Everyone knows that if you're looking for somewhere haunted, there's no better place around Forks than the old Frazier house. Some kid axe murdered his parents there and then broke his neck trying to run from the cops. It's been abandoned ever since.
"Because getting the power back on would be really convenient... I don't know where I'd start finding out, I guess Charlie might know."
That would be
The jacket shifts some. The ghost inside maybe runs a hand through its hair.
I don't know what to say.
That sounds potentially expensive and definitely very good for me. But maybe also somewhat good for you.
"I don't know how much it would cost and I don't have, like, a job, so I'm not promising anything."
"What happened to the laundry machines, do you know? They would have been awfully big for someone to just loot."
I mostly let people just take whatever except from my room. By the time I'd done enough peacemaking with my parents to care about the rest of the house most of the good stuff was already gone.
I pretty much always let people in my room, I just don't let them take stuff out with them.
It's gotten easier over time, now that it's been so long and everything in here's fine even though the rest of the house isn't. I don't have to be as spooky because the situation already is.
Depends how you count it, I think. The gossip mill / news coverage spread pretty far, some number of people came and left on their own, some went at the first slammed door or weird chill, four people have talked to me. Plus you.