"Ten or twenty thousand simple beads, then... That's about a scale with some of my more complicated items - the storage boxes especially. I'd expect twenty thousand for this one, or I suppose two thousand gold," and she indicates a box with complicated wood inlays, "Which is a Type Po, holds about - math doesn't work cleanly, but it's a bit over thirty-six cubic feet. Though I'd usually try to get twenty-four thousand or more. Smallest box I have, Type Ja, is three thousand beads at a minimum, holds something like five cubic feet. Twenty thousand beads is a good-sized house somewhere nice - well, anywhere houses don't literally grow on trees, at least - and I'd expect a well-off farmer's total worth to be five thousand beads. The silks I'd expect a hundred to a thousand beads a bolt for anything you're not flat out special ordering."
"Now, and I think this is something you seem interested in, but buying secrets is a weird business - blueprints for things we've had since Imperial times, probably around five hundred to a thousand beads would net you it, unless someone picked up on you being foreign, or you could trade a secret for a secret, or a promise, or a favor. No money's gonna bribe you into Uzushio transport seals or whatever Lord Tobirama uses to zip around, but powerful enough magic might sway any leader - something we can repeat moreso than a one-off. Custom seals are possible but expensive, and that's a diplomatic trade half the time. Trains, photographs, lights... That's someone's life's work, and they'd have a reasonable expectation of not selling it unless you can set them until their next discovery. Ten to a hundred thousand beads, depending on them and what they think it's worth. Some of them won't sell for love or money. Samples would be cheaper, if you just want a light bulb, though buying a whole printing press probably runs more than buying the blueprint."
"I'm willing to offer you market value on those except the skill rings, too - I probably can't turn the skill rings around all that easily." She's also willing to offer above market value for the periapt, but she's not going to offer if he's willing to part for market value.