Everyone knows that if you're looking for somewhere haunted, there's no better place around Forks than the old Frazier house. Some kid axe murdered his parents there and then broke his neck trying to run from the cops. It's been abandoned ever since.
Clothes show up back on your body after a while, if you take them off. I've already got two shirts; I don't really want to add another top to the ensemble. If it would stick to me the same way.
Or maybe you meant something broader. To which I say: Now I have some batteries.
The arm of the jacket raises as if with a glass.
I really do think I'm probably going to let you at the book. I just—can't— tonight. Do you understand? I can't.
"...It really seems like the best time for it since it will be so much harder for you to answer clarifying questions at basically any other time, and I do not understand you to be unable to do so, but I acknowledge that you really really don't wanna."
The spell I've been working on is for giving ghosts more juice—more fuel for interacting with objects. It's been really limited by me not being able to run to the store for birthday candles (metonymy). But with you helping it could be a lot easier / more powerful / faster to write.
It's been pretty stressful for me and I'm not even learning anything worldview-shattering.
I hope so. I guess it's good news even if something ends up going really wrong from here on out.
"Mm, it has a lot of nasty possible implications but also a lot of good ones, I'm definitely most excited about it if I'm in a position to shove the balance there at all."
The jacket and the pen head off to pace for a moment.
The Materials chapter just has a bunch of definitions of what Grave Flowers and stuff are. I'd say you could copy it over to your notes but maybe you want to wait until tomorrow for that.