As they're piling back into the apartment with their purchases in hand, Isk turns away from their port.
<Messages. This droid watched. Summary?>
Her lover Ren is on his last set against his opponent! His opponent is Sweating, because he's at one win to Atton's two, so if Atton wins this one-
"Set," he calls as Het draws a 7, taking his 14 to a 21. His side deck is empty, so Atton has won this one, and thus the whole game.
Het sighs, "Ah, unlucky game." He gathers his cards up, leans into the table, and pushes the chits towards Atton.
"All yours, as our wager defined."
Atton takes them, grinning in delight. He half-turns to look up at Sharra and waves them at her, "I won!"
Luxa chuckles, "A little risk, a few setbacks," she tells him, "It's the spice of life. I'm sure you'll make back what you've lost soon enough."
Happy giggling kissssses. Lovelovelovelovelove. He did so good.
Zeltron has a job for us. She works for the local Exchange boss, wants us to get him out of the way, she sends him, along with a replay of the short conversation.
She nuzzles his nose and holds his face. Kiskiskis.
Yeah, we'll give her what you won? I bet she doesn't have anything.
"Why don't you two go tell her the good news?" Luxa offers generously, "I need to have a chat with Doton, here. We'll talk after."
She spins around to face Luxa, and wraps his arms around her. "I'll come get you, we uh - might be a little while."
Will give them enough time to talk to Ramana about what she wants to do and let her get away cleanly.