinor learns that the Valar can make them immortal and Valinor has the delayed aging effect, they invade Valinor trying to get immortality, the Valar appeal to Eru for help and Eru retaliates by sinking the continent they came from.]


[...that's terrible.]


[Yes. If you can act on it -]


[Yeah, I can, I don't even know what not being able to act on it would be like.]


[It is like every thing you possibly do turning out to have been planned all along, I don't know what exactly will prevent me from stopping it - maybe just that I'll still be a prisoner - but I know I can't do anything about it or I wouldn't have been able to see it.]


Maybe she should be collecting more of these. [Thank you for telling me.]


[Fix it.]


[I'll try.]


[Thank you. That's not the only thing I have but it's the biggest one and the one most obviously amenable to intervention, and there's nothing in the next two thousand years.]


[What else do you have?]


[Fëanáre and all of her children are never released from Mandos - I don't know how they get there in the first place. There are a few more species that awaken in Endorë - humans, hobbits, Dwarves - and the latter two are eventually annihilated, so are orcs, there's slavery in most of the human societies - the army that invades Valinor is half made up of slaves, and Eru grants them the immortality they wished for - makes them completely indestructible, actually - and then buries them under a mile of rock, collapses a mountain range in on them -]


[It begins to make a little more sense that you were wondering that intensely if there was a way to derail the plan.] Still kind of exactly the wrong way to do it, but Melkor doesn't know Isabella that well...


[The Valar know most of what I do. They - trust that Eru has a reason.]


[Is there any reason to expect Eru to have such a thing?]


[If so, it has not been revealed to me.]


[Thank you for the foreknowledge.]


[As I said, use it to change things. That's all I've ever wanted.]


[I will.]

- nothing else interesting happens; she drops out of the future and bounces to Maitimë.


...well. Uh. I am glad that we checked, that was better than my best-case for what we might get out of it - though it could all be lies -


Yeah, I'm not a lie-detector. Maybe I should pick it up. How would we check? I suppose a lot of it will be obviated by even fairly cursory attention...]


Eru might not have that particular motive to sink continents but if it's something she's willing to do at need -


Yeah, that's quite concerning.


So we've got the one known mass murderer/torturer insisting that the person who at minimum let her do it all is one as well.


Or will be, anyway...

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