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cam meets some fastfairies and the thread authors take no position on the presence of an adorable romance arc
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"Just taking a walk, she'd been cooped up. What are you up to?"


"I just wanted to hear how all of our neighbors are doing. It sounds like they're pretty happy."


"Oh, yes, everyone loved the food. I can do a snack party here too if people are feeling left out."


"I bet they'd appreciate that."


"And they need to learn the system too."


"Lemme get Auda back to her room and I can come out and do that now, if now's good?"


"Sounds great."


Cam escorts Auda home and pops out again.


People are gathering. Very warily. Ready to flee if cages start dropping.


No cages today! Just granola and cucumber-watercress sandwiches and, hey, if someone'll bring dishes he can put interesting soups in them, and eggnog, and cocoa, and tapioca pudding, and do faeries do alcohol? caffeine?, and he thinks the best liked thing he's done was meringues here's a ton of meringues.


Faeries like alcohol a lot and haven't encountered caffeine and are delighted about everything and get gradually less wary as none of the things are cages.


Personally Cam doesn't like alcohol but since he can nope its psychological effects he's done any investigating into the space of fun cocktails. Pina colada slushies! Also he knows a ton about caffeine drinks because he does like and use the effects of caffeine all the time, here are so many kinds of tea and so many varieties of coffee and so many sodas.


Tipsy buzzed cucumber-watercress-sandwich-eating faeries! 


He does announce the advisable doses of these things for humans in case the faeries want to be conservative.


They don't, particularly. 


"I think that's enough of that," he says to Cam at some point. 


"Of booze or of snacks in general?"


"Just the intoxicating ones."


"You got it. Have you guys even invented alcohol?" Here, everyone, have some pizza and ice cream and peanut butter balls, fat will slow down the alcohol a little bit.


"We can make wine but I think your wine has more alcohol content and also it's a great deal tastier, and I don't know how it combines with the other drugs."


"I wasn't sure because humans will wait a very long time to get around to consuming their alcohol sometimes so you might have had the patience for it. Caffeine and alcohol aren't dangerous together except insofar as caffeine can make it unclear how drunk you are."


"It takes twelve days to make wine. It's not very good wine but it'll get you drunk. A lot of people spend as much of the winter drunk as they can afford."


"Well, that's kind of depressing."


"I think sunlight is good for people."


"It's good for humans! Both for vitamin reasons you can replace dietarily and for other reasons to do with getting a look at light on a routine basis. I'm actually surprised that matters much to faeries, since you aren't just fast humans and if anything was going to change in response to you being fast not needing sunlight much seems like it ought to be first after whatever adaptations are letting you survive premature birth and neglected infancy."

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