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Cam in Ghost House
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"Iiiiii don't speak Morse code. Tap once for you can use a pen tap twice for nothing doing."




Tap.  On the other corner of the desk, the right side.


"And you're right handed. Or something. Okay." He'll pull off his backpack and pull the last page out of a notebook without opening it enough for anything that is using conventional senses to see what's inside the first few. Offers a pen.


The pen is now floating!  It writes, quite shakily,

Be careful with that book.


"...just reading it or trying stuff in it?"


Trying stuff, getting ideas, wrecking my copy.  Don't.


Don't leave either


"Getting ideas you say.

"Who are you?"


J. D. Frazier

The handwriting's a little less trembly, on this one.  Signature-like.


Don't leave


"I am not leaving but if I'm not home by dinner Charlie's gonna assume I fell down the stairs and come get me."




"So do you mean getting ideas literally or just as metonymy for trying stuff."


It's not going to make you go crazy or whatever to read it.


Whatever you felt when you touched it was me, not it.  A warning.


"It got my attention, certainly. 'Whatever' I felt? You didn't know what you were doing there?"


I think it's usually a chill when I overlap with someone but you jumped.  It's Halloween.  The veil is thinner.
Sorry if it hurt I didn't mean it to.

(The pen goes back and adds a comma and a semicolon in the appropriate places, after a moment.)


"It was surprising! I didn't believe in ghosts, I was just really bored! I don't think I'm damaged."


It's hard to prove to a bunch of people at once that ghosts are real.  Because of stuff like the timing.  I can't hold a pen like this most days.


"...what can you do most days?"


It depends on how much I've done recently.  Keyboard probably works if you come back tomorrow, or I can push around planchette for a while.




But I'm different from almost all other ghosts.


"Different how?" Is it the double axe murder - no, he's leaning into the guess that the guy's parents had it coming, dude was in the hospital for a "fall" down the stairs earlier, and as someone who falls down the stairs sometimes Cam doesn't jump to the foul play explanation but if the recovered hospitalized dude later axe murders his parents you do a little arithmetic on the situation. He's not asking because it's probably a sensitive question and because it could be very bad to juke wrong if he discovered that actually this guy just loves to axe murder.



I did a ritual from the book.  Back when I was alive.


"Have you met many other ghosts? Are you stuck in the house?"


2.  Yes.

I also have the yard.



"The obvious ones?"


What do you know?


"Charlie - my dad - is the chief of police."

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