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Serena continues to provide advice about dates. Men should drive, and they should make sure their cars are clean. They should show up neither late, because that is rude, nor early, because women generally use every minute to get ready. Men should come to the door and compliment the woman on her appearance; the woman should accept the compliment gracefully. Men should open doors for women, including car doors. Men should pay for every part of the date; women should be thankful. Choose a date where you can talk, such as an art museum and dinner. Movies are not good because you can't talk. Walk her to the door at the end of the date. Men, don't try to kiss her; it's not gentlemanly or respectful, and the anticipation creates romantic sparks. Men should call her the next day; women should never call men.  


Raine writes "are straight people okay?" in her binder at the bottom of the instruction lists; this is more scripted than some of her drama performances have been. 


Lev is extremely reassured by the existence of rules.


"Now, each boy will ask a girl out. The girls may of course say 'yes' or 'no,' but I remind you that a feminine single woman says 'yes' to almost all dates, because she remembers how difficult and frightening it is for a man to do the asking."


Harry winks at Ghost.


She is not looking at Harry. She is not paying attention to Harry. She has no idea that Harry just winked at her — she is not fooling anyone. 

She makes eye contact with Sinead, who has several very important traits such as not being Harry. 


He's familiar with how to politely ask a girl out! He's somewhat less familiar with how to come up with a date when you're both stuck at the same camp, but he can finagle something. 


...and Andre gets to Sinead before Raine does, and Marlo gets to Graham, and Dolph to Megan and Lev to Jan and Clayton to Hillary, which leaves Raine with the one fucking person nobody else wants to talk to. 


"My heart is all aflutter with uncertainty wondering what we're going to do for our date, little Ghost."


She frantically debates her chances of being able to sit this one out on the basis that she's already done it, then debates how bad the consequences of refusing to do it are likely to be, and then says "I'm sure." 

She isn't even trying not to look scared. 


"You're scared of me! How cute. Is asking people out that terrifying?"


She takes a step back. 

She's well aware that this is just egging him on, but her body language isn't for Harry, right now; it's for Christine. 


Christine notices. 

"I'm not sure," Christine says, "that a date with each other is the best thing for either of your development at this stage. Would any of the girls be willing to go on two dates?"


Thank fucking god. 

There's an awkward silence before Megan, thank fucking god for Megan, volunteers; Raine asks her on an actual date to the craft building this time. 


"Don't I get a date?"


"No," Christine says. "You will spend at least the next week working privately with me and Serena about appropriate feminine receptivity, not participating in group."


She mouths 'Thank you' when she doesn't think anyone else is looking. 


Christine does not appear to notice.


"Uh," Lev says to Jan. "Do you want to. I mean. Would you like. Um. Doyouwanttogoonadatewithme. Obviously, it's fine if you don't want to, I'll just ask someone else, I just--"


"I want to go on a date with you." She's smiling. 


"I thought we would. Play softball? Because you like that?" 


She wants to say yes, but, "I don't think they have bats here. And it's hard to do without a team. 

We could... go for a walk? I liked hearing you talk yesterday." 


"Oh. Okay. That's a good idea. --Uh, I know she said you're supposed to dress up but I think you should just wear the clothes you normally wear? Not the clothes the camp wants you to wear just like. Your normal clothes."


This is the happiest Lev has seen Jan look! 


Oh gosh she's so cute when she's happy.

"You're the prettiest girl here."

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