californialove123: how much to see you soft and tiny?
espadabynight: Beautiful smile
jackx0123: nice lips
jackx0123: perfect for kisss
jackx0123: looks good your hair
manfrommoon92: I am not gay, but I am still here so... not like I am Jesus or anything
sweet25000: can you cum by getting fucked by a big dick?
quantumdex: let me bite your thighs!
blazingrod: That choker ring must be great to drag you for a good kiss
a thing came up with his charity foundation, something about the recipients thinking it was satanic because who just gives away money
I started thinking about free lunches and invisible strings
this sent me in predictable directions
yes the string here is not invisible
I just am having a whole bunch of feelings
Lev's eyes are closed and he's pretending that he's holding his girlfriend who loves him back and it's-- not real but it's okay. It's okay.
you can always leave him, he paid you up front
if it's not worth the hassle anymore
wish I could hug you too
(am currently being hugged. it's pretty nice but it's not you.)
I'm fucking a really weird number of straight guys considering everything
I love you so much
Mmmmmmmm Lev is soft.
When he wakes up he forgets, for a moment, that he isn't in his own bed, and smiles up at Lev like he's in love and then remembers where he is and who he's with and — doesn't stop.