Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
"If that's what you call Revan's old Jedi Master. She's calling herself Kreia, now. Do you remember her, Isk? I never met the infamous Arren Kae." She pauses. "Which might have been on purpose..."
Isk deets thoughtfully to themself, <Was,> they agree, <Smartest thing Stupid Jedi did. Careful, Little Sunspot.>
Sharra turns, instinctively reaching out to him.
"She was controversial. But I don't know exactly why..." she looks to Isk again?
<Sought knowledge. Curiosity. Dark Side. Stupid Jedi worried for other reasons, though,> they note, <Persuasive. Manipulative. Always plans.>
-he takes her hand.
"Isn't that their MO? Plans within plans, persuasion and manipulation."
"'s one part of being a Jedi. Not the whole of it and some lean more that way than others." She squeezes his hand and thinks. "She was found on this ship - the first time. Did either of you see her then?"
"Which suggests that she was on the Harbinger. It's not unusual for a Jedi to travel that way, and keeping her presence hidden would have been a smart move, considering the bounty." But. She looks at Atton. "Did she say anything before I stumbled in?"
"Just, you know, "About time you found me,"" he makes a credible attempt at mimicking her voice, "Then she ignored me."
She looks around the area. "Sadly we can't kick her off the ship here. Jedi can survive for a little in no atmo, but this is a little excessive..."
She thinks aloud. "Stay here for a few days, take inventory, heal a little, and try and get off the radar of anyone that's looking. Then we find a busy backwater no place planet and get our feet under us. She can hop off there and find her own way."
Isk blats, <Did not explain, before. Harbinger attacked. Attackers came from Sith ship, ship was attacking Hawk.>
T3 beeps agreement, <T3 not sure what Sith wanted. Maybe Sith know Ebon Hawk was Friend Jedi ship? Maybe Sith want Friend Jedi?>
<Human male,> Isk relates, <Grey skin, blind eye, scarred.>
Actually, they have a recording.
A man floats in a kolto tank, his eyes half-lidded and apparently unseeing. Well, one of them certainly is, being as blind-white as Kreia's eyes are, but the other is glazed and unmoving as well. His skin is pale, perhaps grey as Isk had said, and cracked and pocked and crevassed by innumerable scars. He seems made up more of them than actual skin, as the painful lines and cracks cover every visible part of his body.