As they're piling back into the apartment with their purchases in hand, Isk turns away from their port.
<Messages. This droid watched. Summary?>
She squints down at her new datapad, then squints up at the numbers on the walls... down at the datapad again.
"I don't know why you made me the navigator," she mumbles, confused. "Why is every section identical."
"Never been to the residential sector either," Atton says, leaning over her shoulder, "I guess it comes with the whole place being prefab?"
This residential section, like every residential section, is a wide grey hall separated down the middle with a strip of greenery. The walls here are decorated with orange paint, the only difference between section 082 and every other section on the station.
Glowing signs, labeled in aurebesh, mark out certain doors through the halls. Others are labeled only with numbers, likely apartments as opposed to organizations or communities that make use of the others.
Residents walk the halls and gather in corners and nooks to chat, filling the air with the susurrus of their voices. The entire place smells like living, growing things, lending the otherwise sterile, spaceship-like ambiance of the station a reminder of what purpose it serves.
It's... nice. If a little blinding, still. She squints up at the number and then finally puts the 'pad away.
"This is it. Or if it isn't then we're on the complete opposite side of the station from where we're supposed to be."
"Always a possibility..."
Still, he steps up to the door and presses the control to open it.
Inside, a reception desk stands front and center, the receptionist behind it an Ithorian in blue and white clothing, who turns from their work to look up at them as they enter.
"Welcome," they greet, in their sonorous Ithorian voice, "How may I help you?"
Arrayed around their desk is more greenery, blue and green leafy plants growing up and out of a pair of tall planters. From one of them, a large white bloom sprouts, releasing a mild but pleasant scent which fills the room with it's gentle perfume.
Pretty. She gets dazed a little by the smell. But;
"Someone left a message saying they wanted to meet with us? Extension 31678 - 6199."
"Ah! Yes, you are the Jedi Moza spoke of!" they nod to themself, reaching for a button on their desk, "I will open the doors for you now, and inform Chodo Habat of your arrival."
Behind him, they can hear the sound of a door opening beyond the partial wall his desk sits against. Spaces to either side of the desks allow them to continue towards the door behind it, now that they've been welcomed in.
Sharra winces at the volume and the whole concept of being known as 'the Jedi' that people are talking about.
"...thank you. But for the record, I'm not a Jedi. I was only ever a padawan."
Which doesn't really need a follow up, so she leaves it at that and walks on through.
The receptionist has no particular response to this.
Behind that wall is the door, as expected, along with another new type of plant, though one she's seen before on a few different planets. Anchored to the rock is a spray of wide roots with a tall, leafy stalk sprouting from them, and blooming pink petals which sprout from the base in a fan of colour.
Through the open door is a large room full of seating and tables, dotted here and there with more plants. A number of Ithorians are making use of the tables here, others making their way through the room towards other destinations. A fountain flows in one corner of the room, next to a door where another Ithorian - who they may or may not recognize as Moza, the one who had sent them the message earlier that day - awaits them.
"This way, Jedi," he calls upon seeing them, "Chodo Habat waits for you within."
Atton follows just behind and to the right of her, reaching out to put a hand on her lower back as they pass through a hallway and another door into an office.
Her annoyance washes away.
She keeps pace with him so they can stay connected. Padawan Sharra Garon is very attached to her lover. Something they have in common.
Chodo Habat, was it?
Presumably! Moza stops just to the side of the other Ithorian in the room. This new person turns to Sharra as she enters.
"Ah," he says, "It gladdens my heart that you came. I am Chodo Habat, leader of the Ithorians here." He glances to Moza, then continues after receiving a nod from him, "I am sorry to impose our troubles upon you, but I did not know where to turn until I sensed your arrival."
"Troubles - my name is Sharra. This is Ryin. What sort of troubles?" She raises her eyebrows. "I don't really know how I could help you. If you need a Jedi, you'll have to look a little further afield..."
He starts at the name she assigns him. The motion is subtle to watchers, but she can feel it fine through his hand at her back. He remains silent, however.
Chodo Habat nods his head, ponderously, "But you were once a Jedi. I sensed an echo in the Force upon your arrival... it is a subtle disturbance, unless one is actively listening for it."
"I was a padawan," she says, truthfully. She leans a little more against Atton, a sign of her own nerves, outwardly. "I don't have a very strong connection to the Force."
He hums, low and musical.
"The echo I felt upon your arrival was not a natural thing... It speaks of a great pain, not of the body, but of the spirit."
He watches her, concern in his eyes.
"It is as if you once felt the force flow through you, then it was torn away, brutally and quickly. The echo comes from the hollows where it once flowed through you."
He pauses, adjusting to the change in topic.
"Tell me - do you know of the problems our restoration efforts face?"
"No. We've only been on the station a day," she says, trying to let her annoyance and anger flow away. She leans more on Atton. "We also received a message from Czerka, if that's relevant."
He nods once more, "I am unsurprised by this."
He glances out a nearby window, observing the planet below.
"...The Telosian government summoned my herd ship to Citadel Station and asked that we help them rebuild their broken world. We progressed for a time, but then our troubles with Czerka began. The corporation has gained great influence here, and we can do little to stop them."
He lets out a great sigh through both mouths.
"I fear that if Czerka continues to interfere in the restoration project, it will never be completed. Telos will remain barren, and lifeless, and all our work - that of the Republic, the Telosians, and my own people - will have been for nothing."