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fate meets ellie
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"It was my pleasure. Please do not hesitate to ask if you wish to do this again."


"Oh, I won't hesitate at all. Gonna be the terrors of Oblivion soon enough!" She beams.

"Though, ah, I had a - kind of probably awkward conversation I wanted to have?"





"You're - cute and delightful and smart and knowledgeable and the right sort of vicious and did I mention delightful? And I definitely have 'oh no she's cute' warm fuzzies when I look at you, and I dunno - how that factors into being adjacent goddesses and how that factors into the fact that I'm already kissing Elatra and would like to continue without, like, being a dick to any of you at any point in this process? And I super don't want to do the melodramatic codependency thing the Keres and Hisame have got going on, but..." She shrugs. "Could - definitely see some major fondness developing, for both you and Elatra."

"So, uh, question is pretty much - do I keep my feelings to warm fuzzy friendship because you're not interested, or sigh dramatically at them because you're interested but unfortunately Lightnings are very monogamous, or have a more extensive polyamory conversation with Elatra than just 'is it cool if I non-seriously flirt with Meridia, because Meridia makes funny faces if you flirt with her.'"



"Before today I would certainly have said the first. In fact, I did say something similar to the others in the past. However. I am now- reminded, of the salience of physicality. The third option, I think, may be your best course."



She grins. "I'll have my other body bring it up, then, I think they're at a good point to pause for conversation right now? I - don't want Elatra feeling like I've hidden things from her."


"A wise instinct. I advise you to trust it."


"Heh. Thanks."

And, back in Ellayania's Realm, while hanging out reading with Elatra, once Elatra's attention has drifted back over to her:

"So, uh, Elatra - there's a thing I'd like to talk to you about?"




"So you know how wonderful and cute and smart you are... And I - like kissing you and would like to continue being in a kissing relationship for the foreseeable future. And - that kind of comes with talking about - what do we both want, polyamory versus monogamy stuff... Especially polyamory stuff because - not getting crushes on people sometimes takes active effort on my part."

"And also I don't want you to feel deceived or led on or anything - starting the talk at this specific moment's been prompted by me realizing a few minutes ago I have something that could definitely be a crush sooner or later on Ellayania? And I can keep it to warm fuzzy friendship, but - figured talking about feelings is the mature thing to do, here."


"Ah... A crush on her in her capacity as landscape, or...?"


"Just in general? She's fun to talk to, and helped me with a quasi-diplomatic thing with another Daedric Prince - so in her capacity as herself? Like, I like you in your capacity as Elatra, not just 'cause you're smart, or a powerful necromancer, or pretty. And I don't think it's an alt thing, either - I don't have warm fuzzies about the other Lightnings." Shrug. "Just - I want to spend a lot of time with both of you, and flirt, and have stuff that's just us, and kiss or other stuff as much as there's interest."


"I think... that I am not opposed."



She's definitely grinning.

"That's great, you're great - we should probably also talk about flirting and crushes outside the three of us but for now I am possibly grinning too much, you guys are both just really delightful. And also I don't anticipate anything more serious than, like, thinking Meridia makes funny faces if you hit on her, so it's not a rush?"


"It would be foolish of me to expect to occupy the entire attention of a god."


Happy flop.

"You've got a good bit of my attention! But it's good to - not be all tangled up too much in someone, too. I would like to continue being the smart ones and not the alarming ones."


"I like to think I'm capable of learning from observation."


"You're certainly quite clever."


"Oh, I know," she says with a self-satisfied smirk.


That is definitely a cue for flirting time!

Back in the Shivering Isles, Glint's other body says, "I don't know if you were listening in, but she said she's not opposed."




"You guys are."


She laughs.



"Well, do you wanna talk relationship stuff, then, or just see what develops?"


"Let us see what happens. I believe I am in the mood for some spontaneity."

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