As they're piling back into the apartment with their purchases in hand, Isk turns away from their port.
<Messages. This droid watched. Summary?>
"Yeah, they'd have to. Czerka's running security, but the actual agriculturists and the people handling the animals would be working under the Ithorians."
He sets his bags down on the sofa, sprawling out on the surface next to them.
"You think they could help us hunt down wherever the ship went?"
This residential section, like every residential section, is a wide grey hall separated down the middle with a strip of greenery. The walls here are decorated with orange paint, the only difference between section 082 and every other section on the station.
Glowing signs, labeled in aurebesh, mark out certain doors through the halls. Others are labeled only with numbers, likely apartments as opposed to organizations or communities that make use of the others.
Residents walk the halls and gather in corners and nooks to chat, filling the air with the susurrus of their voices. The entire place smells like living, growing things, lending the otherwise sterile, spaceship-like ambiance of the station a reminder of what purpose it serves.
Inside, a reception desk stands front and center, the receptionist behind it an Ithorian in blue and white clothing, who turns from their work to look up at them as they enter.
"Welcome," they greet, in their sonorous Ithorian voice, "How may I help you?"
Arrayed around their desk is more greenery, blue and green leafy plants growing up and out of a pair of tall planters. From one of them, a large white bloom sprouts, releasing a mild but pleasant scent which fills the room with it's gentle perfume.
"Ah! Yes, you are the Jedi Moza spoke of!" they nod to themself, reaching for a button on their desk, "I will open the doors for you now, and inform Chodo Habat of your arrival."
Behind him, they can hear the sound of a door opening beyond the partial wall his desk sits against. Spaces to either side of the desks allow them to continue towards the door behind it, now that they've been welcomed in.
Sharra winces at the volume and the whole concept of being known as 'the Jedi' that people are talking about.
"...thank you. But for the record, I'm not a Jedi. I was only ever a padawan."
Which doesn't really need a follow up, so she leaves it at that and walks on through.
The receptionist has no particular response to this.
Behind that wall is the door, as expected, along with another new type of plant, though one she's seen before on a few different planets. Anchored to the rock is a spray of wide roots with a tall, leafy stalk sprouting from them, and blooming pink petals which sprout from the base in a fan of colour.
Through the open door is a large room full of seating and tables, dotted here and there with more plants. A number of Ithorians are making use of the tables here, others making their way through the room towards other destinations. A fountain flows in one corner of the room, next to a door where another Ithorian - who they may or may not recognize as Moza, the one who had sent them the message earlier that day - awaits them.
"This way, Jedi," he calls upon seeing them, "Chodo Habat waits for you within."
Presumably! Moza stops just to the side of the other Ithorian in the room. This new person turns to Sharra as she enters.
"Ah," he says, "It gladdens my heart that you came. I am Chodo Habat, leader of the Ithorians here." He glances to Moza, then continues after receiving a nod from him, "I am sorry to impose our troubles upon you, but I did not know where to turn until I sensed your arrival."
He hums, low and musical.
"The echo I felt upon your arrival was not a natural thing... It speaks of a great pain, not of the body, but of the spirit."
He watches her, concern in his eyes.
"It is as if you once felt the force flow through you, then it was torn away, brutally and quickly. The echo comes from the hollows where it once flowed through you."
He nods once more, "I am unsurprised by this."
He glances out a nearby window, observing the planet below.
"...The Telosian government summoned my herd ship to Citadel Station and asked that we help them rebuild their broken world. We progressed for a time, but then our troubles with Czerka began. The corporation has gained great influence here, and we can do little to stop them."
He lets out a great sigh through both mouths.
"I fear that if Czerka continues to interfere in the restoration project, it will never be completed. Telos will remain barren, and lifeless, and all our work - that of the Republic, the Telosians, and my own people - will have been for nothing."
Sharra thinks of the green and blue, the signs of new life. The feeling of hope it brought her. It was overwhelming. She can't imagine what it would be to the people that lived on the planet before. To the people that are making it grow.
She sighs. Anger and annoyance suddenly gone. Left only with weariness. "Why would they do that? Restoring Telos has to be good for everyone. Money grabbing corporations included."
"Greed," he says, as weary as she, or more, "And short-sightedness. They see only the credits they can make now, and not the value of restoring what has been destroyed, the value of returning a devastated world to life, of returning a home to its people."
He turns back to her, "But Czerka is a powerful corporation, with many lobbyists in the Senate and throughout the galaxy. Many ears bend to their mouths, many hands grasp for their riches. We have not the kind of power they do."
"No!" He is shocked, and loud with it, before modulating his tone for her ears, "No, of course not. We have plans, ideas of how to resist Czerka, but we have not the skills, nor the ability, to carry them out. We Ithorians... we are not meant for combat, and Czerka has no qualms taking advantage of our nature. We have lost many supplies, even some of our people, to what can only be their interference. We ask only your help protecting some most valuable resources."
Sharra takes a moment to take this all in. Leans back on her heels, against Atton, and considers.
"We can't play bodyguard. Our ship is missing, stolen, and on the surface of the planet somewhere. So that's at the top of our priority list. But." She takes a breath. "I do see the good you're doing here. The value this restoration brings to the universe. To it's people. I want to help you." Her hands find Atton's and she presses her thumb along his palm. Applying pressure. Focussing. "Tell me your plans."
"Ah, no. It is not this droid we ask you to assist us with. Unfortunately, it has vanished quite thoroughly, and we have no idea when or where it occurred, nor where it could have gone. It is, instead, the droid we found to replace it that we ask your help with. It will arrive on the station shortly, and we worry that Czerka will take advantage of it's move from the spaceport to this compound to interfere."
He nods lowly, "We are aware. You will require transportation to the surface, in order to search the planet for your ship. The shield arrays interfere with extra-planetary scans, but in the restoration zones it is possible to track those ships which have flown the skies of Telos. In return for your aid in these tasks, we will secure a transport for you."
He turns to look at Atton, "A matter of days, we hope. It will only take the correct lever to turn the tide against the corporation, and we have already identified what that lever is. Once we have control of the necessary elements of the project once more, we will be able to send people to the planet again. For now it is too dangerous."
"My thanks," he thrums, the Ithorian equivalent of a smile, "My people are securing the docking bay now, awaiting the ship which will carry the droid. It will arrive within the next two hours. The Docking Bay is Two, in Dock Module 126. I will send word to them, that they should await your arrival before transporting the droid through the station."
This is definitely a seedier area than the parts of the station they've seen before. More lawless, as well; the security forces must not patrol here as consistently as in other areas.
A fact which is made all the more apparent when, just outside the cantina doors, they walk into a tense situation between a sullustan and some humans decked out in combat gear.
"Please," says the sullustan, "I don't want any trouble. It was an accident, I swear!"
She should really just keep walking. They don't need further attention and they have a job to do and she really doesn't want to get into a fight —
Sharra sighs and pulls Atton in front of her, eyes wide and frantically looking between the sullustan and humans. Oh no! Look at how concerned and visible she is!
"That didn't look like an accident to me or my associate here," says one of the humans, "It looked like you wanted to make a fool of him."
"No, no," the sullustan holds up his hands, eyes darting around, "That wasn't the way it was. I did not mean to disturb your drinking, allow me to leave you and go on my way. I will trouble you no longer."
His eyes catch on the two bystanders, and then dart away again.
"Not even an apology?" the human tsks, "That won't do at all."
He rolls his eyes, "Then the only way he's going to learn is through a bit of good old physical reinforcement, isn't that right Mol," he tilts his head towards his friend.
Mol cracks his knuckles and advances a step toward the sullustan.
"Move along, strangers," says not-Mol, "Just move right along. Have a drink in the cantina."
"No, no, this is madness," cries the sullustan, "Please, help me! I know what these brutes want - to send me home with my limbs broken, body battered and spirit bruised! Please!"
"To apologize would be dishonest," says the sullustan, apparently firm on this despite his fear, "I did not throw my drink at him; they barrelled into me at the bar and caused me to spill my drink over both of us."
Indeed, the sullustan also wears drink stains on his clothes.
"You see," the unnamed human says, "Not only does he refuse to apologize, he's lying!"
Atton huffs a breath of air through his nose; the sullustan isn't lying, but the human sure is. Their excitement is practically oozing out of them. It kind of reminds him of some officers he worked with, once upon a time.
"Think I believe the guy with the drink all over his clothes," he says, unimpressed, "Seems to me that you two should let bygones be bygones and move on with your nights."
There's a long pause, and then... The man makes a face, "Fucking hells. Fine, I'm not about to get into a firefight in the halls. Let's go, Mol," he grabs his companion's elbow, pulling him away from the situation.
As they vanish around a corner, the sullustan turns to them and presses his hands together, bowing low, "Thank you, so much! I was completely helpless... These mercenaries have been getting worse and worse. I wish something could be done about them," he sighs.
She snuggles into his chest, the distressed wife. "Didn't realise they hired out, figured they'd have in house mercs."
Sorry about the mind trick bullshit, I've never liked the practice, but — well, you know. Getting into a fight in the middle of the entertainment district...
Music, is the first thing that strikes them upon entry. A live band plays onstage at the back wall, a number of dancers performing to the music in front of them. Patrons stand around watching them, while others linger around the bar just inside to the right, and others sit at tables around the room. Past the bar there is another room, a long table filling the space with pairs playing pazaak occupying opposing seats.
The customers are a varied mix of workers, security forces, mercenaries, and more sketchy beings, of a number of varied species. All three of the dancers are twi'lek women, and some twi'lek men and a pair of duros mingle with the humans watching them. A zeltron woman leans against the bar, flanked by a pair of gamorrean guards. Most of the other patrons are human, however, while the staff seems entirely made up of droids.
...the zeltron woman those gamorreans are guarding gives her a slow up-and-down, smiling slowly as she takes her in. She doesn't approach just yet, though, letting Sharra get her drinks.
Soon enough, the droid bartender beckons her forward and takes her drink orders, setting to making them quickly and efficiently.
Blink! She turns to look at the zeltron and gives her a welcoming smile. Zeltrons are usually good-looking, but this one...
"I'm with my husband," she said, so fond, as she points Atton out. "He's a big pazaak player and I wanted to try out some cocktails. Do you want one too?"
"We were thinking of going to Zeltros for our honeymoon! We haven't gotten the creds for it yet, but — I went there with my, my teacher, when I was young. I was too young to really enjoy the nightlife, but she took me to so many museums and theatres... I'm glad you've found a home here too. It's so different."
Atton has finished creaming his opponent in the time she was ordering their drinks. The unfortunate twi'lek seems resigned to this result, though he also looks somewhat hopeful.
"-so you see," he says, voice quiet enough to go nearly unheard under the music, "If you can defeat him, he will put Ramana up as collateral for a second round. If you can defeat him the second time-" he looks down at his hands, "My foolishness has left her indentured to him. I don't ask that you plead my case to her- I only want her to be free from the consequences of my mistakes."
Atton is leaning back in his chair, shuffling his cards as he listens to the twi'lek's story, "Wellll," he draws out, "If he's not much better than you are, it won't be hard to beat him," he considers.
He turns his head to peer up at Sharra as she approaches.
"What d'you think, babe?"
It's a fairly bare hallway back here, lined by the occasional door. Ramana leads them all the way down that hall, to the very last door before the back exit, and then opens it to allow them inside.
This room is less bare, featuring a low, wide couch, curtained walls, and soft lighting. There is a small self-serve bar inside, as well, and a tray of fresh fruit.
She smiles at her, appreciative. "Thank you. I'm Sharra, this is Ren," she says, making up a new name on the spot. His reaction to the last name noted. "How long have you been dancing? You're really good. Like. Really good. I've known people thrice your age that don't have your talent."
Sharra nods! And sits down next to her, leaving some room between them.
"I used to dance too. It's all I ever wanted to do when I was a girl. I'd wake up before the dawn to twirl and jump and run along the beach, listening to the music in my head that I thought only I could hear."
She weighs her head side to side. "In a way. It turned into something else. When I left my home for the academy, my teachers encouraged me to channel it into my training instead. I could still hear the music, but now I was dancing for a purpose. It wasn't quite the same, you know?"
She nods, "I know. It was not quite the same story, for me, but..."
She looks away, watching Atton do another circle around the room, and then come to stand beside Sharra, setting the core of his fruit on a tray provided.
"But," she shakes herself, one lekku curling around her neck to rest on the opposite shoulder, "I am here to show you my dance," she says, putting on a less sad face, "Would you like me to begin?"
"We'd love to, but we're actually here to ask you a favour. For one in return, obviously." She reaches up to take Atton's hand - which is a little sticky - and doesn't leave her hanging. "We have somewhere to be soon. It would be really helpful to us if we could sneak out from here and then come back after we're done. In return we're confident that Ren can win your freedom, if that's what you want. No strings attached."
"Thank you! Ren is the best pazaak player I know, though we do have some credits that we can use as a back up. We won't need it, but I know I would feel nervous about putting my freedom in the hands of a gambler without some reassurances."
Well, not her gambler, but the point still stands.
"He is the reason we're here. Or the reason we know about your situation. He asked us to help. I sent him packing, just to be clear, and we're not doing this for him. You deserve to be free, just like everyone else. If I could just pay off your debt, I would, but we don't really have that sort of money. Only as a last resort. This is the best we can do."
"I know the type," she says. She stands then and takes firmer hold of his hand. "We should be back before our time runs out. Maybe order some drinks and extras? Make it seem like we're busy enjoying ourselves. Indulge yourself, it's your last day here, might as well make the most of it."
Unfortunately for them, their optimism is not rewarded. A trio of mercenaries are waiting in the hangar when they arrive, in a standoff with the crew of the Republic transport which has dropped off the droid.
The droid is also there, a standard protocol model in appearance, but presumably more in truth.
"And I'm telling you," says the mercenary officer, "We're here to take the delivery to its rightful owner. I have the forms right here, see?" He's showing off a datapad.
"We were told to expect two humans, a male and a female, at pick up," the twi'lek apparently in charge of the crew says, his arms crossed and expression unimpressed, "I don't see any human females among you, nevermind the other identifiers we were given."
Sharra makes her way over to them casually. "Hey! Sorry we're late. We got in someone else's cab and it took us all the way to the other side of the station and then when we were coming back we got stuck in a weird traffic jam." She stops before them and blinks at the trio of mercs. "This is the right hanger, isn't it?" She tilts her head to the droid. "That is our new droid, I recognise it. Hey there."
He nods again, "Great. If one of you'll just sign right here..." He steps towards them, offering his own datapad.
"Now hold on a second," the mercenary says, "The documents are in our name, you can't just go around giving away our droid to some random spacers. This is robbery!" He draws his weapon.
She readjusts her estimation of this man.
"So you know exactly why this droid is important." She looks him up and down, unimpressed. "Getting this droid into the hands of people that are working hard to restore the planet from the horrors of which the Sith, and the people that worked with them, wrought. And yet, you're standing between us and them."
-the lieutenant half-turns towards his men- and meets the butt of a rifle.
He collapses, the man who took the initiative taking a partial step forward with a grimace, "Uh, yeah, I'm not here to fight a hells damned Jedi. I mean- look, you take the jobs you can find, right?"
His fellow nods rapidly, "You got any room for a couple extra mercs on your ship?" He asks the twi'lek captain, "It's just, Czerka will kill our contracts if we don't come back with the droid," he shares a look with his friend.
"Sure, we can cart you around for a few weeks. Give you a trial run," the twi'lek says, amused, "Not about to punish a good deed."
Sharra finishes up sending the message to the chief.
"That's us! I'm glad to meet you, C7. We've got a cab just outside and we'll be taking you right to the Ithorian's compound." She steps to it's other side, so it's comfortably between her and Atton. "Did you have a good trip? The crew seemed nice."
Chodo Habat is waiting for them in his office inside the compound, and is visibly relieved when they arrive - assuming you can read Ithorian expressions, anyway.
"Ah," he says, approaching them at a measured pace, "I am gladdened by your safe return. My people sent word of what happened at the docks."
The droid tilts his head at him, "I am yours to command, Master," it says.
"Good, good," Chodo gestures ponderously to a nearby door, "Our computer system has been prepared for your arrival. You may begin transferring your data into it immediately."
"I shall do so now, Master Habat," says C7. It turns to Sharra and Atton and nods, "Farewell," it says, before shuffling towards the door.
With the droid now turning to its work in another room, Chodo turns to them once more.
"I am grateful for your help in this matter," he says, "Please," he adds, "Accept this as a gift from my people."
He motions to Moza, who approaches them to offer a pair of soft flexible gloves in a dull grey colour, "It is our hope that these gloves will protect your hands should you need to defend our efforts further," he says, "While we wish violence was not necessary to save the planet we work to heal, it would be wrong of us not to arm the hands which may be forced to commit violence in our name."
He bows lightly to her.
"Hmmm," he clasps his hands in front of him, "Well, I have an avenue you might be able to investigate. The man you confronted at the dock, he was an agent of the Exchange, in addition to his work for Czerka. I have long suspected that the corporation have been hiring Exchange resources to aid in their sabotage, and a brief examination of his comm, as well as the statements of his former coworkers, has confirmed my fears."
He sighs, "I have tried to meet with the Exchange leader here. He is a quarren, by the name of Loppak Slusk. He has refused my every invitation; as I understand it, he allows no one outside his top lieutenants into his suites."
He blows out a greater sigh.
"I fear the Exchange does not take us seriously. You, however? Though you may no longer claim the title of Jedi, the Exchange will know you as such. Perhaps you may convince them to consider the merits of a restored Telos."
He pauses, "Truly? Well, I suppose it is not so strange, as few Jedi as there are in the public eye in these times. There are always those who lust for rarity."
He considers this.
"...I will think on this. Perhaps a different avenue will reveal itself to me, as this one proves itself unlikely."
He nods lowly to her, "Should you return tomorrow, we may discuss further."
"I never considered whether I could keep myself to one person before. Though I also haven't actually been with that many people. The only person I really got close to... she was different. My best friend." Cuddle nuzzle.
"Love was dangerous. I got so lost in my other emotions, I was always so afraid to love anyone, never mind more than one. But." She happily presses herself against him. "M'not afraid of this."
Sharra follows him fondly and catching his excitement. Sharra really isn't a very good pazaak player, Atton frequently has to interrupt and reach over to play one of her cards when she doesn't. And usually the only times she ever wins if she cheats and he lets her, or she distracts him with sex. Both of which is apparently 'cheating'. Not that he complains. Much.
She licks her lips and bites them. Hand grips tight on his upper arm. Nods so many - reaches into her jacket pocket and tries to pass him her credit chit without anyone seeing.
"You're the best pazaak player in the galaxy," she says, again in a stage whisper. "I know you'll win. Don't worry about the past and just focus on now."
She hums, "If I met those two thugs... Well, I've heard they're looking to talk a certain organization out of helping out the local financial powers, but they're a little worried about a certain bounty. I might be able to offer them what they're looking for... If they promised to do a little something for me in return, that is."
She laughs, "Oh, them? They're just for show, honey. Anyway, they're a bit too... let's say, clumsy to get what I need done."
She takes a sip of her drink, thoughtful.
"Alright, let's say, there's a nice girl I know who really wants to advance in the company she works for. She's got the qualifications, the connections, the attitude... but her boss is a stingy old squid, and he just won't step aside. If someone were to convince him to look for better opportunities... Well, that girl might just be able to direct her local branch to look for different options than the ones they're taking right now."
"The company's all over the galaxy! Sadly, he doesn't have many friends out there. Not the most charismatic man, this boss. Still, there might be a few opportunities somewhere or other... Or he could retire. He's getting on in years, so maybe he might like to go back home to Mon Cala, live out his twilight years among the seaweed."
"She thinks all this stalling around the reconstruction program is very short-sighted. There'll be more credits to be made if Telos gets up and running again, even if it does take a little investment in the meantime," she shakes her head, "Sadly, the current boss cares more about instant gratification than seeing an empire grow."
Her lover Ren is on his last set against his opponent! His opponent is Sweating, because he's at one win to Atton's two, so if Atton wins this one-
"Set," he calls as Het draws a 7, taking his 14 to a 21. His side deck is empty, so Atton has won this one, and thus the whole game.