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fate meets ellie
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"Interesting. Allies are often helpful. You are from a different universe than this one, yes? I have only seen the designs for a few, and this was the first one whose creation I was even peripherally involved in. I would be quite interested in investigating how they were put together. This universe was made with a horrid lack of attention to physics."


"That is correct, and our allies are from yet others. We have begun something of a project of exploration, and have discovered that certain people arise in multiple universes. I am one such, as is Glint."


"Multiple Sheogoraths. How will the multiverse survive," she says, a bit wryly.


"Hopefully intact, if a bit crazier!" Glint says, laughing. "Ellayania can tell when people are alts, though, so we can let you know if we find any you's!"


"I'd appreciate it."

"What would you say are the highlights of the magics you have found, for the purpose of fighting Alduin at least?"


"Much of it is very well suited to offensive purposes. There is one that is based on an energy called chakra, that can do both physical enhancements and a variety of elemental manipulations, as well as more subtle illusions. It is transferable, so most of us have acquired it. However, it takes practice to use effectively, so I doubt transferring it further would be efficient at this time. If Alduin has blood inside his veins, there is an alt of myself who might be able to hamper him through her blood magic. An alt of Glint has what might be termed eldritch powers, and she may be able to affect something metaphysically in regards to his eating of the world. A different alt of myself has an astounding variety of physics-based powers, and might be suitable as a front-line combatant."


"Some of that could be useful, yes - was it your full group that fought Jyggalag?"


"No, only a portion."


"The Daedric Princes are, in their own domain, generally more powerful than someone like Alduin. Still, Alduin's powers are more destructively focused, and he won't be trying to hold back."


"In balance, I think that still bodes hopefully for our chances."


"I'd think so, too."


"Glint mentioned you might have a few problems of your own?"


"Yes. Vampires have been causing problems, especially in the northern parts of Tamriel. I suspect Molag Bal is at least encouraging them. They're a more consistent threat to homesteads right now than the dragons, and I suspect they're searching for a way to block the light of Aestherius, which is deadly to them."


"We can certainly look into that."


She nods. "I'd appreciate it. My ability to act directly in the mortal Realm is curtailed."


"What information do you have about them?"


"They're an ancient group, with greater power than typical vampires. They call themselves Vampire Lords, and were granted their power directly by Molag Bal. Their leader is Harkon, though I suspect his court - and especially his family - will be full of fractures. Molag Bal is the Lord of Domination, and the sacrifices he demands of those who wish for his power are great. They were investigating the Elder Scrolls a few thousand years ago, though they've backed off and went underground since then. The Elder Scrolls contain all knowledge of things future and past - though individual Scrolls contain only a fraction of this. To read them is to go mad, but there are ways to ferret out their secrets. I suspect Harkon is after some prophecy he thinks will help him."


"So if we kill this Harkon, how much of the problem will that solve?"


"It'll at least delay their plans, and hopefully will stop their attacks while they regroup - especially if you take out his entire court. Past that, I'm uncertain."


"Are there any special tricks to killing a vampire?"


"They're weak to fire and sunlight - technically it's the light of Aetherius, and that energy is toxic to vampires. They're immune to poison. They can drain life-force and magicka if they hit you. Vampire Lords can hypnotize their targets, and have a more powerful drain. Otherwise, no; if you deal enough damage of any sort, they turn to ash. My Champion has a blade that can cause explosions of sunlight to harm them, but I suspect you will be moving too quickly for her to accompany you."


"I am of the mind that a quick strike with overwhelming force is called for in this case, yes."


"And my people can mop up the vampires once they scatter."


"Very well."


"Though we also had a question about your stance on extradimensional undead - who aren't associated with Molag Bal, since it seems likely to come up, ever."

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