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fate meets ellie
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"Fortunately, that's quite my specialty!"


"Well, then."

Let's try for a kiss.



Glint is, quite fortunately, a very experienced kisser!


And Ellayania is a quick learner.


Glint apparently makes excellent life choices because this is a delightful outcome.


Then they're off to a good start.


Oh good! Proper foundations are very important, for this sort of thing.


Begin as you mean to go on, and so forth.


Fortunately, Glint quite means to go on with kisses.


Eventually, though, other concerns must intrude.

"Wanna go on a tour and meet my allies in this universe?" she asks. "Probably mostly - okay I'm not sure I have any godly allies other than Meridia but I've got a few mortal allies, too."


"I would like that."


She mentally stretches herself just enough to update her steward on where she's going, then - "Meridia first? She's fun. Serious, though."


"I will attempt to restrain my prankster impulses."


"Heh. I mostly know her followers - haven't actually talked to her directly before - and they're really big on fighting undead but I don't know how much of that is undead here being associated with Molag Bal, who's an asshole. She attracts intense sorts, generally, and lately's been attracting heroic types who want to defend the world against the apocalypses. Still, her older followers all are big on the free pursuit of knowledge. She recently had a shrine reclaimed, and they're making rebuilding the natural law and history library a priority."


"We had better feel her out on the topic of undead not associated with Molag Bal before bringing Elatra into the picture."


"Yeah. Ready to go?"


"I believe so."


And she whisks them away from the Shivering Isles.


To a circular platform, clear, with shimmering iridescent lines like opal etched into it in complex patterns. They appear to be in a cavernous room, consisting of similarly clear pathways and platforms that wind through a garden of flowers in every shade of the rainbow. Light drifts down from above, and pulses from floating orbs, a green hue slowly shading into yellow.

There's a woman, her skin lit with rainbow light as if from within, walking along the path towards them.

"Sheogorath. Congratulations on your ascension. And welcome to Aurbis, visitor," she says. "I am Meridia, or more properly Merid-Nunda. I welcome you to my Colored Rooms."


"I greet you, Merid-Nunda. I am Ellayania, Goddess of Fens and Libraries."


"Thank you for the welcome, Merid-Nunda. I am delighted to meet you properly."


"Yes." To Ellayania: "Libraries sounds like a rather interesting domain. I would not mind consulting with you on the state of scientific knowledge in each of our Realms, someday. Perhaps not now, though."


"When this world's impending destruction has been averted, shall we say?"


"Of course. My dedication to the alliance against Alduin stands, for what it is worth, and I have been working on the final designs of several new types of weapon. Unfortunately, balancing things such that they will harm Alduin without vaporizing a significant portion of the Realm he hides in is rather difficult."


"We bring news of further allies, and new magic which may prove efficacious."

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