A dragon explores space, finds Amenta.
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"Okay, let's save that for the last shot, nothing that has to hold up -"

"Way ahead of you. I wasn't expecting it to last as long as it did."

"Musician's getting copies of all our test footage, right?"

"Oh yeah."


I almost want to stab ink versions of this into my wings permanently, it's wicked cool.


"Do you guys even do tattoos?"

"I'm not sure they make tattoo ink that reacts to black light."

"They do."

"Oh, keen."


I've seen them before. They're not super popular because a lot of Draak think natural looks best.


"If you get the black light ink it could be invisible in normal light. I think."


Maybe I'll look into that later. Could I maybe hear some of the music they're thinking about? We don't sing in words and I'm not especially good but we can sing, not just growl or roar. It's more of a-

"Oooooo." It resembles an animal noise like a howl more than anything else. Maybe with a bit of bassy woodwind blended in.


"Oh, that's neat, actually -"

"Yeah, let's get the music green we hired over here."

The music green is presently hauled out with his various equipment on a cart.


He repeats his warning about not being especially good. This is what Draak consider singing-out-loud to be, though! Up and down in pitch a good distance, slightly different tones that make it more of a "Uuuuu" or "Aaaaa" as needed, and that's about it.

Some Draak like to sing pure vocals, some sing only when there's the correct nature sounds or use an instrument that's vaguely like a xylophone, or metal drums, or weirder stuff. I'm not really a singer though.


The musician fiddles with synthesized instrumentation till he has something like the 'oooo'. "I can work with this. I go heavy on percussion for fight scenes, but this'll decorate it and lend some authenticity."


So you won't need me to actually sing? That's a relief!

His tail smacks the ground loudly.


"Oh, yeah, nah, I wouldn't make you do your own vocals, we hired you to claw folks and look neato. Everybody shut up for one sec - can you do the tail thing again now I'm recording -"



He is amused, he sends out; The tail smack is amused body language and being asked to do it again for the sound is just more amusing.


"Awesome. Thanks!"


Want me to sharpen my claws or scratch rock or something? Those are nice sounds, too.


"Sure, let's get a whole library of them, I'll mix it in."


That's a nice way to spend the rest of the day. He might get bored of it after a week but has plenty of patience for now.

The next day he asks Meksi, Can you ask if they've decided on the flying sequences yet? Even if they're not ready to record, I can practice. Or if there's anything else to do? I can always just exercise if not. And I go back to the other movie soon right?


She asks. They have a storyboard, here it is! And he doesn't actually have to be at the other studio for a while but he is invited to scripting sessions and auditions and a concept art showcase.


Neat. He will practice flying according to the storyboard a bit and then fly back to the big studio, since he's looking forward to trying a flight harness and maybe the rigger has one ready now. And be back here in four days to fight Flicker, that being the last day she could come and still make her trip back to the other planet.


The rigger has a harness ready! But there aren't any stuntgreys around today; they don't hang around the studio between jobs, generally.


Aww, I was so excited. I could at least see how it fits?


Sure, the purple can put it on and snug it up.


It feels kind of weird. Especially where it goes around his limbs. See how it stretches and strains if he turns like this?


Hmmm, he can snug up this connecting portion to compensate for loosening those bits.


That seems much better. Thank you! This is going to be cool. I'm going to have to learn how to move without snapping anything in this, though, maybe I should fly around some with it on?


"Go for it! Let me know if anything rubs or pulls unpleasantly. Aaaand lemme put something between here and here nice and loose as an indicator for whether flying might strain something on a rider."

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