"Witches all have two names," it occurs to Ranata to say. "We mostly use the first, unless we're being formal or distinguishing between two with the same first name, and then it's both. Ranata Ekamma; Isabella Amariah. Like that. What's your full name?"
"Eh. I don't think it's weird. I'll live to be like five-hundred, too, kinda made peace with that. Just didn't expect the shoe to be on the other foot. Now that it is, I'm fine with it."
"Happy birthday!" says Zeviana. "I think I already told you my age. I already told you my age, right? It's twenty-one."
She laughs. "Thanks. Thanks. I'm sure you'll console yourself. Somehow."
Kiss? Just a little one, they're probably not both up for another round. Yet.
"And! I might become an honorary member of the clan. So I could potentially be around here a lot."
"Well if it keeps being this awesome, most of the time! But I like going places, too. Just traveling to see things."
"Yeah! Ranata will actually probably become a travel-buddy for it. Obviously, you're invited to come whenever." Kiss!
"I think we had plans to go to - I actually forget what it's called. A place. But I am taking suggestions anyway!"
"Sure! She just likes going to places, then? Not just new places?"
"Aha! Makes sense. What happens if she runs out of places to go? It hasn't happened yet, I suppose?"
Zeviana giggles. "You're making me feel like I'm a squalling kid, you realize, with 'Only a hundred' and 'Only fifty.'"