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cam meets some fastfairies and the thread authors take no position on the presence of an adorable romance arc
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"Oh, not by 2159 they don't, but there was a lag of a couple hundred years."



I guess if you have a way for women not to have babies then they can just be - weaker men - and maybe there's no cause to object to that really - but men still can't be women -"


"- how much future shock do you want, exactly, here?"


"I'm not going to live to this winter so I'm not sure any of it matters but I don't mind hearing about the strange future people's opinions."


"You'll still be around, you'll wind up in Limbo," he points out. "Anyway, there's medicine you don't even need magic for that can with varying quality of results make people look like the opposite sex, some people - in both directions, as it happens - feel motivated to do that, once surgery isn't a hilariously stupid thing to do for anything short of gangrene it's possible to follow up with some of that for closer results still, and then summoning gets pretty common and this sort of person can swap physical characteristics around as thoroughly as they might wish up to and including becoming capable of pregnancy."


"Huh. - and people still get angry about them wearing dresses? If you can get pregnant I think you are a woman whatever you started as."


"The thing about wearing dresses was already underway at the time summoning got popular and then the remaining opposition to people wearing whatever they wanted didn't last very long."


"That makes more sense."


"Daeva and limboites can't have kids," he mentions.





"If you want to raise some kids in Limbo, there'll be plenty of infant mortality supplying them for the next while."


 "I don't really know what I want. I feel like I spent my whole life practicing things I don't need anymore. But that's - good to know."


"I'm told it's much easier to raise children when they can't hurt themselves and don't need to eat."


"What happens to them in Limbo if no one wants them?"


"They still grow. Some places there's a lot of kids all clustered together without enough adults, just by coincidence, and the kids generally manage to invent languages of their own and socialize each other, though they wind up with kind of weird acculturation that way. Infant mortality drops and eventually there's a point where that doesn't happen and someone will always pick up the kids, my mom picks up a kid occasionally."


"I guess that's all right."


"It's not great, nothing about Limbo is great, but it's kind of adequate most of the time."


"Which beats the real world. - I think I do want to go for a walk."


"Alrighty!" Out they can go.


Faeryland is kind of neat except for all the faeries.


Hopefully the faeries can be reformed. They did enough visiting that Cam has a general idea of the court boundaries now, and doesn't go past them.


Auda is amused by large flowers and large pinecones and so on, and is happy enough to return home once they reach the edge of where they're allowed.


Econ Faery and his brother are talking in the halls of their court.


Cam waves at them as they walk by.


"Were you looking for something?"

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