Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
"I've always suspected," she says, smiling, then makes her way back to the galley. "How's your wheel? There should be some replacements in the hold, knowing Rhae."
Thoughtful whistle, <No replacement in hold, need to buy new parts,> he lifts his tread to shake it gently as he rolls after her, <Is okay for now.>
"I'll take another look at it after I eat and get some rest. Even if it's just to oil it up and replace some bolts."
She gets started on her stew. She hopes Kreia doesn't mind some heat.
T3 moves to a nearby outlet so he can plug himself in to get some charge while she cooks! She's left alone, otherwise.
She appreciates it. The ability to turn off her brain and go through the motions, all thoughts of the past and impending future pushed aside.
Spicy spicy stew.
Atton actually reappears before she finishes plating up.
"Where the hells is the fresher on this boat?" he asks, peering around corners and examining the buttons on the holotable.
There is the sound of a blaster shot, and then silence.
Atton is trying to push it out of the fresher as she looks her fill.
"Don't think I can take much more of these surprises," he grumbles, turning to drag it through the doorway, "My heart's gonna give out at this rate."
"And this droid being made by him is good? This 'protocol' droid that is probably also an assassin droid?"
She squints down at the - at HK-47. "It's not listening to anyone anytime soon. It's missing more than half of it's circuitry."