As they're piling back into the apartment with their purchases in hand, Isk turns away from their port.
<Messages. This droid watched. Summary?>
"Oh, what I wouldn't give for a nap." Mmm. Maybe that's what they'll do when they get back. After the sex. "It went well! No one died, even. Do you know if Het is around? Or do we need to lure him out with a big show of creds."
"He was there when I went out to retrieve more food," she says, and she motions to a tray of pastries set back against the wall on the side table. "You're welcome to nap in this room when you're ready?"
Atton shrugs, "We'll probably head back to the apartment after I've had my match."
Oooh, pastries. Omom. She hands one to Atton.
"We're ready. Well, he's always ready for a game of pazaak. Believe you me."
"I wake up ready," he confirms, munching on a seedroll, "You wanna come with, or stay here?"
"Lock the door, maybe? I don't know if he's the type of guy to lose his temper, but better safe than sorry." She monches. "Also grab your things for a quick exit."
She nods rapidly, "My belongings are in another room, I will fetch them. Knock thrice rapidly, and twice slowly, once you return, and I will unlock the door."
"Right," he stretches out his back, "Time to go do what I do best," he nods, and heads for the door.
Sharra follows him fondly and catching his excitement. Sharra really isn't a very good pazaak player, Atton frequently has to interrupt and reach over to play one of her cards when she doesn't. And usually the only times she ever wins if she cheats and he lets her, or she distracts him with sex. Both of which is apparently 'cheating'. Not that he complains. Much.
In the taproom, Atton makes his way - only somewhat casual-seeming - to where Het is sat at a table near the dancers. He leans against it, looking down at the man and pulling out his pazaak deck to give it a shuffling.
"So," he says, "I hear that dancer girl is yours?"
Het does not look up at him, because he's been watching them approach since the door to the back rooms opened. He just nods, tapping his glass with one long-nailed finger, "Ramana? Yes. Did you enjoy her services? You and your lover were gone a long time," he smirks.
He chuckles, "I did. The idiot didn't know what a prize he had. She's far better off in my hands than his."
Atton leans over the table, getting down to business, "She's a real prize. How much would you want to buy out her contract?"
She only tries to hide her smile and amusement a little, letting it peek through and add to his act. She's excited. Wants her lover to win her a prize. She bounces on her feet and presses her face against his shoulder blade.
Het glances at Sharra, and then back to Atton. He hums to himself, leaning back in his seat, "Well, I wont part with her for less than 2000 credits," he starts.
He smirks, "Or, we could play for her. Seems fair, right? You put up, say... 1000 credits. I'll put up my girl. If you win, she's all yours," his eyes stray to Sharra, "If I win, I get 1000 credits."
She licks her lips and bites them. Hand grips tight on his upper arm. Nods so many - reaches into her jacket pocket and tries to pass him her credit chit without anyone seeing.
"You're the best pazaak player in the galaxy," she says, again in a stage whisper. "I know you'll win. Don't worry about the past and just focus on now."
Het leans forward to drag the chit into the center of the table. Then, he takes out his datapad, showing it to Atton as he pulls up Ramana's contract and transfers it to a datachit.
He pulls that chit out of the 'pad and sets it next to the credchit.
"Right!" He claps once, "Let's play."