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Midnight would like it known that he totally wouldn't have done this but he could've if he wanted to
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"I could do that, but if there are any other places a city-sized healing aura could do some good, might be more efficient to start there unless orc maternity wards are, uh, more city-sized than I'm picturing. On the other hand, Findekano made a good point that the really efficient thing would be to bounce Elaneth-imire around at a few minutes per solar system. In which case I guess we should go convey the nonaggression pact idea to Dawn. Or you two should go and I should heal some cities, if there are any in need."


"I have some preliminary requests from Stork and Hex in. Butterfly wants to know if you or your alt could conveniently de-radiate her Earth; it used to serve a strategic purpose but with the Yeerks all united under Tide no longer does."


"I bet Elaneth-imire could do it. I could probably do it too but, again, a three-mile radius at a time instead of an entire planet or star system."


"The entire planet is radioactive. It's not urgent, they've been dealing with it for some time now, so it can wait on Dawn-shining's availability."


"Sure. Preliminary requests from Stork and Hex?"


"Some cities." She scribes off a list; it has teleportation-suitable pictures.


"I can go handle all those and then come back, if you show me the in-between stops from here to those worlds."


She produces images of the intervening path.


"Thanks!" he says cheerfully, and he bounces off to Stork and Hex to give those cities a few minutes at a time of healing aura. (His healing aura is still primarily golden, but the hint of blue is emphasized compared to his alts', not that any of these people are in a position to make that comparison.)


And Corino looks at Findekano and says, "Back home to Nuime, then?"


"I think so, thank you."


"A pleasure meeting you," he says to T'Mir. "You might be seeing me again on matters concerning Nuime or my children."

And back to Nuime they go.


"I think that went well, they seem very reasonable."


"I feel very vindicated in my decision to include you."


"I am not sure their emphasis on working with alternate universe versions of people they already know is constructive but in this case it was useful."


"I can see how they might have arrived at that equilibrium. I think it's holding them back in some ways but I'm glad we could make it work for us, especially considering the importance of the issue."


"And we have a fair bit of flexibility to do it differently here."


"I'm sure if I ever find an alt, he and I will cooperate very readily, but I do not at all feel moved to base the entire structure of a budding interdimensional organization on that. And the same goes for Esarkan, on both counts."

He takes a moment to update Elaneth-imire on the situation. (Interdimensional osanwe: so useful!)


He is so glad his father found a way to make those people be reasonable. He would like to go fling his healing aura over some planets immediately.


(He heads home.)


Healing a few hundred planets sounds like the sort of thing Elaneth-imire'd enjoy, yes. 


So he kisses his husband and gets the intermediary hops from his father and bounces off into the multiverse.

It's weird going out of range of home, but maybe he'll be lucky and his soul will overcome the limitations of adjacency - it is definitely correct for them to be able to reach one another's minds no matter how far apart they are -


Yep, can still hear him. Well, that has interesting implications.


- guess not. Well that's disappointing. (Unless Maitimo's just playing with him - would Maitimo do that - yes he probably would - presumably one day he'll find out which it is and in the meantime he loves his husband very much. Even if it turns out that Maitimo is deliberately leaving Taliar to miss him.)


For all of ten seconds, though if Taliar's going to mope over missing him it'll be tempting to leave him for longer.


He gets back to work.

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