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He punches her four or five more times in quick succession.

It's going to bruise.


Raine is loosely aware that this is going to be really awkward to explain later but — in the moment what matters is the spreading blooming pain, the breath being knocked out of her lungs —


And he grabs her hair and shoves her face into his pussy so she can't breathe and says, "lick."


She's never done this before but she — obeys, as well as she can.


It's all right, Harry mostly gets off on hurting people and cutting off their air and forcing them to do things they don't want to do.

In a quite short period of time he shudders around her mouth and sighs and lets go.


Raine's head falls back and she gasps for air. 


Harry stands up, brushes himself off, puts on his pants, and leaves.


It takes her a minute before she's okay enough to get up, pull her pants back up, collect what's left of her shirt, and head back to her dorm. 


Jan! Jan Jan Jan Jan. Jan is so great. He wants to kiss her! He has never wanted to kiss a girl before!


She has twigs in her hair and a bruise is starting to form across her chest and the cuts have mostly scabbed over by now but they're still very much there. 

She tries get in and grab a change of clothes and head to the bathroom as quickly as she can but she's not under the impression that anyone there is going to not notice. 


"Are you okay?"


"I... made a bad decision. But yeah, I'm fine." 

She's not sure whether it's true or not. 


"Do you need... help?"




" know what, yes. Come to the bathroom with me?" 


He does.


She sits down crosslegged on the floor. "Can you help me get everything out of my hair? You can ask as many questions as you want." 


He does. 

"I don't... do you want to talk about it?"


"Yes, but I don't actually know where to start. 

— actually, I do know where to start, if I seem like I'm going to have sex with Harry again please tell Christine." 


Lev looks again at the bruises and the cuts. 

" you want to talk to Christine about this right now?"


"What I want right now is to get the crap out of my hair and then to take a shower and then to cuddle you. — I did not actually at any point say no and I mostly enjoyed it while it was happening." 


He gets to work taking the crap out of her hair. 

"Mostly enjoyed it?!"


"Lev, I'm fine." She's not fine. "It's just some cuts, I've gotten more beat up than this falling off a bike." Bikes don't leave FAG carved into your skin. 


"It looks like she carved-- words?-- into your skin?"


She nods. "With a needle. Not one of mine. I liked it when it was happening — well, mostly — I don't know." 


He stops picking things out of her hair and gives her a hug.

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