May was about to fall back asleep in Ren's arms, and now she is not in Ren's arms, which puts paid to the "fall back asleep" plan.
It is, it makes her face feel all soothed from a problem that was not even in her face. Nuzzle nuzzle snuggle snuggle.
Lucien hums happily, nestled against May as if she were a radiator and he cold and wet from a trek outside he didn't think he would ever come back from.
Wow that is really not very long. What if she preempts insanity-derived questions of what will happen with this by going down on him real quick.
Than what will happen instead is a gasp and some hands waving in the air! And this continuing for the several minutes it takes this time round.
Oh yes they can do that so long as it's fine that they are moving around sometimes squeezing.
That's fine!
Maybe she should have done this in the other order, her jaw is sort of sore by the end. Still. Delicious... or rather kind of icky, but still desirable to swallow... guiding fluids.
"I think I'm feeling significantly saner than before," he says after they have made out some more.
"Sex is good for that. Though that's because of skin contact and fluid exchange and I got all the fluids that were exchanged and we were already cuddling and already kissed, so maybe it just helps a lot not to be too horny."
"I think the cumulative effects of the kissing are a lot of it, and being pushed away from being freaked out by things which no longer be very horny helps a lot with."
"I... yeah that makes a lot of sense. Given how it feels." Though probably he is the first person in his world to ever be horny from guiding.
"There's asexual espers and they claim not to have this experience and to find it pleasant in a completely nonsexual way, and there's partnerships where the sexualities don't match up and they just hang out, but if there's any there there, then - yeah."